Titel Jahr Studio
002 1990 F. Spada
10 Computer Hits 1 1985 Beau Jolly
10 Computer Hits 2 1986 Beau Jolly
10 Computer Hits 3 1986 Beau Jolly
10 Computer Hits 4 ? Beau Jolly
10 Computer Hits 5 ? Beau Jolly
10 Great Games Ii 1988 Gremlin
10 Pack 1991 Gremlin Graphics
100% Dynamite 1990 Ocean
1001 Bc 1986 Ere Informatique
10Th Frame 1986 Us Gold / Access
11 Games + Wordprocesor ? Amsoft
11-A-Side Soccer (4 Soccer Sims) 1989 Codemasters
12 Lost Souls 1987 L. Townsend
13 Colors (Les) ? Gerard
13 Paires (Les) ? ?
1789 ? Infogrames
180 Darts 1986 Mastertronic
1815 1985 Cobra Soft
1914 1987 J. Kaczmarski
1932 ? ?
1942 1986 Us Gold / Elite
1943 1988 Us Gold
1987 ? ?
1St Division Manager 1992 Codemasters
2 Hot 2 Handle 1992 Ocean
2 Player Super League 1989 Cult / R. Womack
2 Player Tetris ? Pd
20 Chart Busters / Red Hot Hits ? ?
2000 Pieux Sous Les Mers ? ?
20000 Avant J.C. 1987 Chip
20000 Lieues Sous Les Mers 1988 Coktel Vision
2088 1988 Zeppelin Games
21 (Le) 1987 D. Bal
2112 Ad 1986 Design Design
2D Star Dodge 1987 S.C. Russell / Edible Comp.
3 Card Brag 1986 Cascade Games
3 Luces De Glaurung (Las) 1986 Topo Soft / Erbe
3 Stooges (The) 1988 ?
3D Ballhunter ? ?
3D Boxing 1985 Amsoft
3D Chateau 1986 P. Brogniart
3D Clock Chess 1986 Cp Software
3D Construction Kit 1991 Domark / Incentive
3D Fight 1985 Loriciels
3D Four In A Row 1986 ?
3D Four In A Row ? ?
3D Grand Prix 1985 Amsoft / Kuma
3D Invaders 1985 Amsoft / Quark Data
3D Light Cycle ? ?
3D Lunattack 1984 Amsoft / Hewson ?
3D Madness 1988 Lmc Software
3D Maze 1986 Cascade Games
3D Megacode ? ?
3D Mersi ? ?
3D Monster Chase 1985 Romik
3D Morpion 1985 R. Lanne
3D Muehle ? ?
3D Munchies ? ?
3D Noughts And Crosses / 3D-Ox 1985 W.J. Reynolds
3D Pinball 1991 Mastertronic
3D Pool / Maltese Joe's Pool Challenge 1989 Firebird
3D Quasars 1985 Solar Software
3D Quatro En Raya ? ?
3D Snakes 1 1987 Lmc Software
3D Snakes 2 1987 Lmc Software
3D Snakes 3 1987 Lmc Software
3D Snooker 1990 Players
3D Space Ranger 1985 Microbyte
3D Star Fighter 1987 Codemasters
3D Starstrike 1985 Realtime Games
3D Stereo Labyrinth ? ?
3D Stunt Rider 1985 Amsoft / Djl
3D Sub 1985 Loriciels / Novasoft
3D Tank Simulator 1990 ?
3D Time Trek 1985 Anirog Software
3D Trail Bikes 1985 Amsoft / D. Townsley
3D Voice Chess 1985 Deep Thought / Cp Software
3Dc 1987 Elite
4 Game Pack No.1 ? Atlantis
4 Games Pack 1 ? ?
4 Games Pack 2 ? ?
4 Games Pack 3 ? ?
4 Games Pack 4 ? ?
4 Great Games ? ?
4 Most Balls, Boots And Brains 1992 Alternative Software
4 Most Super Sports 1993 Alternative Software
4 Most World Sports 1992 Alternative Software
4 Smash Hits ? Hewson
4 Soccer Simulators 1989 Codemasters
421 ? ?
4Th Protocol (The) 1986 Century Com.
4X4 Off-Road Racing 1988 Epyx
5 Estrellas ? Zigurat
50000 Lieues Sous Les Mers 1985 ?
5Eme Axe (Le) / 5Th Axis 1985 Loriciels / Activision
6 Couleurs 1986 E. Penetrat
6 Hit Pak 1987 Zafiro / Elite
6 Hit Pak Vol. 2 1988 Elite
7 Card Stud 1986 Martech
7 Y Media (Las) ? ?
720 Degrees 1988 Us Gold
750 Cc Grand Prix 1989 Codemasters
A 320 1988 Loriciels
A D'Or (Les) 1989 Ocean
A-P-I-D / Calculettre & Pyramide 1985 A. Daumail
A-Team (The) 1988 Zafiro Software
Aaargh! 1988 Melbourne House / Animagic
Abadia Del Crimen (La) 1988 Opera Soft
Abalone ? ?
Abc Train / Alphabet Train 1985 ?
Abeja ? ?
Abracadabra 1988 Proein / Odisea
Abracadabra Et Les Voleurs De Temps 1988 Carraz Editions
Abstrac ? ?
Absurdity 1985 Cobra Soft
Absurdity 3 ? ?
Abu Simbel ? ?
Abu Simbel Profanation 1986 Dinamic
Academy / Tau Ceti 2 1987 Crl
Acapulco ? ?
Ace 1987 Cascade Games
Ace / Ace 2 1990 Encore
Ace 2 1987 Cascade Games
Ace Of Aces 1987 Us Gold
Ace's Count As One ? ?
Acheton 1988 Topologicka / J. Thackery
Acrojet 1987 Microprose / Us Gold
Action Biker ? Mastertronic
Action Fighter 1989 Firebird
Action Force 1988 Virgin Games
Action Service 1988 Cobra Soft / Players
Activator (The) 1986 Cascade Games
Actref 1988 G. Weber
Adamant Wise Man ? ?
Addams Family (The) 1991 Ocean
Adder ? S. Walker
Addicted To Fun (Rainbow Collection) 1991 Ocean
Adidas Championship Football 1990 Ocean
Adidas Championship Tie Break 1990 Ocean / Star Byte
Adivina El Numero ? ?
Admiral Graf Spee 1984 Amsoft / Temptation
Adult 2 1990 S. Avery / Scull Pd
Advanced Destroyer Simulator / Ads 1990 Loriciels / Futura
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 1988 ?
Advanced Pinball Simulator 1988 Codemasters
Advanced Tactical Fighter 1986 Digital Integration
Adventure 1: La Grotte ? Ludo's Software / L. Mabillot
Adventure 1.0 1982 Software Toolworks
Adventure 2: L'Accusation ? Ludo's Software / L. Mabillot
Adventure Aa 88 1988 ?
Adventure Compilation 1990 L. Townsend
Adventure Quest 1986 Level 9 / Austin
Adventurer's Guild ? ?
Adventures Of Zebedee Gonig ? D. Thomas
Aenigma 1992 Asc / A. Scherp
Affaire En Or (Une) 1985 Free Game Blot
Affaire Ravenhood (L') 1993 Lankhor
Affaire Santa Fe (L') 1988 Infogrames
Affaire Sydney (L') 1986 Infogrames
Affaire Vera Cruz (L') / Vera Cruz Affair 1986 Infogrames
Africa ? ?
African Raiders 1989 Tomahawk
African Trail Simulator 1990 Positive / Dinamic
After Shock 1986 Interceptor Software / David Banner & Terry
After The Cataclysm ? ?
After The War 1989 Dinamic
Afterburner 1988 Activision
Aftermath 1988 Alternative Software
Afteroids 1988 Zigurat
Age De Pierre / Boulder Crash 1987 T. Peyne
Agent 002 / Agent 1 1985 Kks ?
Agent Orange 1986 A'N'F Software / Draysoft
Agent X Ii 1987 Mastertronic
Agent Z33 ? ?
Ah Bod !! 1985 A. Chapman
Ah Les Vacances 1986 ?
Ahhh... 1985 Crl
Ahorcado ? ?
Aids 1986 M. Foerster
Aigle D'Or (L') / Golden Eagle 1986 Loriciels
Aigle D'Or 2: Le Retour 1992 Loriciels
Aiguillages ? ?
Air Attack 1993 Alternative
Air Attack 1993 Alternative Software
Air Attack 1993 N. Campbell
Air Balls 1989 Playfield
Air Sea Supremacy ? ?
Air Traffic Control / Heathrow Int. 1985 Hewson
Airborne Ranger 1988 Microprose
Airwolf 1 1985 Amsoft / Elite
Airwolf 2 1987 Elite
Al-Strad 1985 Rhinosoft / P. Gill
Aladdin's Cave 1985 Artic Computing
Alca 1987 ?
Alerte A La Bombe ? ?
Alex Higgin's World Pool 1985 Amsoft / Gem Soft
Alex Higgin's World Snooker 1985 Amsoft / Gem Soft
Alf 1988 Sittich's Soft ?
Ali Baba ? ?
Ali Candil Y El Tesoro De Sierra Morena 1986 Edisoft
Alien 1985 Amsoft / Argus Press
Alien 1985 Minh Hsieh
Alien 8 1985 Agc / Ultimate
Alien Attack 1988 Mr. X
Alien Break-In 1985 Amsoft / Romik
Alien Defender 1985 A. Roux
Alien Highway / Highway Encounter 2 1986 Vortex
Alien Hunter 1985 D. Pepino
Alien Intervention 1991 S. Mcmanus
Alien Intruders ? ?
Alien Planet ? T. Kingsmill & A. Gough
Alien Relief 1985 Loriciels
Alien Slime (Die) 1989 Mastertronic
Alien Storm 1991 Us Gold / Sega
Alien Syndrome 1987 Ace Software / Sega
Alien Tank Attack 1991 Bollaware
Aliens Uk 1986 Electric Dreams
Aliens Us: Computer Game 1986 Electric Dreams
Aligator 1988 Lmc Software
Alinka 1991 E. Boucher
Alive 1991 Lankhor
Alkahera 1985 Rino Marketing / Budgie
All New Blockbusters ? ?
All Out 1988 J. Oldenburg
All Star Hits 2 ? Ocean
All The Colours Of America ? ?
Alleykat 1986 Hewson
Alliance (L') 1990 Cosmic Software
Alpha Bug 1987 F. Dubach
Alpha-Strip 1987 M. Nih
Alphabet Woods ? B. Williams
Alphajet ? Mortalena
Alphakhor 1989 Loriciels
Alpine Games 1987 Atlantis Software
Alpine Road-Race ? ?
Altered Beast 1989 Activision / Sega
Alternate Sports ? ?
Alternative World Games 1988 Gremlin Graphics
Amaurote 1987 Bdl / Mastertronic
Amazing / La Formule 1986 Infogrames
Amazing Shrinking Man (The) 1987 Infogrames
Amazon Adventure 1988 Infogrames
Amc / Astro Marine Corps 1989 Dinamic
Amelie Minuit 1985 Ere Informatique
America's Cup / Arnie's America's Cup Challenge 1986 Armchair / Us Gold
American Football 1984 Amsoft / Argus Press
American Tag Team Wrestling 1992 Zeppelin Games / Us Gold
American Turbo King 1989 Mastertronic
Amityville 3 ? ?
Amnesia 1997 Rudiger
Amo Del Mundo (El) 1990 Positive
Amoto's Puf 1988 System 4
Ams Castillo ? ?
Ams Doctor ? ?
Ams Pot ? ?
Amsbric / Casse-Briques ? ?
Amscard 1985 Jj. Martin
Amscrabble 1985 P. Marchandise
Amsfrog / Amstrad Frogger ? ?
Amsgolf / Golf 1984 Amsoft / Computer Smith
Amsilvania Castle ? Veo Soft
Amslaine 1986 L. Bienaime
Amsnake ? ?
Amsoft Pack 1 1986 Amsoft / Gem Soft
Amsoft Pack 2 1986 Amsoft / Gem Soft
Amspoker 1986 O. Labbe
Amstel Free Disk 1 ? ?
Amstel Free Disk 2 ? ?
Amstel Free Disk 3 ? ?
Amster Mind 1985 A. Roudier
Amstra' Dames 1985 Cobra Soft
Amstrad Academy 1987 ?
Amstrad Action Adventure ? E. Spicer
Amstrad Cup (The) 1986 R. Lundquest
Amstrad Disk 50 1986 Cascade Games
Amstrad Othello ? ?
Amstrad Shuffle Card Game 1986 Alpha Omega Software / Crl
Amstrad Timesmaker (The) ? ?
Amstrad-Ocean 1990 Ocean
Amstroid 1985 Sprites
Amstroids 1985 R. Nixon
Amthello 1984 Amsoft
Amtix Accolades ? Star Games
Anagrammes 1986 D. Bataille
Anagrams 1988 G. Manning
Ananas Connection ? ?
Anarchy 1988 Hewson
Ancient Art Of War / Art De La Guerre 1990 Broderbund / Microids
Ancient Battles 1988 Ccs
Andro Med ? ?
Android One 1985 Vortex
Android Two 1985 Vortex
Anduril ? Schingnitz / Dheus
Andy Capp 1987 Mirrorsoft
Angel Nieto Grand Prix / Pole 500 1990 Opera Soft
Angelicus Answer ? M & Mj. Crewdson
Angelicus Saga ? M & Mj. Crewdson
Angelique : A Grief Encounter 1985 Nemesis / C. Harris
Angleball 1987 Mastertronic
Angles 1987 K. Goodman
Angoisse 1986 C. Beh
Animal, Vegetable, Mineral 1984 Amsoft / B.E.S.
Animator (The) 1986 Discovery / Woolf Graphics
Anna 1988 Satchel Software
Anna Conda ? ?
Annals Of Rome 1986 Pss / Westfrontsoft
Anneau De Zengara (L') 1987 Ubi Soft
Anniversaire De Bobby (L') ? Carraz Editions
Another Ocean Top 10 1988 Ocean
Answer Back Junior Quizz 1986 Kosmos Software
Antalex, La Cite Perdue 1986 L. Paquin
Antares 1987 Juliet Software / Dro Soft
Anthropie 1988 Infogrames
Antidote (The) ? R. Slater
Antiriad (Sacred Armour Of) 1986 Palace Software
Antre De Gork (L') 1987 Excalibur
Apache Gold (The Legend Of) 1987 Incentive / P. Torrence
Apb / All Point Bulletin 1989 Tengen / Domark
Apocalypse 1988 Ere Informatique
Apocalypsis New ? ?
Appman 1988 J. Frederic
Apprenti Sorcier (L') 1985 Amsoft
Apprentice (The) 1986 Mastertronic
Aps ? ?
Aquad 1985 Norsoft
Aquanaute 1988 Fil
Aquarius ? Meridien Informatique
Arabian Nights (Tales Of The) 1985 Interceptor Software
Arac 1988 Addictive Games
Arachnophobia ? Disney Software
Arana 1986 E. Soto Arjona
Arc Education Disc ? Educational Soft
Arcade Flight Simulator 1989 Codemasters
Arcade Football 1988 ?
Arcade Fruit Machine 1989 Zeppelin Games
Arcade Muscle 1989 Us Gold
Arcade Quiz 1991 Audiogenic
Arcade Tennis 1989 D. Hall
Arcade Trivia Quiz Simulator 1989 Zeppelin Games
Arcade Turbo 1991 Sega
Arcade Wizard 1988 ?
Arcadia Collection 3 ? ?
Arcadian's Revenge ? ?
Archers (The) 1986 Level 9 / Mosaic
Archibald 1987 C. Coupez
Archon 1 : Light & Dark 1988 Electronic Arts
Archon 2 : Adept 1989 Electronic Arts
Arctic Fox 1987 Electronic Arts
Arcturus ? Vision Software Factory
Ardoise Magique ? ?
Arena 1985 Mc. Lothlorien
Argo Navis 1985 Kuma
Ariane 1985 Marolles
Arkanium 1988 E. Cubizolle
Arkanoid 1 1987 Ocean / Imagine
Arkanoid 2 / Revenge Of Doh 1988 Ocean
Arkanoid 2000 ? ?
Arkanoid 3 1993 Hydris
Arkanoid 3 / Doh Strikes Again 1988 Byte / J. Mug
Arkanoid 4 1988 Byte / J. Mug
Arkanoid 5 1988 Byte / J. Mug
Arkanoid Construction Set 1988 Ocean
Arkanoid Space Invaders ? Ast Systems
Arkos 1987 Arcadia / Zigurat
Armageddon Man 1987 Martech
Armalyte 1990 Thalamus
Army Moves 1986 Dinamic
Arnhem (The Bridge Of) 1985 Ccs
Arnold Adventure 1984 D.A.
Arnold Goes Somewhere Else 1984 Nemesis / C. Harris
Arquimedes Xxi 1986 Dinamic
Arsene Lapin 1990 Lmc Software
Arthur ? ?
Artillerie ? ?
Artura 1988 Gremlin Graphics
As Du Volant ? ?
Ashkeron 1985 Mirrorsoft
Aspar Grand Prix Master 1988 Dinamic
Asphalt 1986 Ubi Soft
Asphyxie 1985 Lsd
Assault Course 1990 Players
Assault On Port Stanley / Asalto 1985 Amsoft / Shirekilo
Asset Stripper 1982 R. Erskine
Associe (L) ? ?
Assomot ? ?
Asterix & La Potion Magique 1988 Coktel Vision
Asterix & The Magic Cauldron 1987 Chip / Melbourne House
Asterix Chez Rahazade / En Inde 1988 Coktel Vision
Asteroides 1986 Saavedra & Fernandez
Astral Plain ? L. Evans
Astro Attack 1984 Amsoft / Beynon
Astro Plumber 1986 Blue Ribbon
Astroball 1988 Power House
Astromus-Rythmamus 1985 Logimus
Atahualpa 1985 Transoft
Atalan 1988 Atlas Adv / M. Rodrigues
Atc / Attention Tres Complexe 1989 Roux-Serret
Athlete 1986 Microids
Atland ? Ams'Dem ?
Atlantis 1985 Anirog Software
Atlantis (Aventure) 1985 Cobra Soft
Atlantis Number 3 ? Atlantis Software
Atom Ant 1990 Hitec Software / Twilight
Atom Bunker 1988 M. Vieth
Atom Massacre ? ?
Atom Smasher 1984 Amsoft / Romik
Atomic 1992 Fraggle
Atomic Battle 1987 R.A. Waddilove
Atomic Driver 1988 Loriciels
Atomic Extended Version 1992 Fraggle & Duck
Atomic Fiction 1987 Chip
Atomic Satelit ? ?
Atomik 1988 Fil
Atrog 1991 Zafiro Software
Attack Of Killer Tomatoes 1986 Global Software
Attacker 1986 Cascade Games
Attaque Au Laser ? ?
Attaque Terrorista ? ?
Attentat 1986 Rainbow Productions
Attentif ? ?
Atterrissage ? ?
Attrape Mots ? ?
Atv Simulator 1988 Codemasters
Au Boulot 1990 Lmc Software
Au Fou ? ?
Au Nom De L'Hermine 1988 Coktel Vision
Auf Wiedersehen Monty / Au Revoir Monty 1987 Gremlin Graphics
Auftrag In Der Bronx 1985 P. M.
Auld Lang Syne 1991 T. Baldock
Aunt Velmas Coming To Tea ? S. Denyer
Aussie Safari / Aussi Games 1990 Beam Software
Australian Rules Football 1990 Again Again / Clockwise
Australiana Smith & Forbidden Temple ? ?
Auto Locos / Logicolor 1 1986 Alea
Auto Quizzer ? ?
Auto-Choc 1987 Jumbosoft / Jm. Belorgane
Autobahn 1 & 2 ? ?
Autocras (Diabolico) 1991 Zigurat / Diabolic Software
Autocross ? ?
Automec 1985 Loriciels
Autoroute ? ?
Autre Aventure (L') 1987 Genisoft
Auxilia ? ?
Avalanche 1992 Ccs
Avenger / Way Of The Tiger 2 1986 Gremlin Graphics
Aventura Espacial (La) 1990 Dinamic / Aventuras Ad
Aventura Original (La) 1989 Dinamic / Aventuras Ad
Aventure Sur Wok ? ?
Aventures Au Chateau 1985 Micro Application / Ushas
Aventures De Moktar (Les) 1992 Titus
Aventures De Monte Cristo 1988 Coktel Vision
Aventury 1997 Futurs
Averno 1989 Pj Soft
Avon 1989 Topologicka / J. Partington
Awari 1985 M.C.
Axe Of Kolt ? L. Horsfield
Axys: The Last Battle 1991 Fefesse & Ssm
Aylonn ? ?
Ayo : The Game Of Africa ? D.J. Bishop
B.A.T. 1991 Ubi Soft
Baby Jo: Going Home 1991 Loriciels
Baca 1998 Drazen
Baccara ? ?
Bachou / Barchou 1986 Z. Karim / Central Solutions
Back To Reality 1986 Mastertronic
Back To The Future 1 1986 Activision
Back To The Future 2 1990 Mirrorsoft / Imageworks
Back To The Future 3 1990 Probe / Mirrorsoft
Back To The Golden Age 1991 Ubi Soft
Backgammon 1985 Cp Software
Backgammon 1986 Cascade Games
Bacterik Dream 1987 Chip
Bactron 1986 Loriciels
Bad Cat 1987 Rainbow Arts
Bad Max 1985 Transoft
Badlands 1990 Tengen / Domark
Bagne De Nepharia (Le) 1985 France Logiciel
Balade A Cologne 1989 Coktel Vision
Balade A Seville 1989 Coktel Vision
Balade Au Pays De Big-Ben 1985 Coktel Vision
Balade Au Pays De L'Ecrit 1987 Coktel Vision / A. Laurent
Balade Outre Rhin 1986 Coktel Vision
Balistique 1985 ?
Ball Bearing 1993 Radical Software
Ball Blazer 1986 Activision / Lucasfilm
Ball Breaker 1 1987 Crl
Ball Breaker 2 1988 Crl
Ball Cod ? ?
Ball Cracker ? ?
Ball Crazy 1987 Mastertronic / The Firm
Balldozer 1991 J. Erkens
Balldozer 2 ? ?
Balling 1991 Lmc Software
Ballix ? ?
Balloon ? ?
Balloon Buster 1989 M. Williams
Ballyhoo 1986 Infocom / J. O'Neill
Balrog (The) 1987 Gac User
Bam / Batracien Anti-Mouches 1990 D. Roux-Serret
Banda Salvaje (La) ? Piratassoft
Bandit ? ?
Bang Wollop 1986 M. Edmonds
Bangers And Mash 1990 Alternative Software
Bangkok Knights 1990 System 3
Banquise ? ?
Barbares (Les) 1989 Ocean
Barbarian 1 1987 Palace Software
Barbarian 1 Part I 1989 Palace Software / Ces
Barbarian 1 Part Ii 1988 Palace Software / Georgessoft
Barbarian 1 Part Iii 1989 Palace Software / Ange
Barbarian 2 1989 Palace Software
Barbarian 2 1993 Palace Software
Bard's Tale (The) 1988 Electronic Arts
Barman ? ?
Barmelo 3D 1987 Goument
Barry Mc Guigan's World Championship Boxing 1985 Activision / Gamestar
Barsoom 1 : The Lost City 1989 S. Schnitger
Barthel's Dash 1990 Bollaware
Bartrek ? R. Brooksby
Base (The) 1985 K. Bond
Baseball World ? ?
Basil Great Mouse Detective 1987 Gremlin Graphics
Basildon Bond 1986 Probe Software
Basket Coach 1988 Rymsoft
Basket Master (Fernando Martin) 1987 Dinamic
Basketball Team Action ? Activision
Basun 1986 ?
Bat And Ball 1985 Design Design
Bataille Des Brevets (La) 1987 Mps / Formex
Bataille Navale ? ?
Batman 1986 Ocean
Batman Caped Crusader 1988 Ocean / Special Fx
Batman The Movie 1989 Ocean
Batman The Movie 1990 Ocean
Battants (Les) 1990 Ubi Soft
Battants 2 (Les) 1991 Ubisoft
Battle Beyond The Stars 1985 Solar System
Battle Command 1991 Ocean
Battle Field 1988 Atlantis Software
Battle For Midway 1985 Pss / Ere
Battle Of Austerlitz 1987 Lothlorien
Battle Of Britain / Bataille D'Angleterre 1985 Pss / Ere
Battle Of Rome 1995 Dreadnought
Battle Of The Bulge (The) 1990 Ccs
Battle Of The Cars ? ?
Battle Of The Planets 1986 Mikro-Gen
Battle Of Waterloo 1986 Pss ?
Battle Spheres 1994 The Firm / M. Dowse
Battle Tank Simulator / Tank Busters 1985 Design Design
Battle Valley 1989 Hewson
Battle Zone ? ?
Battlefield Germany / Bataille Pour La Rfa 1987 Pss / Ere / Cybercom
Battlefront 1986 Central Solutions
Battler ? Scull Pd
Battleships 1988 Elite
Battleships ? ?
Batty 1987 Elite
Bauern In Hessen ? ?
Bd Construction Kit 1988 Databyte
Bd Rico ? ?
Bd Story 1 1991 Jlm & Mld
Bd Story 2 1992 Jlm & Mld
Beach Buggy Simulator 1987 Sysoft
Beach Head 1 1985 Amsoft / Us Gold
Beach Head 2 1986 Us Gold
Beach Raid 1986 Logistef
Beach Volley (Ocean) 1989 Ocean
Beat The Clock ? Amsoft
Beau-Jolly Compilation ? Beau Jolly
Beber Boy ? ?
Bebert ? ?
Bebette (La) ? ?
Bebette Show ? ?
Becane En Folie (La) 1986 Jp. Gibon
Becker Tennis ? ?
Bedlam 1988 Us Gold
Beer Hunter (The) 1987 Global Soft / Time International
Beetle Mania 1985 Skyline Software
Behind The Lines ? L. Martin
Bells (The) 1986 Blaby Computer Games
Belote 1987 P. Nguyen
Belote Cbi ? ?
Berks 3 1985 Power House
Bermudes ? ?
Best Of The Best / Kick Boxing Gold Edition 1992 Futura / Loriciels
Bestial Warrior 1989 Dinamic
Bestiary 1987 P. Williams
Bet Odds ? Pd
Bete Et Mutant ? ?
Better Spelling ? School Software
Beurk Roger ? ?
Beverly Hills Cop 1990 Tynesoft
Beyond Goblins Dungeon ? C. Astbourne
Beyond The Dark Mirror ? R. Slater
Beyond The Ice Palace 1988 Elite
Biat 1988 Microfutur
Bidibulle 1989 Y. Le Goff
Biff 1992 Beyond Belief
Big Band 1986 Softhawk
Big Bang 1990 Ubi Soft
Big Box - 30 Mega Games 1990 Beau-Jolly
Big Foot 1988 Codemasters
Big League Soccer 1 1985 Viper Soft
Big League Soccer 2 1985 Viper Soft
Big Screen Hero 1988 Skyslip / Leisuretec
Big Sleaze (The) 1987 Delta 4 / Macmillan / F. Mcneill
Big Top (The) ? R. Slater
Big Trouble In Little China / Jack Burton 1986 Electric Dreams
Biggles 1986 Mirrorsoft
Bigtop Barney 1986 Players
Billard Americain ? ?
Billard Americain (V2) 1987 L. Gardeur
Billiard ? ?
Billy Bubble ? ?
Billy La Banlieue 1 1986 Loriciels
Billy La Banlieue 2 1987 Loriciels
Billy Octet ? ?
Billy The Kid 1990 Mastertronic
Billy The Kid ? Lmc Software
Binky Basher 1985 Software Projects
Bio Spheres 1988 Hogg & Rogers
Bionic Commando 1988 Us Gold / Capcom
Bionic Ninja 1989 Zeppelin Games
Birdie 1987 Ere Informatique
Bismarck ? Pss
Bits And Bytes ? ?
Biz (The) 1990 Ocean
Bizzy Bros 1992 Loriciels
Black Beard 1988 Topo Soft
Black Fountain 1987 Incentive / L. Wright
Black Jack 1986 Logipress
Black Knight ? M. Rodrigues
Black Lamp 1988 Firebird
Black Land 1995 Bollaware
Black Magic 1987 Datasoft / Us Gold
Black Magiculator ? ?
Black Tiger 1989 Us Gold / Capcom
Blackie The Pirate ? ?
Blade Runner 1986 Crl
Blade Warrior ? Codemasters
Blagger 1985 Amsoft / Alligata
Blasted Squares ? ?
Blasteroids 1989 Tengen / Image Works
Blastron 1994 N. Campbell
Blazing Thunder 1990 Hi-Tec Software
Bled ? ?
Blip ? ?
Blitter ? ?
Blob ? ?
Blocage ? ?
Block Busters 1986 Domark / Macsen
Block Busters Goldrun 1986 Domark / Macsen
Blockades 1990 M. Clarke
Blockhaus 1986 P. Balhade
Blockit 1989 I. Sharpe
Blockup 1990 Glenco / Mastertronic ?
Blocus 3D 1988 Lmc Software
Blokker 1985 Ct
Blood Brothers 1988 Gremlin Graphics
Blood Valley 1987 Gremlin Graphics
Bloodstone 1988 Bep / L. Kerloch
Bloodwych 1990 Mirrorsoft / Image Works
Bloody Invaders 1987 M. Maigrot
Bloody Paws 1990 G.Ll.
Blowaway Bob 1995 The Electric Monk
Blue Berry 1988 Infogrames
Blue Crystal (The) 1985 Rainbow Arts
Blue Raider ? M. Roberts
Blue Ribbon Pack 1986 Blue Ribbon
Blue Star ? Fil
Blue Tomb 1986 Ics
Blue War 1986 Free Game Blot / Pss / Go
Blue-Cards ? ?
Blues Brothers (The) 1992 Titus
Bmx Freestyle Simulator 1989 Codemasters
Bmx Kidz ? Silverbird
Bmx Ninja 1989 Pasota Soft
Bmx Simulator 1987 Codemasters
Bmx Simulator 2 1988 Codemasters
Bo! / Baller Orgie 1994 Bollaware
Boa (Le) ? ?
Boa Boit Toujours (Le) ? ?
Boa Du Bois Boit ? ?
Bob L'Intrepide 1987 P. Moulin
Bob Morane Chevalerie 1 / Lee Enfield Tournament Of Death 1987 Infogrames
Bob Morane Jungle 1 1987 Infogrames
Bob Morane Ocean 1988 Infogrames
Bob Morane Science Fiction / Lee Enfield Space Ace 1987 Infogrames
Bob Winner 1986 Loriciels
Bob's Full House 1988 Domark
Bobby Bearing 1986 The Edge
Bobib ? ?
Bobo 1988 Infogrames
Bobsleigh 1987 Digital Integration
Bodo Illgner's Super Soccer 1990 Empire
Boeing 727 ? ?
Boersenspiel ? ?
Boggit (The) 1986 Crl / Delta 4 / F. Mcneill
Boggle ? ?
Boinggg ? Atlantis Software
Bolets ? ?
Bolos ? ?
Bomb Jack 1 1986 Elite
Bomb Jack 2 1987 Elite
Bomb Scare 1986 Firebird
Bombardier (Le) 1985 A. Corbiere
Bomber 1990 Activision
Bomber / Bombardier / Bombardero 1984 Amsoft / D. Town
Bomber Man Dynablaster 1992 Ubi Soft
Bombfusion 1989 Mastertronic
Bombing ? ?
Bombuz 3D 1990 Lmc Software
Bonanza Bros 1991 Us Gold / Sega
Bongo ? ?
Boogie Woogie 1993 Esat Software
Book Of The Dead 1987 Crl / L. Hodgson
Booly 1991 Loriciels
Boot ? ?
Booty 1986 Firebird
Bored Of The Rings 1985 Silversoft / Delta 4 / F. Mcneill
Boredom 1990 S. Avery
Borse 79 1985 Henning Roes
Bosconian 87 1987 Mastertronic
Boss (The) ? ?
Boss Of Chicago ? ?
Boss Of Chicago 2 ? ?
Botics 1991 ?
Bottles / Make Or Break 1985 N & L. Godwin
Boul ? ?
Boulder Dash 1 1984 Mirrorsoft / First Star
Boulder Dash 2 1984 Mirrorsoft / First Star
Boulder Dash 3 1986 Mirrorsoft / First Star
Boulder Dash 4 1988 Bugs Bunny
Boulder Dash 6 1986 Mirrorsoft
Boulder Dash Construction Kit 1986 Mirrorsoft / First Star
Bouldeur 1989 Bep
Boule Infernale (La) 1985 Benitah
Bouli Bouli ? ?
Bounce 1985 ?
Bounce Ball ? ?
Bouncing Creatures 1988 Y. Forgeoux
Bounder 1986 Gremlin Graphics
Bounty Bob Strikes Back 1985 Us Gold
Bounty Hunter 1989 Codemasters
Bounty Hunter ? River Software / J. Lockerby
Boursicote Man 1987 D. Galinec
Bowling 1986 Jl. Nicoue
Bowling / Amstrad International Bowling 1987 Logipresse
Boxe ? ?
Boxer (The) 1990 Cult Games
Boxform ? ?
Boxing Champ ? Pd
Boxing Manager 1987 D & H Games
Boxing Manager 1991 Krisalis
Boxing Simulation 1990 Opera Soft
Boy Racer 1987 Alligata
Brain Blasters 1992 ?
Brain Stun ? ?
Brainache 1987 Codemasters
Brainies 1991 ?
Brainless ? P. Thomas
Brainstorm 1987 Firebird
Bravestarr 1987 Probe / Us Gold
Brawn Free 1986 C. Harris
Braxx Bluff 1985 Amsoft / Micromega
Break Out ? ?
Breakdown 1990 S. Demazure
Breaker (The) / Brick Breaker 1987 Juliet Software / Dro Soft
Breakthru 1986 Us Gold
Brian Bloodaxe 1985 The Edge
Brian Clough's Euro Soccer 1991 ?
Brian Clough's Football Fortunes / Fussball Manager 1987 Cds Software
Brian Jack Superstar Challenge 1985 Martech
Brick (The) 1989 Diabolic Software
Brick Layer ? ?
Bricoland ? Lmc Software
Bride Of Frankenstein 1987 Ariolasoft
Bridge 1985 Kuma
Bridge It 1984 Amsoft / Epic Soft
Bridge Nice Ideas 1985 Infogrames / Nice Ideas
Bridge Player 3 1985 Cp Software
Bridge Simulator 1990 Infogrames
Brigades Du Tigre 1986 Logipresse
Bronx 1989 Dinamic / Animagic
Bronx Street Cop 1989 Mastertronic
Bronzage Assiste Par Ordinateur 1989 Black System
Bruce Lee 1984 Amsoft / Us Gold
Bruce Lee Jr ? ?
Bubble + 1990 ?
Bubble Bobble 1 1987 Firebird / Taito
Bubble Bobble 2 1988 Saturn Soft
Bubble Dizzy 1991 Codemasters
Bubble Ghost 1988 Ere Informatique
Bubbler 1987 Acg / Ultimate
Budokan: The Martial Spirit 1990 Electronic Arts
Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show 1989 Tynesoft
Buggy 2 1986 Chip
Buggy Blazer ? ?
Buggy Boy 1987 Elite
Buggy Ranger 1990 Dinamic
Bugs (The) 1997 S. Mcmanus
Bugs Agd ? B. Cruz
Bugs Buster 1985 Free Game Blot
Bugsy 1986 Crl / St Brides
Buil'Dingue ? Biat Gift
Builderland 1991 Loriciels
Buitre / Emilio Butrageno Futbol 1988 Topo Soft
Buitre 2 / Emilio Butrageno 2 1989 Topo Soft
Bull's Eye 1985 Domark / Macsen
Bullbuster 1985 K. William
Bulldog ? ?
Bulldozer ? ?
Bully's Sporting Darts 1993 Alternative Software
Bump Set Spike 1986 Mastertronic
Bumpy 1989 Loriciels
Bumpy's / Bumpy 2 / Arcade Fantasy 1992 Loriciels
Bundesliga Manager 3 / Fm 3 1993 O & T Soft
Bunny Bricks 1992 Silmarils
Buran 1990 Omk Software
Burbujo 1986 J. Blazquez
Bureaucracy 1987 Activision / D. Adams
Burg Des Grauens ? ?
Burger Party 1995 Futurs
Burger Time ? Cupidon Jr
Burglar 1991 Lankhor
Burlough Castle ? R. Robinson
Burnin Rubber 1990 Ocean
Burning Wheels 1987 T.M. Schmidt / Peppermint
Bushido 1988 Graftgold ?
Business + 1985 ?
Business Flight 1988 G&P. Grange
Bust Out 1984 A. Martin / Amsoft ?
Bust Out ? ?
Bust-Out 1985 ?
Buster Block 1986 Kuma
Butcher Hill 1988 Gremlin Graphics
Buzzy Bee ? A. Andrews
By Fair Means Or Foul 1988 Superior Software
Cabal 1989 Ocean
Cable Quest ? Ghost Busters
Cache-Cache ? ?
Cacodemon ? J. Davidson
Caecila Metella 1994 J. Moulding
Caesar's Travels 1985 Mirrorsoft
Cafard 1988 ?
Cajanegra ? ?
Calife 1986 P. Schack
California Games 1987 Us Gold / Epyx
Camelemaths 1985 Core
Camelemots 1985 Core
Cameleon ? ?
Camelot Warriors 1986 Dinamic / Ariolasoft
Cameroun ? ?
Camino ? ?
Campaign 1815 ? J. Brimley
Campeones / Campeon Rally 1985 Amsoft / Indescomp
Can I Cheat Death 1990 S. Avery
Canadair 1987 Fil
Canadair ? ?
Canar ? ?
Cannon Fodder ? Odiesoft
Canon ? ?
Canyons Of Cannons 1985 T. Meier
Cap Horn 1985 Coktel Vision
Cap Sur Dakar 1986 Coktel Vision
Capcom Collection 1992 Us Gold
Capitan Sevilla 1988 Dinamic
Capitan Trueno (El) 1989 Dinamic
Capman ? ?
Captain America 1987 B. Cocchi
Captain America / Doom Tube 1987 Us Gold / Probe
Captain Blood (L'Arche Du) 1988 Ere Informatique
Captain Dynamo 1992 Codemasters
Captain Gordon 1986 Efi
Captain Kidd 1985 Bug Byte / Lothlorien
Captain Kook ? P. Cardin & P. Reynolds
Captain Planet 1990 Mindscape
Captain Starship's Test 1986 R. Kempf
Capturas ? ?
Capucine 1987 Ere Informatique
Car Massacre ? Le Bouil
Cargamento Espacial ? ?
Cargo King 1985 Ab Gardner
Carlos Sainz 1990 Zigurat
Carmagik ? ?
Carmen San Diego 1990 Broderbund
Carnival Shoot Out ? ?
Caronomot ? ?
Carre Chinois ? ?
Carre Magique 1985 T. Vannary
Carres Magiques 1986 ?
Carrier Command 1989 Rainbird
Carson City 1986 Elice
Cartel ? ?
Carto Manie 1986 F. Pesin
Cartoon Capers In Ghost Town ? F. Neary
Cartoon Collection 1992 Codemasters
Cartoons 1990 Ubi Soft
Casanova 1989 Iber Soft
Cascar ? ?
Case Of Missing Adventure ? ?
Case Of The Mixed Up Shymer ? S. Sharkey / Wow Software
Case Of The Obscene Mural 1986 Encief Routines / N. Ford
Case-Briques 1986 G. Goument
Casino International Costa Del Pontoon ? ?
Casse Briques 1987 P. Duhot
Casse Mots 1987 ?
Casse Tete De L'Ane 1986 G. Clavreul
Casse-Briques 1985 R. Gutierrez
Casse-Briques 1985 Venance
Casse-Tete 1986 D. Drugmanne
Casse-Tete Chinois 1987 Jp. Sacaze
Casse-Tete Ferroviaire 1986 G. Chevalier
Casset ? ?
Castel Robot ? ?
Castellomania ? ?
Castle Adventure ? B.M. Eaton
Castle Adventure Simulator 1993 Rantanplan Software
Castle Assault 1986 Blue Ribbon
Castle Blackstar 1984 Scr Adventures / M. Sheppard
Castle Dracula ? Level 9 / Old Piano Factory / R. Davies
Castle Master 1 1990 Incentive / Domark
Castle Master 2: The Crypt 1991 Incentive
Castle Mystery ? B.M. Eaton
Castle Of Eagles ? L. Stewart Logan
Castle Of Fear 1986 Smiddy & Noels
Castle Of The Skull Lord 1984 Samurai Software / D. Heaton
Castle Warlock ? K. Bond
Castlemaze Adventure ? ?
Catacombes 1986 S. Vallois
Catastrophes / Ile Infernale 1985 Amsoft / Andromeda Soft
Catch 1989 D. Hall
Catch ? ?
Catch 23 1987 Martech
Catch The Flork ? Pd
Caterpede ? M. Dunlop
Cauchemar 1987 ?
Caught Somewhere In Time 1990 Anquetil
Cauldron 1 1985 Palace Software
Cauldron 2 1986 Palace Software
Cave ? J. Koeplinger
Cave Capers ? P. Robson & P. Reynolds / Robosoft
Cave Mania 1991 Atlantis Software
Cavern 1987 Logistrad ?
Cavern Patrol ? ?
Cavernes De Thenebe (Les) ? Softbook
Caverns Of Mars 1985 A. Bolton
Caves (The) ? E. Spicer
Caves 90 ? S. Netherwood
Caves Of Bew Bews (The) 1990 E. Spicer
Caves Of Darkness 1991 E. Kingsmill / Data Pd
Caves Of Doom (The) 1985 Mastertronic
Caves Of Lore ? C. Street
Caves Of Treasure (The) ? E. Spicer
Cb Madness ? Dino / Scull Pd
Cecco Collection 1990 Hewson
Cedric And The Lost Toys 1986 S.W. Lucas
Cefalus ? ?
Cendrillon 1986 L. Chabert
Centipede 1985 Inc. / B. Dambron
Centipede 1988 T. Mathias
Centipede ? Dk' Tronics
Centipods 1987 A. Chapman
Centithief 1988 F&J. Akinlawon
Centre Court Tennis 1984 Amsoft / Epic Soft
Centurions 1987 Ruby Spears Entertainment
Centurions Power-Xtreme ? Reaktor
Cer-Bert 1986 L. Paquin
Cerberus 1986 Players
Cessna Over Moscow 1987 Cobra Soft / Hitech
Chain Reaction 1988 Durell
Chaise Electrique ? ?
Chala ? ?
Challenge Foot 1992 Generation 5
Challenge Of The Gobots 1987 Ariolasoft / Reaktor
Challenge One ? ?
Challenger 2014 1987 Lmc Software
Challenger Amsdames 1986 ?
Challengers ? ?
Chamonix Challenge / Bivouac 1987 Infogrames
Champ De Carottes ? ?
Champ De Mines ? ?
Championnat 1987 ?
Championship Baseball / Gba 1987 Activision / Gamestar
Championship Boxing ? A. Andrews
Championship Golf ? Activision / Gamestar
Championship Jet Ski Simulator 1989 Codemasters
Championship Sprint 1988 Electric Dreams
Championship Wrestling 1986 ?
Chaos Maze (The) 1992 The Hobbit / Len Townsend
Charlie And The Chocolate Factory 1985 Soft Option / H. Macgibbon
Charlie Bondsound 1991 Lmc Software
Charlie Chaplin 1987 Us Gold
Charlie Rend Fou ? ?
Charly Diams 1987 Loriciels
Chars D'Assaut 1985 ?
Chart Attack 1992 Gremlin Graphics
Chart Busters ? ?
Chase Hq 1989 Ocean
Chase Hq ? Ocean
Chasm Capers 1985 T. Blakemore
Chasse A L'Homme 1987 O. Riche
Chasse Au Warlog (La) ? ?
Chasse Aux Canards (La) 1986 Jc Zakaria
Chateau Du Diable (Le) 1985 P. Schweitzer
Cheap Detective (The) 1985 ?
Checkers ? ?
Chemin De Fer ? ?
Chenille Et Choux 1987 ?
Cheops 1985 No Man's Land
Chepulo 2010 ? ?
Chess + ? ?
Chessmaster 2000 (The) 1990 Ubi Soft / Software Toolworks
Cheval 1987 H. Bonnard
Chevalerie ? ?
Chevalier Blanc (Le) 1987 Cobra Soft / Andromeda
Chevalier Kunibert ? ?
Chevy Chase 1991 Hi-Tec Software
Chicago 1990 Deca Soft
Chicago ? Activision
Chicago '30 1988 Topo Soft
Chicago 90 1989 Microids
Chichen Itza 1992 Dinamic / Aventuras Ad
Chichis ? ?
Chicholina ? ?
Chickin Chase 1985 Firebird
Chiffres Et Des Lettres (Des) 1986 M. Buzon
Chiffres Et Des Lettres (Des) 1987 Loriciels
Chiffres Magiques (Les) 1984 Amsoft / B.E.S.
Chiller 1985 Mastertronic
Chimera 1985 Firebird
Chinos (Los) ? ?
Chip 2 1986 ?
Chips Challenge 1990 Us Gold / Epyx
Cholo 1987 Firebird
Chomper ? P. Stanley
Chopper Squad 1985 Interceptor Software
Chose De Grotemburg (La) 1987 Ubi Soft
Choy Lee Fut / Kung-Fu Warrior 1990 Positive
Christmas Collection 1990 Hewson
Christmas Crackers ? ?
Christmas Eve ? D. Andrews
Chronos 1987 Mastertronic
Chubby Gristle 1988 Grandslam
Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer 1988 Electronic Arts
Chuck Yeager's Simulator 1987 Electronic Arts
Chuckie Egg 1 1985 A'N'F Software
Chuckie Egg 2 1985 A'N'F Software
Chug 1990 S. Mccormick
Cible ? ?
Cid (El) 1987 Dro Soft
Cine Clap 1986 Ubi Soft
Cine Sex 1989 L. Franz
Cine-Strad 1987 Say Bourbon
Circle Zap ? ?
Circuit 24 ? ?
Circus - Circus 1988 Martech
Circus Folie 1991 Lmc Software
Circus Folies 1986 S. Tibero
Circus Games 1989 Tynesoft
Cisco Heat 1991 Image Works / Jaleco
Cite Perdue (La) 1987 Excalibur
City Cobra ? ?
City For Ransom 1987 J. Packham
City Of Flames ? T. Kingsmill
City Slicker 1986 Hewson
Claimed ? Activision
Clash 1987 Ere Informatique
Classic Adventure 1984 Amsoft / Abersoft / Crowther
Classic Arcadia 1 Collection 1993 Alternative Software
Classic Arcadia 2 1993 Alternative Software
Classic Axiens 1987 Bubble Bus
Classic Games 4 1989 Cp Software
Classic Invaders 1986 Bubble Bus
Classic Muncher 1987 Bubble Bus
Classic Punter 1989 Gti
Classic Racing 1985 Amsoft
Classiques Titus 1 1987 Titus
Classiques Titus 2 1987 Titus
Claustrophobia 1986 R. Nixon
Clever & Smart / Mortadelo Y Filemon 1988 Micropartner / Magic Bytes
Clever & Smart 2 / Mortadelo Y Filemon 2 1989 Animagic
Climb It 1985 Tynesoft
Clinique Du Docteur Spountz (La) ? ?
Cloaker ? ?
Cluedo 1986 Leisure Genius
Cobra (Serpent) 1985 Cobra Soft
Cobra Force 1989 Players
Cobra Loriciels 1987 Loriciels
Cobra Pinball 1985 Cobra Soft
Cobra Stallone 1987 Ocean
Cobra's Arc 1986 Dinamic
Coccinelle 1987 21Th Century Soft
Coccinelle (La) 1987 F. Carbonero
Cockaigne 1987 Ulchew Software
Coconuts ? ?
Code De La Route ? ?
Codename Mat 1 1985 Amsoft / Micromega
Codename Mat 2 1985 Domark
Codename Midnight Sun ? J. Betteridge
Codigo Secreto ? Jb Sant Cugat
Coffre Fort ? ?
Coffret Cadeau ? Coktel Vision
Coin-Op Hits ? ?
Coin-Up Hits 1990 Us Gold
Coins ? ?
Colbert ? ?
Colditz Escape 1986 F.S. Fridd
Coliseum 1988 Topo Soft / Loriciels
Coliseum 1990 Black System
Collapse 1985 Firebird
Collection Ocean 2 1991 Ocean
Collectors (The) ? ?
Colon 1988 ?
Colony 1987 Mastertronic
Colony 9 1986 Cascade Games
Coloric 1984 Free Game Blot
Colosal Piramide 1994 Definitive Software
Colossal Cave / Colossal Adventure 1984 Level 9 / Old Piano Factory / Austin
Colosseum 1989 ?
Colossus Bridge 4 1986 Cds Software
Colossus Chess 4 1986 Cds Software
Colossus Mah Jong 1987 Cds Software
Colour Of Magic (The) 1986 Macmillan / Delta 4 / F. Mcneill
Comando Quatro 1989 Zigurat
Comando Tracer 1988 Dinamic / Zeus
Combat 1986 L. Charles
Combat 3 ? ?
Combat Lynx 1985 Durell
Combat School 1987 Ocean / Konami
Combat Zone 1991 Alternative Software
Combat Zone Mentor 1987 The Firm
Combo Racer ? Gremlin Graphics
Comecocos ? A. Javier
Comet Encounter 1986 Livewire Soft
Comet Game (The) 1986 Firebird
Comic Bakery 1986 Imagine
Comix 1985 Kid Kit
Command Performance 1989 Us Gold
Commando 1985 Elite
Commando Ninja ? ?
Commando: Space Invasion 1985 Elite
Commonwealth Games 1986 Tynesoft
Compaid Compilation ? ?
Compendium 1987 Gremlin Graphics
Compile (La) 1989 Ocean
Compile Extraordinaire (La) 1991 Loriciels
Complot D'Ihlun ? Transoft
Compte Est Bon (Le) 1985 ?
Computer Classics ? ?
Computer Maniac's Diary 1988 Leisure Electronic Design
Con-Quest 1986 Mastertronic
Conch ? A. Scully
Conflicts 1987 ?
Conflit En L'An 2000 1985 Power Soft
Confucius 1987 Lmc Software
Confuzion 1985 Incentive
Connect ? ?
Connect 4 1990 D. Hall
Connect 4 1991 R. Gilbert
Conquistador ? ?
Conspiration (De L'An Iii) 1988 Ubi Soft
Contact 1988 G. Barjon
Contamination 1985 Ere Informatique / Pss
Continental Circus 1989 Virgin Games
Contraption 1985 Audiogenic
Convoy Raider 1987 Gremlin Graphics
Cop Out 1986 Mikro-Gen
Copter 271 1991 Loriciels
Copter Mission ? ?
Copter Patrol ? ?
Corbeille (La) 1987 Lmc Software
Core 1986 A'N'F Software
Corona (La) 1988 Pal / System 4
Corona Magica (La) 1990 Omk Software
Corporation 1988 Activision
Corridor Conflict ? P. Shafi
Corridors 2: The Asylum's Revenge 1999 B. Williams
Corruption 1988 Rainbird / Magnetic Scrolls
Corsarios / Corsaires 1988 Opera Soft
Cortex 1986 Jmc
Corya, Warrior-Sage: Dragon ? T. Collins & P. Reynolds
Cosa Nostra 1986 Opera Soft
Cosmic Pirate 1989 Lothlorien
Cosmic Sheriff 1989 Dinamic
Cosmic Shock Absorber 1987 Martech
Cosmic Star ? D. Baumert
Cosmonaute / Cosmo 1985 Kid Kit
Cosmos 1989 Black System
Costa Capers 1985 Firebird ? / Software Projects
Costo ? ?
Cotcot ? ?
Cougar Force 1990 ?
Coulmelo ? ?
Count Duckula 1 1989 Alternative Software
Count Duckula 2 1992 Alternative Software
Countdown 1986 Macsen
Countdown ? ?
Countdown To Doom 1987 Topologicka / P. Killworth
Country Cottages 1984 Sterling Software
County Cricket 1990 D & H Games
Coup De Force ? ?
Course A La Boussole (La) 1984 Amsoft / B.E.S.
Course De Voiture ? ?
Course Winner 3 ? ?
Coursemaster ? Intraset
Courser ? ?
Courses 2000 ? ?
Covenant (The) / Le Survivant 1985 Ere / Pss
Cowboy Kidz 1990 Byte Back
Cpc Invaders 1993 Sts Software
Cpc Tank 1986 M&P. Parisot
Craal / Kingdom Of Craal ? ?
Crabe ? ?
Crack Up 1989 Atlantis Software
Crackdown 1990 Us Gold / Sega
Crafton & Xunk / Get Dexter 1 1986 Ere Informatique
Crafton 2: Ange De Cristal / Get Dexter 2 1988 Ere Informatique
Crane Crawl ? ?
Craps 1986 Cascade Games
Crash Course 1985 D. Emmett
Crash Garrett 1987 Ere Informatique
Crash Landing ? S. Langan
Crawler ? ?
Cray 5 1987 Topo Soft
Crazy ? ?
Crazy Ball 1992 Golden Brothers
Crazy Boy 1985 ?
Crazy Brick 1987 Ingo Bordach
Crazy Cars 1 1988 Titus
Crazy Cars 2 1989 Titus
Crazy Cars 2 1991 Titus
Crazy Cars 3 1992 Titus
Crazy Cave / Very Strange Cave 1990 Adsoft
Crazy Fruit ? ?
Crazy Golf 1984 Amsoft / Mr Micro
Crazy Legs 1985 Manu
Crazy Love ? ?
Crazy Maze ? ?
Crazy Shoot 1989 Loriciels / Hitech
Crazy Snake 1992 Fraggle & Duck
Crazy Stamps 1986 D. Muller
Crazy Worm 1989 Dream Soft / Softice
Creatures 1991 Thalamus
Creepy Crawley 1986 Cascade Games
Crepes (Les) 1986 S. Marquet
Crepuscule Du Naja (Le) 1987 Chip
Crete 1941 1990 Ccs
Cribbage 1987 N. Herrick
Cribbage Player 1985 D. Higgins
Cricket Captain 1985 Allanson
Cricket Crazy 1988 Alternative Software
Cricket International ? ?
Cricket Master ? ?
Crilion ? ?
Crime Busters 1988 Players Premier ?
Crime Parfait / Crimen Perfecto (El) 1987 Logipresse
Crime Time 1986 A. Garland
Crispen Crunchy ? M. & J. Trewhella
Cristal Castle 1986 D&N. Verjot
Critical Mass 1987 Durell
Croacs: El Salto De Las Ranas ? ?
Croc' Madam' 1986 Minipuce
Crock-Laby ? ?
Crocky ? ?
Croco Magneto ? ?
Crocowords 1988 Mld
Cross 1990 R. Swaine
Cross Fire ? J. Charlesworth
Crossbow ? ?
Crossfire ? Atlantis Software
Crosswords ? ?
Crown Jewels ? Alex Gough
Crtc ? ?
Crucial Test 1988 D. Jaccoen
Crusher ? ?
Crypte Des Maudits (La) 1991 Lankhor
Crystal Bleu 1987 ?
Crystal Castles 1986 Us Gold
Crystal Kingdom Dizzy 1992 Codemasters
Crystal Mission 1993 Face Hugger
Crystal Theft 1984 Wicca Soft / P. Wilson
Crystann / Donjon De Diamant 1987 Softbook / Loriciels
Csea ? ?
Cube Diabolique (Le) 1986 Pirat's And Co
Cube Wars 1989 Beffer Soft / J. Pugh
Cubemeleon 1985 Goument
Cubert 1985 Power Soft
Cubic 1997 Numa
Cubit 1985 Amsoft / Mr Micro
Cubulux ? D. Liard
Cubulux 2 1993 D. Liard
Cucal ? ?
Cuistot 1987 Pj. Vauclin
Cultez / Todo ? ?
Cup Football 1991 Cult Games
Curro Jimenez 1989 Arcadia / Zigurat
Curse Of Sherwood (The) 1987 Mastertronic
Cursed Be The City 1987 Incantation / Ross Harris
Custard Pie Factory 1985 Tynesoft
Cut Throats 1984 Infocom / M. Berlyn
Cuthbert In Space ? ?
Cyber Power 1992 M. Salvado
Cyber Tennis ? ?
Cyberball 1989 Tengen / Domark
Cyberbig 1990 Animagic
Cyberboy 1995 P. Fairman
Cyberbricks ? ?
Cybernoid 1 1988 Hewson
Cybernoid 2 1988 Hewson
Cyberrun 1986 Ultimate
Cybor 1987 Softhawk
Cyborg 1987 E. Herbin
Cyborgs 1992 Starlight
Cycit / Cycle City 1986 Bug Byte
Cycles (The) 1989 Accolade
Cyclons 1985 Cascade Games
Cylon Attack ? ?
Cylu 1985 Firebird
Cyrus 2 Chess 1985 Amsoft / Cds
D-Day 1992 Loriciels / Futura
D.C.A. 1991 Tropic Soft
Da Da Max ? ?
Dakar 4X4 1987 Coktel Vision
Dakar Moto 1987 Coktel Vision
Daleks ? ?
Daley Thompson's Decathlon 1985 Ocean
Daley Thompson's Olympic Challenge 1988 Ocean
Daley Thompson's Super Test Decathlon 1986 Ocean
Dallas 1985 Ccs / G. Lamothe
Dam Busters (The) 1986 Us Gold
Damas ? ?
Dambusters ? P. Stanley
Dame Scanner 1988 Chip
Dames / Jeu De Dames 1988 ?
Dames 3D Champion 1987 Cobra Soft
Dames Simulator 1990 Infogrames
Damstar 1985 Abladend
Dan Dare 1 1986 Virgin Games
Dan Dare 2 1987 Virgin Games
Dan Dare 3 1990 Virgin Games
Dan Silver : Le Dernier Espoir 1989 Mbc Informatique
Dance Of The Vampires 1988 M. Westwood
Dances With Bunny Rabbits ? S. Avery
Dancing Girl 1986 Minipuce
Dandy 1987 Electric Dreams
Danger 1987 ?
Danger Adventurer At Work ? S. Avery
Danger Adventurer At Work 2 ? S. Avery
Danger Haute Tension (Demos) 1990 Blue Night Shadows
Danger Mouse In Double Trouble 1985 Creative Sparks
Danger Mouse: Makin' Whopee 1985 Creative Sparks
Danger Street 1987 Chip
Dark Century 1989 Titus
Dark Dungeons 2 ? ?
Dark Fusion 1988 Gremlin Graphics
Dark Manor ? B.M. Eaton
Dark Power 1989 Black System
Dark Sceptre 1988 Firebird
Dark Side 1988 Incentive
Dark Star 1 : Time Of Changes 1985 Design Design
Dark Star 2 1985 Design Design
Dark Star 3 : Forbidden Planet 1985 Design Design
Dark Wurlde 1986 Pjm
Darkforce ? ?
Darklord 1986 Dream / Justin Lycett
Darkman 1991 Ocean
Dart Scoreboard 1988 R. Martin
Darts 1986 Alligata
Darts 1986 Blue Ribbon
Dash ? H. Meiler
Davy Jones Locker ? River Software / J. Lockerby
Dawnssley 1986 Top Ten / Pjm
Day At The Races 1985 Cascade Games
Dayton Usa 1988 Lmc Software
Deactivators 1986 Ariolasoft / Tigress
Dead Enders 1989 Top Ten / C. Sharp
Dead Line 1983 Infocom / M. Blank
Dead Or Alive 1987 Alternative Software
Deadly Evil 1990 Players
Deadman ? ?
Death Or Glory 1987 Crl
Death Pit 1985 Durell
Death Race / Death Chase 1985 C.J. Leigh
Death Stalker 1988 Codemasters
Death Wake / The Undauted 1986 Argus Press / Quicksilva
Death Wish 3 1987 Gremlin Graphics
Death's Ticket 1990 Micro Mag / Ros Soft
Deathscape 1987 Ariolasoft / Starlight
Deathsville 1986 Bubble Bus
Dedalos 1985 Free Game Blot
Deep (The) 1989 Us Gold
Deep Strike 1986 Durell
Deep Thought ? ?
Defcom 1987 Quicksilva
Defcom 1 1990 Iber Soft
Defend Or Die 1985 Alligata
Defender Of The Crown 1989 Mindscape / Ubi Soft
Defender Of The Earth 1990 Enigma Variations
Defense 1986 B. Fischer
Defis De Taito (Les) 1989 Immagine
Defit Au Tarot 1986 Run Informatique
Deflektor 1987 Vortex
Defuse ? ?
Deka-Noid ? ?
Delfox 1988 Dinamic
Deliverance / Stormlord 2 1990 Hewson
Delta Force ? ?
Demain Holocauste 1986 Chip
Demeningeur (Le) ? ?
Demineur 1993 Tom & Jerry / Gpa
Demon Attack ! 1986 Rakoko
Demon's Revenge 1987 Firebird
Dents De Sa Mere (Les) 1986 Transoft
Deplacer ? ?
Dernier Defile (Le) 1986 ?
Dernier Metro (Le) 1985 Ushas Pacifique
Derniere Mission (La) 1988 Mbc Informatique
Dervish 1989 Power House
Desert Attack 1988 G. Jones
Desert Fox 1986 Us Gold
Desert Rats 1986 Ccs
Desmond & Gertrude ? S. Denyer
Desolator / Halls Of Kyros 1987 Us Gold
Desperado / Gun Smoke 1987 Topo Soft
Desperado 2 1989 Topo Soft
Despotik Design 1987 Ere Informatique
Destroyed ? ?
Destroyer ? ?
Destroyer Ball ? ?
Destructor 1986 Ignacio Riu
Detective 1984 Argus Press / Amsoft / Alex Gough
Detective : Enquete N°1 - L'Affaire Rostov 1990 ?
Detour ? Lmc Software
Deus Ex Machina 1984 Crl
Deuteron ? U. Denker
Devil Highway 1987 Lmc Software
Devil's Castle 1986 Chip
Devil's Crown (The) 1985 Probe Software
Devilry 2 1989 Cubizolle & Rigot
Devmot ? A. Cornu
Diabolic Stars Bouls ? ?
Diabolicadre ? ?
Diabolicub ? ?
Diamant De L'Ile Maudite (Le) 1985 Loriciels
Diamant Vom Rabenfels (Der) 1985 P. Mengel
Diamants De La Peur (Les) 1985 Power Soft
Diamond Digger ? ?
Diamond House ? ?
Diamond Mine 1986 Blue Ribbon
Diamond Mine 2 1986 Blue Ribbon
Diamond Quest ? C. Theobald
Diamond Strap ? ?
Diamsndiams ? ?
Dianne / Mission Rubidiums 1985 Loriciels / Novasoft
Dick Tracy 1990 Titus
Dick Tracy 1991 Titus
Dick-Ed ? ?
Die You Vicious Fish 1987 Rhinosoft / P. Gill
Dieux De La Mer / World Championship Waterskiing 1987 Infogrames
Dieux Du Ciel (Les) 1990 Ubi Soft
Dieux Du Stade ? Infogrames
Digger Barnes 1985 K. Spinner
Diggers ? ?
Dimildix ? ?
Dinky 1985 Software Projects
Diosa De Cozumel (La) 1990 Dinamic / Aventuras Ad
Disc 1990 Loriciels
Discman's Revenge ? ?
Dive-Dive 1987 Tynesoft
Division Blindee 1986 Cobra Soft
Dizzy 1: Ultimate Cartoon Adventure 1988 Codemasters
Dizzy 2: Treasure Island Dizzy 1989 Codemasters
Dizzy 3: Fantasy World Dizzy 1989 Codemasters
Dizzy 4: Magicland Dizzy 1990 Codemasters
Dizzy 5: Spellbound Dizzy 1991 Codemasters
Dizzy 6: Prince Of The Yolkfolk 1991 Codemasters
Dizzy Collection 1990 Codemasters
Dizzy Dice 1987 Players
Dizzy Down The Rapids 1991 Codemasters
Dizzy Special Aa Edition 1988 Codemasters
Dizzy Starline / Starliner ? S. Mitchell
Dizzy's Excellent Adventures 1992 Codemasters
Dj Puff 1993 Codemasters
Dj Puff's Volcanic Eruption 1992 Codemasters
Dlan ? Amsoft
Doc The Destroyer 1988 ?
Doct Ams ? ?
Dodgy Geezers 1986 Melbourne House / Jones & Lever
Dog Fight ? A. Andrews
Dogfight 2187 1987 Starlight
Dogs Body 1985 Bug Byte / Argus
Dollars Et Snaf 1986 C. Mathis
Domination Mad ? Crack Crack
Dominator 1989 System 3
Domino 1985 Dimensionnew Idealogic
Dominoes 1987 Blue Ribbon / M. Williams
Dominoes ? ?
Don Camillo 1987 Free Game Blot
Don Jean Et Dr Agon 1987 M. Buzon
Don Juan 1984 Innelec / No Man's Land
Don Quijote De La Mancha 1987 Dinamic
Don'T Panic 1985 Firebird
Donald & Riri 1985 Bahia Informatique
Donald Alphabet Chase 1988 Disney Software
Donald Striptease ? ?
Donkey Kong 1986 Ocean / Imagine
Donna Strip Poker ? ?
Doodle ? ?
Doodle Bug 1987 Players
Doom ? ?
Doomdark's Revenge 1985 Beyond
Doomlords 1988 S. Avery / Scull Pd
Doomsday Blues 1985 Ere / Pss
Doors Of Doom 1985 Amsoft / Gem Soft
Doppleganger 1985 Alligata
Dora 1988 Acocsoft
Dossier Boerhaave 1986 Infogrames
Dossier G / Rainbow Warrior 1985 Cobra Soft
Dossier Kha 1988 ?
Double (The) ? Atlantis Software
Double Action 1989 Ocean
Double Agent ? Tom Frost
Double Bill ? ?
Double Dare 1992 Alternative Software
Double Dragon 1 1988 Animagic / Melbourne
Double Dragon 1 1989 Virgin Mastertronic / Technos
Double Dragon 2 1989 Animagic / Technos
Double Dragon 2: The Revenge 1989 Virgin Mastertronic / Technos
Double Dragon 3: The Rosetta Stone 1991 Sales Curves / Technos
Double Trouble 1986 A. Bouyerdene
Double Trouble 1992 Alternative Software
Double Trouble ? ?
Dow Jones 1987 Henning Roes
Down Stream 1990 R. Gilbert
Downtown Hero 1986 Loisitech
Dr Doom's Revenge / Amazing Spiderman 1989 Empire / Paragon
Dr Dustbin 1987 Gabriel & Maczewski
Dr Jackle And Mr Wide 1987 Mastertronic
Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde 1988 The Essential Myth
Dr Love Amstrip 1990 Sl Software
Dr Scrimes Spook School 1988 Mastertronic
Dr Who & Mines Of Terror 1986 Micro Power
Drachenland ? ?
Dracula 1986 Crl / R. Pike
Dracula ? Boyer & Gennard
Drag-Race ? ?
Dragon ? ?
Dragon Breed 1989 Activision / Irem Corp
Dragon Ninja (Bad Budes Vs) 1988 Imagine
Dragon Spirit 1989 Tecmo / Domark
Dragon Talk 1988 ?
Dragon World 1988 Satchel Software
Dragon's Gold 1985 Amsoft / Romik
Dragon's Lair 1 1986 Software Projects
Dragon's Lair 2 / Escape From Singe's Lair 1987 Software Projects
Dragona Maze 1986 Cascade Games
Dragons 1985 Amsoft
Dragons Of Flame 1990 Ssi / Us Gold
Dragontorc Of Avalon 1985 Hewson
Drake (The) ? Alex Gough
Drakkar 1989 Delta / Diabolic Software
Draughts 1986 Cascade Games
Drazen Petrovic Basketball 1989 Ace Software / Topo Soft
Dreadnough ? ?
Dream Team (The) 1993 Ocean
Dream Walker (The) 1987 S. Vallois
Dream Warrior 1988 Us Gold
Dream Warrior 1992 D. Hall
Drehdriss 1990 Ichthys Soft / S. Riecker
Drigus Und Drolan 1989 Bollaware / Silly Soft
Driller 1987 Incentive
Driller ? S. Smith
Dripzone 1987 Potplant Production
Drop 4 ? ?
Dropout 1988 P. Robson
Druid 1986 Firebird
Druids Moon 1987 C.A. Sharp
Drums ? ?
Duck Dodgers 1985 N. Speakman
Duck War ? ?
Duckout 1989 Dro Soft
Duckshoot ? ?
Duct (The) 1988 Gremlin Graphics
Duel 1988 Bep
Duel / Test Drive 2 1989 Accolade
Duel 2000 ? Coktel Vision
Duel 3D 1986 D. Lavernhe
Duel A Abilene ? ?
Duende (El) / Lexa 1 1986 Alea
Duet / Commando 86 1986 Elite
Dun Darach 1985 Gargoyle Games
Dungeon Adventure 1986 Cascade Games
Dungeon Adventure 1987 Level 9 / Austin
Dungeon Adventure 1990 S. Avery
Dungeon Doom ? ?
Dungeon Escape ? Pd
Dungeon Of Hell (The) 1991 Adsoft / Dartsma
Dungeon Walker ? ?
Dungeons Dragons Amythysts ? R. Robinson
Dungeons Of Torgar ? S. Langan
Dungeons, Amethysts, Alchemist 1987 Atlantis Software
Dupond Dupont En Folie (Les) 1986 J. Beuret
Durendal ? ?
Dustin 1986 Dinamic
Dwarf 1987 Softhawk
Dynablasters 1992 ?
Dynamic Duo 1988 Firebird
Dynamite 1985 Cascade Games
Dynamite ? Ocean
Dynamite Dan 1 1985 Mirrorsoft
Dynamite Dan 2 1986 Mirrorsoft
Dynamite Dux 1989 Activision / Sega
Dynamix 1989 Virgin / Mastertronic
Dynasty Wars 1990 Us Gold / Capcom
E-Motion 1990 Us Gold
Eagle ? ?
Eagle's Rider 1990 Microids
Echecs 1986 D. Drugmanne
Echelon 1988 Accolade / Us Gold
Ecrobot ? ?
Ecrypt ? Pd
Edd The Duck 1990 Impulse
Eddie Edwards 1988 Loriciels
Eden Blues 1985 Ere Informatique
Edition One 1991 Virgin Games
Egg Blitz 1986 R.A. Waddilove
Eggstatic ? Beffer Soft
Eidolon (The) 1986 Activision / Lucasfilm
Einstein ? ?
Election 1987 Virgin Games
Election Game (The) 1992 D. Evans
Electric Eddy ? ?
Electric Fencing ? ?
Electric Runner 1985 Bibimust
Electric Wonderland 1986 Ere / Gasoline
Electro Freddy 1984 Amsoft / Softspot
Electron 22622 1984 Amsoft
Elektra Glide 1986 English Soft / Djl
Elephant Speller ? ?
Elevage Des Lapins ? ?
Elevage Des Vers De Terre ? ?
Elevator Action 1987 Quicksilva / Taito
Elidon 1985 Orpheus
Eliminator 1988 Hewson
Elite 1986 Firebird / Torus
Elite Hit-Pak ? ?
Elixir 1986 ?
Eliza ? ?
Ellen ? M. Chapman
Elven Warrior 1989 Players
Emerald Isle 1985 Level 9 / Sd. Abbott
Emilio Sanchez Vicario 1989 Zigurat
Emlyn Huges Arcade Quiz ? ?
Emlyn Huges International Soccer 1988 Audiogenic
Emlyn Huges Italian Challenge ? ?
Emmanuelle 1988 Infogrames
Empire 1985 Loriciels
Empire Eclate (L') 1990 Lmc Software
Empire Strikes Back (The) 1988 Domark
Empty Tummy 1987 First Byte
Enchanted 1989 Positive
Enchanter 1984 Infocom / M. Blank & D. Lebling
End Zone 1985 Winkywanky Soft
Endurance 1986 Crl
Enduro Racer 1987 Activision
Endzone 1988 Alternative Software
Energic 1986 ?
Energix 1987 D. Caroff
Energy Of Wok (The) 1990 Deca Software
Energy Warrior 1987 Mastertronic
Enforcer (The) 1993 Trading Post / Trojan
Englebert ? J. Kennedy
Enigma 1990 Lmc Software
Enigma De Aceps (El) 1986 Ace Software
Enigme A Madrid 1988 Coktel Vision
Enigme A Munich 1988 Coktel Vision
Enigme A Oxford 1987 Coktel Vision
Enlightment / Druid 2 1988 Firebird
Enquetes ? ?
Enterprise 1987 Melbourne House
Enterprise 1990 Mastertronic
Enterprise V1 1985 Data Media
Entombed 1985 Ultimate
Epoch 1990 ?
Epopee ? ?
Epyx 21 1990 Epyx
Epyx Action 1990 Epyx
Epyx World Of Sports 1990 Us Gold / Epyx
Equinox 1986 Mikro-Gen
Equinoxe 1991 Ubi Soft
Equipo A ? ?
Er*Bert / Crazy Er*Bert 1984 Microbyte / Alternative Software ?
Er*Bert's Cubic Capers 1987 Microbyte
Ere Du Verseau 1986 Ere Informatique
Erebus 1987 Titus
Eric The Viking (The Saga Of) 1985 Level 9 / T. Jones
Escam ? ?
Escape ! 1985 Ecp / E. Spicer
Escape From Alien Spaceship ? T. Kingsmill
Escape From Khoshima 1986 Atlantis / J. Betteridge
Escape From Planet Of Robot Monsters 1990 Tengen / Domark
Escape From Prison Planet ? P. Clark
Escape From Stingy's Castle 1989 P. Robson
Escape From The Planet Of Doom 1990 E. Spicer
Escape From The Shire ? Dnd Software
Escape From Wacci 1989 Potplant / J. Kennedy
Esclave ? ?
Escoba ? Marcsoft
Escrime Electrique 1985 Amsoft / A. Martin
Esherland 1986 Avs & Sss
Esp Tester 1990 S. Leak
Espada Sagrada (La) 1990 Topo Soft
Espionage 1988 Grandslam
Espionage Island (Adventure D) 1985 Artic Computing
Estimator Racer ? Ask
Eswat / Cyber Police 1990 Us Gold / Sega
Ethnocide ? ?
Ethnos 1986 Chip
Etlo ? Etl Soft / D. Drugmanne
Etrange Castel 1990 S. Demazure
Etranges Affaires 1990 ?
Eugenia ? ?
Euro Boss ? Challenge
Euro Championship Football 1991 Domark
Europa ? ?
European 2 1988 ?
European Champions ? Challenge
European Super League 1991 Cds Software
European Super Soccer ? ?
Eva Strip Word 1989 P. Pradier
Evasion 1987 Poum
Evasive Action 1986 Cascade Games
Eve Of Shadows 1991 Adventure Pd / R. Buckley
Eveil ? ?
Evening Star 1987 Male & Hillyer
Every Second Counts 1988 Domark / Ccs
Everyone's A Wally / Meet The Gang 1985 Mikro-Gen
Evil Donjon 1989 Genesis Soft
Ex ? ?
Excalibur Quest 1988 Excalibur
Exchange 1986 Cascade Games
Execution ! 1985 Datacom
Exit 1988 Ubi Soft
Exocet 1985 ?
Exolon 1987 Hewson
Expedition Luna ? M. Forster
Experience (The) 1985 Plasma Touch / R. Robinson
Exploding Wall 1989 Byte Back / Lothlorien
Exploitez Votre Amstrad ? ?
Explor ? ?
Explorateur 3 1988 Ere Informatique
Explore ? ?
Explorer 1987 Electric Dreams
Explorer Grotte ? ?
Exploring Wales ? ?
Express Raider 1986 Data East / Us Gold
Exterminator 1991 Audiogenic
Exterminator 2 1991 ?
Extra Simon 1986 G. Laufer
Extreme 1991 Digital Integration
Eye 1988 Endurance / Prism Leisure
Eye Spy 1985 English Software / Americana
F.B.I. ? Infogrames
F1 Tornado Simulator 1991 Zeppelin Games
F15 Strike Eagle 1987 Microprose / Us Gold
F16 Combat Pilot 1991 Digital Integration
F16 Fighting Falcon 1989 Mastertronic
Fa Cup Football 1988 Virgin Games
Faerie 1985 8Th Day / M. White
Faial 1986 Excalibur
Fairlight 1: A Prelude 1986 The Edge
Fairlight 2: A Trail Of Darkness 1986 The Edge
Faites La Paire ? Lmc Software
Fakir ? ?
Fall Guy ? Minh Hsieh
Fallout 1987 Gac User
Famous Course Of The World 1988 Access
Famous Five On Treasure Island (The) 1990 Enigma Variations
Fantasia ? ?
Fantasia Diamond 1985 Hewson / K. Topley
Fantasma ? ?
Fantastic Adventure 1989 Bm Eaton
Fantastic Voyage (The) 1985 Amsoft / Edmons
Fantasy Centre 1986 Cascade Games
Fantasy Land 1986 Cascade Games
Fantasy Power ? ?
Fantomas 1986 Y. Herbe
Fantomas 2 ? ?
Fantome 1989 T. Collard
Fantome City 1986 Coktel Vision
Fanzines 1991 Jlm & Mld
Fast Food Dizzy 1989 Codemasters
Father Christmas (Official ) 1989 Alternative Software
Fear (The) / Storm 2 1987 Mastertronic
Federation ? M. White
Femme ? ?
Fer Et Flamme 1986 Ubi Soft
Fer Forge / Jeu Du Ferronnier 1986 J. Reingot
Fernandez Must Die 1988 Image Works
Ferrari ? Ploner & Schwarz
Ferry Captain 1986 Io Software
Feud 1987 Mastertronic / Bulldog
Fido ? J. Woodcock ?
Fiendish Freddy's Big Top O' Fun 1989 Mindscape
Fifth Quadrant (The) 1987 Bubble Bus
Fighter Bomber 1990 Activision
Fighter Command 1986 Cascade Games
Fighter Pilot 1985 Digital Integration
Fighting Soccer 1989 Activision
Fighting Warrior 1985 Melbourne House
Final Assault 1990 Us Gold
Final Command 1988 ?
Final Fight 1991 Us Gold
Final Matrix (The) 1987 Gremlin Graphics
Finder ? ?
Finders Keepers 1985 Mastertronic
Fire ? ?
Fire ! 1990 New Deal Productions
Fire And Forget 1 1988 Titus
Fire And Forget 2 1990 Titus
Fire And Forget 2 1991 Titus
Fire Ant 1984 Mogul
Fireball 1988 B. Varasse
Firefox 2 1987 Yie Ar Soft
Fireland 1991 Tropic Soft
Firelord 1986 Hewson
Fireman Sam 1991 Alternative Software
Firemen-Rescue 1986 Cascade Games
Firescape 1987 Fil
Firestone 1990 S. Avery
Firestone Castle ? ?
Firetrap 1988 Electric Dreams / Activision
Firezone 1987 Pss
First Past The Post ? ?
First Steps With The Mr Men 1985 Mirrorsoft
Fish 1988 Magnetic Scrolls / Rainbird
Fists Of Fury 1991 Virgin Games
Five A Side Footy / European Five A Side 1988 Firebird
Five A Side Soccer 1986 Mastertronic
Five Star Games 1986 Beau-Jolly
Five Star Games Vol.2 ? Beau-Jolly
Five Star Games Vol.3 ? Beau-Jolly
Fives ? M. Bews
Fixball 1995 Gremlin Of Tag
Flash 1987 Loriciels
Flash Fire ? ?
Flash Gordon 1988 Mastertronic
Flash Gordon: Corridor Conflict ? ?
Flashback ? F. Neary
Flasher Health ? ?
Flashman 1984 Pj. Eva
Fleche 1989 Black System
Flight Ace 1989 Gremlin Graphics
Flight From Danger ? D. Howard
Flight Path 737 1984 Anirog Software
Flight Simulator 1986 O. Hubart
Flight Trainer ? ?
Flimbo's Quest 1990 System 3
Flintstones / Yabba Dabba Doo 1988 Bug Byte
Flip ? ?
Flip 2 ? ?
Flip Flop ? ?
Flipper (Jeu De) 1987 B. Piro
Flippit 1988 Splash
Flood ? ?
Flook One 1986 D. Dya
Flowers 1986 A. Buhl
Flox ? ?
Flucht Vor Dem Imperium 1991 Bantha Software
Fluff 1994 Radical Software
Flunky 1987 Macmillan / Piranha
Fly Spy 1986 Mastertronic
Flyball ? Hard Soft
Flying Geese ? A. Andrews
Flying Shark 1987 Firebird
Folle Lecture De Don Quichotte (La) 1987 Coktel Vision
Fond La Caisse (A) ? ?
Fonzie La Banane ? ?
Foot 3D ? ?
Foot Marius Tresor 1985 Loriciels
Football & Tag 1989 R. Fifield
Football Champion ? ?
Football Director 1987 D & H Games
Football Director 2 1988 D & H Games
Football Frenzy 1987 C.A. Sharp
Football Manager 1 1984 Addictive Games
Football Manager 2 1988 Addictive Games
Football Manager 2 Expansion Kit 1988 Addictive Games
Football Manager 3 1992 Addictive Games
Football Manager World Cup Edition 1990 Addictive Games
Football Record ? ?
Footballer (The) 1991 Cult Games
Footballer Of The Year / Foty 1986 Gremlin Graphics
Footballer Of The Year 2 / Foty 2 1989 Gremlin Graphics
Force 4 1984 Cobra Soft
Force Field ? D. Hall
Force Field 2 ? D. Hall / Pd Fun
Forces ? ?
Forest At World's End (The) 1985 Interceptor Software / David Banner
Forest Land 1986 Supersoft
Forestworld ? B. Cotton
Foret De La Malediction (La) ? P. Serpette
Foret Infernale (La) 1985 Power Soft
Forgotten Worlds 1989 Us Gold / Capcom
Formel 1 ? ?
Formula One 1985 Crl
Formula One Simulator 1985 Mastertronic
Fort Invincible 1985 G. Little
Forteresse 1987 Loriciels
Fortuna 1987 F. Ducuing
Fortune En Mer Du Nord 1985 D&J. Amies
Foso (El) 1985 Jasap Software
Fourtris ? ?
Fourtron 1986 Rgg
Fous Du Foot (Les) 1990 Ubi Soft
Fox 1985 B. Poncin
Foxy ? W.P. Dickson
Fraguess ? ?
Francard ? ?
Frank 1987 Invent'Ere
Frank 'N Stein 1985 Amsoft / Pss
Frank Bruno's Big Box 1988 Elite
Frank Bruno's Boxing 1985 Elite
Frankenstein 1987 Crl / R. Pike
Frankenstein Junior 1987 Codemasters / Viz Design
Frankie Crashed On Jupiter 1985 Kingsoft
Frankie Goes To Hollywood 1986 Ocean
Frantic Freddy 1984 Cds Software
Fred Flintstone / The Flintstones 1988 Gremlin Graphics
Freddy Bears Picnic 1985 Micro-Wish
Freddy Hardest 1987 Dinamic
Freddy Hardest 2 : In South Manhattan 1989 Dinamic
Free Climbing 1988 Zafiro Software
Freedom 1988 Coktel Vision
Freedom Fighter 1986 Jp. Eldridge
Fres Attack ? Bollaware
Fres Fighter 2 Turbo 2000 Bollaware
Fres Man / Spiderware ? Bollaware
Frestris ? Bollaware
Friday The 13Th 1986 Domark
Frightmare ? Firebird / Martech ?
Friss Man 1985 Amsoft / Mikro-Gen
Frogger ? ?
Froggie / Froggy 1984 Megamicro / S. Chambers
Froggy 1985 Djl Software
Front Line 1988 Zeppelin Games
Frontiers 1988 Zafiro Software
Frootee ? ?
Frost Byte 1986 Mikro-Gen
Fruit Bank Supernudge 2000 1989 Mastertronic
Fruit Machine 1988 R. Carlier
Fruit Machine 1 1984 Amsoft
Fruit Machine Simulator 1 1988 Codemasters
Fruit Machine Simulator 2 1990 Codemasters
Fruitie ? Mossoft
Fruity Frank 1984 Kuma
Frutties ! 1986 R.A. Waddilove
Fu-Kung In Las Vegas 1985 Amsoft / Romik
Fucki ? ?
Fugger (Die) ? Ariolasoft
Fugitif 1986 L. Bousquet
Fugitif 1991 Lankhor
Fugitive (The) ? Alex Gough
Fumiga / The Polluting Bacteria 1985 Indescomp
Fun Bouncer ? ?
Fun School 1 / For Under 5's ? Database Publications
Fun School 2 ? Database Publications
Fun School 3 ? Database Publications
Fun School 4 ? Database Publications
Fury (The) 1988 Martech
Fusion 2 1988 Loriciels
Futur Racer 1989 Deca Soft
Future Bike Simulator 1990 Hi-Tec Software
Future Gambler 1990 D. Hall
Future Knight 1986 Gremlin Graphics
Future Shock 1987 Tynesoft
Fuyard-Sauteur ? ?
G-Loc R360 1991 Us Gold / Sega
G. P. Formula 1 Simulator 1991 Diabolic Software
Gabrielle 1987 Ubi Soft
Gac / Graphic Adventure Creator (The) 1985 Incentive
Galachip 1985 Chip
Galactic Conqueror 1988 Titus
Galactic Games 1987 Activision
Galactic Invaders ? R. Nixon
Galactic Plague (The) 1984 Amsoft / Indescomp
Galactic Warfare 1993 ?
Galaxia 1984 Kuma
Galaxian's Revenge 1984 Kn. Khaleque
Galaxias 1986 Delta 4 / Global Soft / F. Mcneill
Galaxie 4 1986 S. Dienne
Galaxy Force 1988 Activision
Galaxy Force 2 1990 Activision
Galgje ? ?
Gallitron 1987 Mastertronic
Galvan / Galivan 1986 Ocean / Imagine
Game Of Dragons (The) 1985 Amsoft / Goodman
Game Over 1 1987 Dinamic
Game Over 2 / Phantis 1988 Dinamic
Game With Dice (The) 1990 S. Battey
Game, Set And Match 1989 Ocean
Game, Set And Match 2 1989 Ocean
Games (The) 1988 Epyx / Us Gold
Games Crazy ? ?
Games: Summer Edition (The) 1989 Us Gold / Epyx
Games: Winter Edition (The) 1988 Us Gold / Epyx
Gamestar Championship Sport Pack 1987 Activision
Gangster ? ?
Gar And The Magic Scroll ? E. Spicer
Garden Party 1987 Free Game Blot
Garfield 1 : Big Fat Hairy Deal 1988 The Edge
Garfield 2 : Winter's Tail 1989 The Edge
Garfunkel 1985 R. Rosec & E. Cavelier
Gargoyle Classics 1989 Virgin Games
Garry Lineker's Hot Shot! 1988 Gremlin Graphics
Garry Lineker's Super Skills 1988 Gremlin Graphics
Garry Lineker's Superstar Soccer 1987 Gremlin Graphics
Gasmodar ? Roro
Gasolaxi ? ?
Gasp ? ?
Gaston Y A L'Telefon Qui Son 1987 G. Guigon
Gate Crasher 1986 Amsoft / Exopal
Gato 1988 ?
Gator 2 ? ?
Gauntlet 1 1985 Us Gold / Atari
Gauntlet 2 1986 Us Gold / Atari
Gauntlet 3: Final Quest 1991 Us Gold / Atari
Gauntlet Defender ? ?
Gauntlet Micropower 1985 Micro Power
Gauntlet: The Deeper Dungeons 1987 Us Gold / Atari
Gazza 2 1990 Empire
Gazza 2 1991 Empire
Gazza Super Soccer 1989 Empire
Gba Championship Basketball: Two On Two 1987 Activision / Gamestar
Geants D'Arcade 2 (Les) ? ?
Geants Du Sport (Les) 1990 Ubi Soft
Gee Bee Air Rally 1987 Activision
Gemini Wings 1989 Virgin / Sales Curve
Gems Of Stradus 1985 Amsoft / Kuma / Mike Shaw
General (Le) 1986 L. Cazabonne
General Military Simulator ? ?
Genesis Adventure Creator System 1987 Camel / Crl
Geno Space Adventure ? A. Mason
Geografia De Espana 1985 Taller De Software
Gerbil Riot Of 67 ? S. Avery
Gerente (El) ? Dimensionnew
Germ Buster 1993 N. Campbell
Germaine 1986 L. Heude
German Fuhrer / Fuehrer 1987 Section 8 / Gcs
Geste D'Artillac (La) 1986 Infogrames
Get Me To The Church ? P. Knowles
Gfl Championship Football / Gba 1987 Activision / Gamestar
Ghengis Kahn 1991 Ocean / Positive
Ghost 1986 P. Delalande
Ghost House 1990 A. Price / Scull Pd
Ghost Hunters 1987 Codemasters
Ghost'N Goblins 1986 Elite / Capcom
Ghostbuster 3 ? Lmc Software
Ghostbusters / Fantomes 1986 B. Cocchi
Ghostbusters 1 1984 Activision
Ghostbusters 2 1989 Ocean
Ghosts 1986 Cascade Games
Ghostsex Mister 2 ? ?
Ghouls 1985 Micropower
Ghouls 'N Ghosts 1989 Elite / Us Gold
Ghu ? ?
Gi Hero 1988 Firebird
Giant Killer ? ?
Gigo De Luxe 1986 G.W. Ruppert
Gilbert Escape From Drill 1989 Enigma Variations
Gilligan's Gold / Bagnard 1984 Ocean
Ging-Ball ? ?
Ginormous Pack ? ?
Gitter ? ?
Give Us A Break ? ?
Gladiator 1986 Domark
Gladiator (The) ? Alex Gough
Glass Rider / Glass 1986 Quicksilva
Glen Hoddle Soccer 1985 Amsoft / Shirekilo
Glider Rider 1986 Quicksilva
Glissando ? ?
Globe Trotter 1986 Excalibur
Gloup 1985 O. Riche
Gluecksrad ? A. Schubert
Gm Chess 1988 Camel Micros
Gnome Ranger 1987 Level 9 / Austin
Gnomos ? ?
Go Crazy On Your Amstrad ? ?
Go To Hell ? ?
Go To Jail ? ?
Gob 1987 Tjc
Gobang ? ?
Goblin Towers 1986 Supersoft / B. Cotton
Gobots ? ?
Gobpuzzle ? ?
Godet ? ?
Gogly 1986 Ace Software
Gold Collection 1 (The) ? ?
Gold Collection 2 (The) ? ?
Gold Collection 3 (The) ? ?
Gold Hits ? Us Gold
Gold Hits 3 (Amstrad) ? Us Gold
Gold Hunter 1987 Stone Soft
Gold Or Glory (For) 1988 Alternative Software / Charles Sharp
Gold Run 1987 ?
Gold Rush 1986 Dino / Scull Pd
Gold, Silver, Bronze 1988 Epyx
Golden Axe 1990 Sega / Virgin
Golden Basket 1990 Opera Soft
Golden Ikon Of Ramisis (The) 1985 G. Mottabhoy
Golden Path 1986 Amsoft / Magic Logic
Golden Talisman (Hero Of The) 1987 Mastertronic
Golf Bizarre ? ?
Golf Construction Set / Golf Ariolasoft 1986 Ariolasoft
Golf Trophee 1988 ?
Goliath - Le Defi 1986 Rainbow Productions
Gomoku ? ?
Gonzzalezz 1989 Opera Soft
Good Moon 1989 Black System
Goody 1987 Opera Soft
Goonies (The) 1986 Us Gold
Gorbaf El Vikingo 1987 Casamiquela
Gordon's Planet Der Verdammten 1986 Rse Software
Gos Masturbier Mit Mir ? ?
Gothik 1988 Firebird
Graal 1988 Hexameron
Graftric 1985 Loriciels
Graham Gooch's Test Cricket 1985 Audiogenic
Grand Monster Slam ? Rainbow Arts
Grand Prix 3 1986 M.H.A.S.
Grand Prix 500 Cc 1986 Microids
Grand Prix 500 Cc 2 1991 Microids
Grand Prix Circuit 1990 Accolade
Grand Prix Driver 1984 Amsoft / Britania Software
Grand Prix Selection (The) ? ?
Grand Prix Simulateur 2 ? Epsilon
Grand Prix Simulator 1 1987 Codemasters
Grand Prix Simulator 2 1989 Codemasters
Grand Prix Tennis ? ?
Grand Saut ? ?
Grandeur Et Decadence ? ?
Grandstand 1991 Domark
Grange Hill 1987 Argus Press / Binary Design
Granny's Garden 1987 Satchel Software
Graphic City 1986 Ubi Soft
Grasp ? ?
Gravity 1988 E. Pfluegel
Great Barrier Reef (The) 1987 Power House
Great Courts 1989 Ubi Soft
Great Courts 2 1991 Ubi Soft
Great Escape (The) 1986 Ocean
Great Giana Sisters 1988 Elite
Great Gurianos 1987 Elite
Greatest 18 Holes Of Major Championship Golf ? ?
Grebit ? Alternative Software
Green Beret 1986 Imagine / Konami
Gregory Loses His Clock 1985 Mastertronic
Grell And Falla 1992 Codemasters
Gremlins 1 1985 Adventure International Uk / Brian Howarth
Gremlins 2: The New Batch 1990 Topo Soft / Elite
Grenouille ? ?
Grey Fell 1987 Starlight
Grid Iron 1 ? Top Ten
Grid Iron 2 1989 Alternative Software
Grid Trap 1984 Livewire Soft
Gridrider ? ?
Griffes De La Nuit (Les) 1993 Lankhor
Grille 1986 ?
Grimpeur 1986 Avs & Sss
Ground Zero 1986 Tynesoft
Growing Pains Of Adrian Mole (The) 1986 Level 9 / Austin
Grue Knapped 1991 Atlas Adv / B. Adams
Gryzor 1987 Ocean / Konami
Guadalcanal 1988 Activision
Guardian 1987 D.L.L. Au
Guardian (The) 1986 J. Betteridge
Guardian 2 : Revenge Of The Mutants 1990 Hi-Tec Software / Citizen
Guardian Angel (The) 1990 Codemasters / Dinamic
Guardians 1991 Loriciels
Guazuela 1987 T. Naumann
Guerilla War 1988 Imagine / Sentient
Guerra ? ?
Guerra De Las Vajillas (La) 1988 Dinamic
Guerre De L'Espace (La) 1986 M. Defert
Guerre Des Galaxies / Galaxie War 1985 Power Soft
Guild Of Thieves (The) 1987 Magnetic Scrolls / Rainbird
Guillem De Bergueda ? Ace Software
Guillermo Tell 1989 Opera Soft
Gun Dogs / Feu 1985 Andromeda Software
Gun Stick 1989 Ubi Soft
Gunboat 1987 Piranha / Macmillan
Gunboat Simulator 1990 Accolade
Gunfighter ? Atlantis Software
Gunfright (Wanted) 1985 Agc / Ultimate
Gunpowder Plot ? ?
Gunship 1988 Microprose
Gunslinger / Play Dead 1989 D. Walsh
Gunstar 1987 Firebird
Gusanin 1985 Frankie
Gutter 1985 Ere Informatique
Guzzler 1986 Players
Gyroscope 1986 Melbourne House
Habile Crocodile ? ?
Habilit 1988 Iber Soft
Habit (L') ? ?
Hacker 1 1985 Activision
Hacker 2 1986 Activision
Hades 1989 Ubi Soft
Hades ? P. Ramsey
Hadesque ? ?
Haegar The Horrible 1993 The Electric Monk
Hagar 1989 Black System
Hagis 1986 Pjm
Hal ? Bittel Juice
Halley / Comete De Halley 1986 ?
Halley Games ? ?
Halls Of Gold / Mines Du Roi Aquantus 1986 Rainbow Arts
Halls Of The Things 1985 Design Design
Halma 1988 T. Gaillard
Hammer Boy 1991 Dinamic
Hammerfist 1 1990 Vivid Image
Hammerfist 2 ? Vivid Image
Hamstead 1984 Melbourne House / Jones & Lever
Hamsters En Folie 1989 Generation 5
Hamurabi ? ?
Han D'Islande 1989 Loriciels
Handicap Golf 1985 Crl
Handicap Golf 1986 Cascade Games
Handy Man ? ?
Hangman 1985 M. Maddock
Hangman 1986 Cascade Games
Hangman + ? ?
Hangman 3D ? ?
Hannah Barbera's Cartoons Collection ? ?
Hanoi's Tower ? A. Smith & M. Robins
Hanse 1986 Ariolasoft
Hanseate ? ?
Happy Letters 1984 Amsoft / B.E.S.
Happy Numbers 1984 Amsoft / B.E.S.
Happy Snapper ? ?
Happy Writing 1984 Amsoft / B.E.S.
Hard Drivin' 1989 Tengen / Domark
Hard Hat Mack 1985 Ariolasoft / Electronic Arts
Hardball 1987 Advance / Amsoft
Hareraiser Finale ? Haresoft
Hareraiser Prelude ? Haresoft
Harricana 1990 Loriciels
Harrier Attack 1985 Durell
Harrier Attack 1988 Nlo Soft
Harry & Harry 1 / Boite De Rajmahal 1986 Ere Informatique
Harry & Harry 2 / Mission Torpedo 1987 Ere Informatique
Haruspice 1992 Phoenix / S. Guehl
Harvey Headbanger 1986 Firebird
Hate 1989 Vortex
Haunted Castle ? E. Spicer
Haunted Hedges 1985 Amsoft / Micromega
Haunted House ? E. Spicer
Haunted House ? J. Twigg
Havoc 1990 Players
Hawaii 1987 Transoft
Hawk Storm 1990 Players
Head Hunter ? ?
Head Over Heels 1987 Ocean
Heart ? ?
Heart Attack 1992 D. Hall
Heartland 1986 Odin
Heavy Metal 1990 Access / Us Gold
Heavy On The Magic 1986 Gargoyle Games
Hedge Hog 1986 Random Noise
Heli-Go ? ?
Helichopper 1986 Firebird
Helico 1986 F. Carbonero
Helico Drop ? ?
Helicoptero 2000 1985 Monser
Heliot 1984 Sprites
Hell ? ?
Hell Awaits 1989 D. Hall
Hello ? ?
Help ? ?
Helter Skelter 1990 Audiogenic
Helvera, Mistress Of The Park 1992 Wow Software / B. Adams
Hepiss (L') 1989 ?
Herazin ? J. Thackery
Herbe ? ?
Herbert's Dummy Run 1986 Mikro-Gen
Herberts Little Helper ? ?
Hercules / Slayer Of Damned 1988 Gremlin Graphics
Here & There With The Mr Men 1985 Firebird / Mirrorsoft
Heritage 1 / The Inheritance 1986 Infogrames
Heritage 2 : Micmac En Ecosse 1987 Infogrames
Hermitage (The) 1987 T. Collins
Hero (The) ? ?
Hero Quest 1991 Gremlin Graphics
Hero Quest 2 / Return Of The Witch Lord 1991 Gremlin Graphics
Hero Select ? Alex Gough
Herobotix 1986 Rack It
Heroes 1990 Domark
Heroes Of Karn 1985 Interceptor Software / David Banner
Heroes Of The Lance 1988 Us Gold
Heroic Fantasy 1991 ?
Heros Legendaires 1990 Sfmi
Hexaminos ? ?
Hi-Q Quiz 1989 Blue Ribbon
Hi-Rise 1986 Bubble Bus
Hideous 1992 Alternative Software
High Energy ? ?
High Epidemy ? Fil
High Frontier 1987 Activision
High Noon 1984 Locomotive Soft
High Steel 1989 Arcana / Screen 7
High-Rise 1986 Cascade Games
Highlander 1986 Ocean
Highway Encounter 1985 Vortex
Highway Patrol 1989 Microids
Hijack 1986 Electric Dreams
Hill 19 1990 ?
Histo-Quizz / Multi-Quizz 1985 Cobra Soft
Histoire D'Eau / Pipe Crazy ! 1990 Lmc Software
Histoire D'Or 1987 Cobra Soft
Histoire De Theatre ? Free Game Blot
History In The Making 1989 Us Gold
Hit Pack Volume 1 ? ?
Hit Sports 1991 Loriciels
Hit Squad (The) 1988 Codemasters
Hitchhiker's Guide To London (The) 1994 The Electric Monk
Hitchhiker's Guide To Praha 1 & 2 (The) 1994 The Electric Monk
Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy 1984 Infocom / S. Meretsky
Hitler Diktator 1987 Section 8 / Gcs
Hive (The) 1987 Firebird
Hlios 1990 L&C. Mexis
Hms Cobra 1985 Cobra Soft
Hobbit (The) 1985 Melbourne House / Tolkien
Hobble Hunter ? J. Lemmon
Hobgoblin 1991 Atlantis Software
Hold Up 1985 Ere Informatique
Holdfast 1985 Kuma ?
Hole In One 1986 Hal Lab.
Holiday 1 ? E. Spicer
Holiday 2 ? E. Spicer
Holiday 3 ? E. Spicer
Hollow (The) 1985 Gilsoft / H. Jones & T. Davies
Hollywood Collection / Stars D'Hollywood 1991 Ocean
Hollywood Hijinx 1986 Infocom / D. Anderson
Hollywood Or Bust 1987 Mastertronic
Hollywood Palace 1985 Cobra Soft
Holocauste 1988 Mbc Informatique
Home Entertainment Centre ? ?
Home Runner 1985 Amsoft / Britania Software
Homicide 1991 Francois
Homme Qui Saute ? ?
Hong Kong Phooey 1990 Hi-Tec Software
Hopital Danger 1989 B&J. Dissoubret
Hopper Copper 1989 Firebird
Hoppin' Mad 1988 Elite
Hopping Herbert 1986 Cascade Games
Horloge ? ?
Horloger 2 (L') ? ?
Horrible Halls 1986 M. Hoger
Horse Race ? ?
Horse Racing ? ?
Horse Racing ? Dino / Scull Pd
Hospital 1987 Globe Soft
Hostages / Operation Jupiter / Gign 1988 Infogrames
Hot Plot ? Mp Software
Hot Rod 1989 Activision / Sega
Hot Rods ? ?
Hot Shot 1988 Maxwell / Addictive
Hotel ? ?
Hounds Of Hell ? P. Clark / Paw
House Mouse ? J. Gilbert
House Of Horrors (The) 1984 Solid Software
House Of Spook 1985 R. Martini
House Of Usher 1984 Anirog Software
House Out Of Town (The) 1991 S. Avery
Hovercraft ? ?
How To Be A Complete Bastard 1987 Sentient / Virgin
How To Be A Hero ? Mastertronic
Howard The Duck 1987 Activision
Howzat ? Beffer Soft
Hrh 1987 Eighth Day Software / M. White
Hub-Si / Hubschrauber Simulator ? ?
Hudson Hawk 1991 Ocean
Huet Races ? ?
Huit Americain ? ?
Human Killing Machine / Hkm 1989 Us Gold
Humanoid 1988 Bep
Humphrey 1988 Zigurat / Made In Spain
Hunchback 1 / Quasimodo 1985 Amsoft / Ocean
Hunchback 2 / Quasimodo's Revenge 1985 Ocean
Hunchback The Adventure 1986 Ocean / I. Weatherburn
Hundir La Flota 1986 C. Carrera
Hundra 1987 Dinamic
Hungry Snappers ? ?
Hunt For Red October / Jagd Auf Roter Oktober 1984 Us Naval Institute
Hunt For Red October: The Movie 1988 Grandslam
Hunter Killer 1984 Amsoft / Protek
Hurlements 1988 Ubi Soft
Hurrican Bird ? ?
Hustler 1985 Bubble Bus
Huxley Pig 1990 Alternative Software
Hybrid 1987 Ariolasoft / Starlight
Hydra 1990 Domark / Tengen
Hydrofool 1987 Ftl / Gargoyle
Hyper Ball ? ?
Hyper Sports 1986 Imagine
Hyperbowl 1986 Mastertronic
Hyperspace 4 1985 Cobra Soft
Hypnose ? ?
Hypsis 1989 Dro Soft / Techno Arts
I Ball 1 1988 Firebird
I Ball 2: Quest For The Past 1987 Firebird
Ian Botham's Test Match 1985 Tynesoft
Ice ? N. Campbell
Ice Breaker 1990 Topo Soft
Ice Front ? A. Chapman
Ice Station Zero 1985 8Th Day Software / M. White
Ice Strad 1986 Jp. Anull
Ice Temple (The) 1989 Blue Ribbon
Ice Wizard ? B.M. Eaton
Ichor ? L. Joynes
Icon Jon 1986 Mirrorsoft
Ide 1995 A. O'Neill
Igirs ? ?
Ikari Warriors 1986 Elite
Il Etait Une Fois 1989 Carraz Editions
Il Pleut Bergere 1986 E. Dupont
Ile (L') 1991 Ubi Soft / Poum
Ile Oubliee (L') 1993 Lankhor
Im Dienste Seiner Majestaet ? ?
Imagination / Imagine 1986 Firebird / P. Torrence
Imagine's Arcade Giants 1989 Imagine / Us Gold
Impact 1988 Audiogenic
Imperialis 1985 Coktel Vision
Impossaball 1987 Hewson
Impossamole 1990 Gremlin Graphics
Impossible Mission 1 1986 Epyx / Us Gold
Impossible Mission 2 1988 Epyx / Us Gold
In A 3D Computer World 1993 ?
In Crowd (The) 1989 Ocean
Inca Curse (Adventure B) 1985 Artic Computing
Incantation 1987 Softhawk
Incendie ? ?
Incredible Shrinking Firemen 1986 Mastertronic
Incredible Shrinking Sphere / Iss 1989 Electric Dreams
Indian Mission 1988 Coktel Vision
Indiana Jones & The Fate Of Atlantis 1991 Lucasfilm Games
Indiana Jones & The Last Crusade 1989 Lucasfilm Games
Indiana Jones & The Temple Of Doom 1987 Us Gold
Indianapolis ? ?
Indicator ? ?
Indoor Bowling ? ?
Indoor Race 1987 Mind Games
Indoor Soccer 1986 Magnificent 7
Indoor Soccer (4 Soccer Sims) 1989 Codemasters
Indoor Sports 1987 Design Star / Advance
Inertie 1987 Ubi Soft
Infanterie ? ?
Infection 1989 Virgin Mastertronic
Infernal Castle 1988 Lmc Software
Infernal House 1991 Lankhor
Infernal Jumper 1986 J. Dillmann
Infernal Micro 1986 G. Caill
Infernal Mouse ? ?
Infernal Runner 1985 Loriciels
Inferno 1986 Cascade Games
Infidel 1983 Infocom / M. Berlyn
Infiltrator 1986 Us Gold
Infiltrator 2 ? ?
Inflagranti 1988 Atex
Infodroid 1987 Beyond
Ingrid's Back / Gnome Ranger 2 1988 Level 9 / Austin
Inhumanos (Los) 1990 Delta Software
Inner Lakes (The) ? P. Cardin
Inorder ? ?
Insanity 1997 N. Campbell
Inside Outing / Raffles 1987 The Edge
Inspector Gadget 1987 Beam / Melbourne House
Integral ? ?
Inteligencia ? Ace Software
Intelligence Test 1991 L. Rapaccioli
Interceptor 3D ? ?
Interchange (Inspector Hecti At The) 1991 Hi-Tec Software
Interdictor Pilot 1985 Supersoft
Intergalactic Computer Trader ? N. Campbell
Intergalactic Stuntparot ? R. Buckley
Interieur 1985 Sprites
International 3D Tennis 1990 Palace Software
International Events 1988 ?
International Karate 1986 System 3 / Endurance Games
International Karate Deluxe 1990 System 3
International Karate Plus / Ik+ 1988 System 3
International Manager ? D. Gibbon
International Ninja Rabbits ? Microvalue / Creative Edge
International Rugby 1986 Artic Computing
International Rugby Simulator 1988 Codemasters
International Soccer Challenge 1989 ?
International Speedway 1988 Mind's Eye / Silverbird
Into Oblivion 1986 Mastertronic
Into The Eagle's Nest 1987 Pandora
Into The Mystic ? River Software / J. Lockerby
Intruder 1986 Cascade Games
Intruder 1987 Bighead Soft
Invadders ? ?
Invasion 1987 Mastertronic
Invasion 1988 C. Aubry
Invasion 1992 Big Loz
Invasion Galactic ? ?
Invertix 1995 Eliot / Power System
Invierte Y Gana ? ?
Invitation 1987 Loriciels
Irma 1988 Seysses / Cracksoft
Iron Hand 1988 ?
Iron Horse 1988 Konami
Iron Lord 1990 Ubi Soft
Iron Trackers 1989 Microids
Ironman / Super Off Road Racer 1990 Virgin Games
Ishar 1992 ?
Ishido 1991 Fraggle
Island (The) 1985 K. Bond
Island Of Chaos ? T. Kingsmill
Island Of Dr Destructo 1987 Mastertronic
Island Of Riddles 1985 Redbeard / Cd. Whittington
Islandia 1987 Pjm
Isobot / Robo-Droid ? ?
Isola ? ?
Isoleur 1985 Sprites
Isotopes ? J. Fox-Geen
It Must Be Love ? ?
It's A Knockout / Jeux Sans Frontieres / Intervilles 1986 Ocean
It's Tv Showtime ? ?
Italian Supercar 1990 Codemasters
Italy 1990 1990 Us Gold
Italy 1990 Winners Edition 1990 Us Gold
Ivan Traker Off Road 4X4 ? ?
Iznogoud 1987 Infogrames
Jabato (El) 1989 Dinamic / Aventuras Ad
Jack And The Beanstalk 1985 Thor
Jack Nicklaus Golf (Greatest 18 Holes) 1989 Accolade
Jack The Nipper 1 1986 Gremlin Graphics
Jack The Nipper 2 / Coconut Capers 1987 Gremlin Graphics
Jack The Ripper 1988 Crl / St Brides
Jackal 1988 Konami
Jackson City 1990 Diabolic
Jacquet 1985 E. Madeuf
Jade 1989 S. Merlo
Jahangir Khan World Championship Squash 1991 Krisalis
Jai-Alai 1990 Opera Soft
Jail Break 1986 Konami
James ? ?
James Bond Collection ? ?
James Debug: Le Grand Saut 1987 Coktel Vision
James Debug: Le Mystere De L'Ile Perdue 1986 Coktel Vision
James Debug: Le Mystere De Paris 1988 Coktel Vision
Jammin 1985 Amsoft / Taskset
Jara Tava: The Isle Of Fire 1988 Satchel Software
Jason Of The Argonauts 1990 S. Avery
Jaws 1989 Screen 7
Jaws: Le Dernier Etalon 1988 Mbc Informatique
Jeason 1988 Ros Soft / S. Royer
Jet 37 1990 Black System
Jet Bike Simulator 1988 Codemasters
Jet Boot Jack 1984 English Soft / Amsoft
Jet Flight 1986 Cascade Games
Jet Pack Santa / Jet Set Santa ? R. Nixon
Jet Set Willy 1 1985 Software Projects
Jet Set Willy 2 1985 Software Projects
Jet Set Willy 2 + 2000 A. Cadley
Jet Ski Simulator ? ?
Jetsons (The) 1991 Hi-Tec Software
Jeu De Dominos 1987 P. Dalibard
Jeu De Fleurs 1988 H. Belhaire
Jeu De L'Oie ? ?
Jeu De La Vie 1985 S. Gazaix
Jeu Des Marelles 1985 Free Game Blot
Jeu Des Pharaons (Le) 1985 ?
Jeu Du Gardner ? ?
Jeu Du Pendu ? ?
Jeu Du Pouce-Pousse ? ?
Jeu Du Roy (Le) 1988 Fil
Jeu Du Yams ? ?
Jewels Of Babylon / Joyaux De Babylone 1985 Interceptor Software / David Banner
Jewels Of Darkness 1986 Level 9
Jigsaw 1986 Skyline Software
Jim Power 1992 Loriciels
Jimmy Business 1985 Andromeda Software
Jimmy's Soccer Manager 1992 Beyond Belief
Jinks 1988 Rainbow Arts / Go
Jinxter 1987 Magnetic Scrolls / Rainbird
Job Lakbaz 1989 Lmc Software
Jocky Wilson's Darts Challenge 1991 Zeppelin Games
Joe Blade 1 1987 Players
Joe Blade 2 1988 Players
Joe Blade 3 1989 Players
Joe Contre Les Pharaons 1988 J. Boulinguez
Jogg Et Les Champignons Magiques ? ?
Johnny 2: Le Retour 1990 D. Liard
Johnny 3: L'Ultime Labyrinthe 1990 D. Liard
Johnny Proot 2 ? ?
Johnny Reb 1 1984 Lothlorien
Johnny Reb 2 1986 Lothlorien
Jolly Jump ? ?
Jolly Poppa Down ? C.A. Sharp
Jolly Roger's Dungeon Escape 1990 Dino / Scull Pd
Jonah Barrington's Squash 1987 New Generation Soft
Jonny Quest 1991 Hi-Tec Software
Journey To Death ? S. Langan
Journey To Geno ? B. Mason
Joust 1986 Qsp
Joystick Thunder ? ?
Judge Dredd 1990 Virgin Games
Juego De La Brisca (El) ? ?
Juego De La Oca (El) 1989 Zafiro Software
Juego De Las Tres En Raya ? ?
Juego De Los Barcos (El) ? ?
Juggernaut 1985 Crl
Juggler ? J. Charlesworth
Jumbled Animal Words ? ?
Jumbo's Word Games ? S. Lucas
Jump 1986 B. Denis
Jump Around ? ?
Jump Car ? ?
Jump Man 1986 Blaby Computer Games
Jump Mania 1993 Fraggle
Jumper 1992 Fraggle
Jumper 2 1995 Fraggle
Jumping Jack / Jumper 1984 J. Charlesworth
Jumping Runner 1986 Lmc Software
Jumpjet 1985 Anirog Software
Jumpy Joe 1989 H. Schigeowski
Jungle Book 1989 Porky Soft
Jungle Jane 1987 Bug Byte
Jungle Warfare 1989 Mastertronic
Jungle Warrior 1990 Zigurat / Topo Soft
Junior Quiz ? ?
Justicers (Les) ? Ocean
Juwel ? ?
K-Ring ? ?
Kaiser 1986 Ariolasoft
Kaiser ? ?
Kalaha ? ?
Kamikaze ? ?
Kampf Der Insekten ? ?
Kane 1986 Mastertronic
Kannon Duell ? Pd
Karak ? ?
Karate Ace 1988 Star Games
Karateka 1990 Broderbund / Microids
Karatian 1995 Wizcat
Karl's Treasure Hunt 1984 Software Projects
Karma 1988 ?
Karnov 1988 Activision / Data East
Karo 1,1 ? ?
Kasbrik 1987 Logistrad
Kass Prof ? ?
Kat Trap 1987 Design Design / Domark
Kayleth 1986 Adventure Software ?
Ke Rulen Los Petas 1989 Iber Soft
Keeper Of The Seven Keys ? ?
Kenny Dalglish Soccer Manager 1989 Cognito
Kenny Dalglish Soccer Match 1990 Impressions
Kentilla 1985 Mastertronic / D. Brewster
Kentucky Racing 1990 Alternative Software
Kessin (La Legende De) ? Vince
Kettle 1986 Alligata
Key Factor (The) 1985 Amsoft
Key To Paradox ? C.A. Sharp
Keyboard Trainer 1984 D. Atherton
Kick Boxing 1987 Firebird
Kick Off 1 1990 Anco Software
Kick Off 2 1990 Anco Software
Kid Kit 1986 Infogrames ?
Kidnapped ? W.P. Dickson
Kids 4 ? T. Heath
Kids Pack 1 1992 Alternative Software
Kids Pack 2 1993 Alternative Software
Kidsplay ? Back
Kikstart 1 ? Mastertronic
Kikstart 2 1987 Mastertronic
Kill 'Em All 1989 D. Hall
Killaballs ? ?
Killapede 1986 Players
Killed Until Dead / Murder At Midnight 1987 Us Gold
Killer Ball 1991 Microids
Killer Cobra 1987 P. Wiseman
Killer Gorilla 1984 Micro Power
Killer Ring 1987 Ariolasoft / Reaktor
Killer Star 1986 Loisitech
Killing Fist 1992 Silmarils
Kim 1986 No Man's Land
Kim Bac 1986 Free Game Blot
Kinetik 1987 Firebird
King Leonard ? ?
King's Orb (The) 1986 Cascade Games
Kingdom 1986 A. Garland
Kingdom Of Hamil 1987 Topologicka / J. Partington
Kingdom Of Speldome 1985 Artic Computing
Kingdom Of Zaar ? B.M. Eaton
Kingdoms 1985 M.R. Harrison / Amsoft
Klax 1990 Tengen / Domark
Klax Plus 1990 Tengen / Domark
Kleine Porsche (Eine) 1990 G. Fagg
Knife ? ?
Kniffel ? ?
Knight Bride 1990 Ocean
Knight Force 1989 Titus
Knight Games 1986 Us Gold / English Soft
Knight Lore 1984 Agc / Ultimate
Knight Orc 1987 Level 9 / Rainbird
Knight Rider 1986 Ocean
Knight Tyme 1986 Mastertronic
Knightmare 1987 Activision
Knightmoves 1992 E. Thompson
Kobayashi Naru 1987 Mastertronic / C. Wilson
Koeki ? ?
Kokotoni Wilf 1989 Elite
Konami's Arcade Collection ? Imagine
Konami's Coin-Op Hits 1987 Konami
Konami's Coin-Op Hits 2 ? Konami
Konami's Golf 1986 Imagine / Konami
Kong Strikes Back 1985 Ocean
Kong's Revenge 1991 Zigurat
Kono ? ?
Koronis Rift 1987 Activision / Lucasfilm
Korto ? ?
Krakout 1987 Gremlin Graphics
Kristal 1985 Core
Kristax 1989 Deca Soft
Krypton Factor 1987 Domark
Kubulux 1997 N. Campbell
Kung-Fu 1986 Bug Byte / Duke & Jona
Kung-Fu Master 1986 Us Gold / Database
Kunibert Le Chevalier Belge ? ?
Kwah ? 1987 Melbourne House
Kwik Snax Dizzy 1990 Codemasters
Kya / Keep Yourself Alive 1987 Loriciels
L.A. Swat 1987 C. Fayers
Labarinth 1990 S. Avery
Labler ? ?
Labybi 1986 ?
Labynotaure 1985 G. Canton
Labyrglu ? ?
Labyrinth Hall 1987 L. Townsend
Labyrinthe 1987 H. Hubert
Labyrinthe 1987 M. Vieth
Labyrinthe 1988 S. Bigeard
Labyrinthe De Harley ? ?
Labyrinthe De La Reine Des Ombres (Le) ? ?
Labyrinthe De Morphintax (Le) ? ?
Labyrinthe Derrare (Le) ? ?
Labyrinthe Des Sciences (Le) 1988 Vta
Labyrinthe Fou (Le) ? ?
Ladders ? ?
Ladron Del Sol Purpura (El) 1986 A.G. Delgado
Ladrones ? ?
Lancelot 1988 Level 9 / C. Erskin
Landru & Ses Femmes ? ?
Lands Of Havoc ? ?
Lap Of The Gods ? ?
Lapsus A L'Oreille ? ?
Las Vegas Casino 1989 Zeppelin Games
Laser 1986 Jv. Pons
Laser Squad 1989 Blade Software / Target Games
Laser Squad Expansion Kit 1 1990 Blade Software / Target Games
Laserwarp 1985 Amsoft / Mikro-Gen
Last Believer ? P. Lucas
Last Brick (The) ? ?
Last Days Of Doom (The) 1990 Topologicka / P. Killworth
Last Duel 1989 Us Gold / Capcom
Last Duel Inter Planet War 2012 ? ?
Last Mission (The) 1987 Micro Map Software / F. Salmas
Last Mission (The) 1987 Opera Soft
Last Ninja 2 (The) 1988 System 3
Last Ninja 2 Remix 1990 System 3
Last Of The Smileys ? J. Moulding
Last Race 1989 Black System
Last Snowman ? M & Mj. Crewdson
Last V8 (The) 1986 Mastertronic
Laveur Millionaire (Le) ? Loisitech / Mcp
Law Of The West 1986 Accolade
Lawmmower Simulator ? J. Morris
Lawn Mower 1985 T. Mughal
Lawn Tennis 1987 Mastertronic
Laying Mines 1990 ?
Lazer Grid ? ?
Lazer Zone ? ?
Lazertag 1987 Us Gold / Probe
Leader Board (Car) ? ?
Leaderboard 1986 Us Gold
Leaderboard Par 3 1988 Us Gold
Leaderboard Tournament 1987 Us Gold
League Challenge 1987 Atlantis
Leaked ? ?
Leaper ? ?
Leather Goddesses Of Phobos 1986 Infocom / S. Meretsky
Led Storm 1988 Go / Capcom
Legend 1990 Delta Software
Legend Of Kage (The) 1986 Imagine / Taito
Legend Of Sram 1990 ?
Legende 1987 Fil
Legions Of Death 1986 Lothlorien
Lemmings 1992 Psygnosis
Leonard 1986 Mind Games
Leonce ? ?
Letter Litter ? P. Tayler
Letter Riddle ? ?
Leviathan 1987 English Soft
Leyend : En Busca Del Unicornio 1987 Line Soft
Liberator 1989 Proein Soft Line
Liberez Le Cochon ? ?
Libertar 1985 G. Emsalem
Licence To Kill 1989 Domark
Licorne Rouge ( La ) ? ?
Life 1990 A.J. Kennedy
Life 1998 N. Campbell
Life Expectancy Zero / Leo 1985 Blaby Computer Games
Lifeterm 1987 Alternative Software / Charles Sharp
Lift Elevator ? ?
Light Corridor (The) 1990 Infogrames
Light Force 1986 Ftl / Hewson
Light Sword 1991 Phoenix / S. Guehl
Lighthouse (The) ? P. Riley
Lighthouse Mystery ? B.M. Eaton
Lights Out 1997 Rudiger
Limited Over Cricket 1985 Crl
Line Of Fire 1990 Us Gold / Sega
Line-Runner 1985 G. Schroeder
Lineker's Collection ? Gremlin Graphics
Link ? J. Erkens
Lisa Strip Pot ? ?
Little Computer People 1987 Activision
Little Game ? ?
Little Puff In Dragonland 1989 Codemasters
Live Action ? Ocean
Live And Let Die 1988 Domark / Elite
Live Fury 1989 ?
Liverpool 1990 Grandslam
Living Daylights (The) / Tuer N'Est Pas Jouer 1987 Domark
Livingstone Supongo 1 1986 Opera Soft / Alligata
Livingstone Supongo 2 1989 Opera Soft
Livret De Famille 1990 Lankhor
Lmc In Your Computer 1987 Lmc Software
Lochness ? ?
Locomotion 1985 Mastertronic
Locomotion 1990 A. Price
Lode Runner 1989 Broderbund / Loriciels
Logic ? ?
Logical Head 1997 Rudiger / Dbt Productions
Logistic 1993 Fraggle
Lombyx 1985 H. Delarue
Lone Wolf: The Mirror Of Death 1991 Audiogenic
Long Way 1988 Poum
Loogaroo 1987 C.A. Sharp
Look ? ?
Loom 1996 Epsilon / Arkos
Loop Launch ? ?
Loopz 1991 Audiogenic
Loopz Collection ? ?
Lop Ears 1991 Players
Lord Of The Rings 1985 Melbourne House / Tolkien
Lords Of Chaos 1990 Blade Software / Mythos Games
Lords Of Chaos Expansion Kit 1990 Blade Software
Lords Of Magic ? T. Kingsmill
Lords Of Midnight 1985 Beyond / Amsoft
Lords Of Time 1986 Level 9 / S. Gazzard
Lorna 1990 Topo Soft
Lost Caves And The Doom Tomb 1989 Players / Tag Games
Lost Crown (The) 1985 S. Sawdy
Lost Dragon (The) ? Tom Frost
Lost Legacy Of Xim ? ?
Lost Phirious 1: Casiopia 1986 Vidipix
Lost Phirious 2: The Planets 1986 Vidipix
Lost Phirious Trilogy (The) ? Vidipix / N. Scrimgeour
Lost Shadow ? T. Kingsmill
Loterie 1985 ?
Loto 1985 Free Game Blot
Loto 1986 D. Prado
Loto Sportif 1N2 1987 ?
Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge 1990 Gremlin Graphics
Louisiane / Bagatelle 1986 F. Pesin
Loup Part En Chasse (Le) ? ?
Lubix 1989 Black System
Lucas ? ?
Lucky Fruits 1985 Knightsoft
Lucky Luke: Nitroglycerine 1987 Coktel Vision
Lunar Lander 1986 White & Kostecki
Lunar Landing 1986 Cascade Games
Lunar Lunatic ? B. Leahy
Lunarun 1987 Pjm
Lurking Horror (The) 1987 Infocom / D. Lebling
M'Enfin / Gaston 1987 Ubi Soft
Mac ? Dino / Scull Pd
Mac 2 ? Dino / Scull Pd
Macadam Bumper 1985 Ere / Pss
Mace ? ?
Mach 3 1987 Loriciels
Machaon / Le Guepier 1987 H. Monchatre / Tom & Jerry
Machaon 2 1987 H. Monchatre
Machines ? ?
Machines A Sous ? ?
Machu Picchu 1991 C. Vidal
Macrocosmica 1986 Amsoft / Datacom
Mad Adder 1986 M. Andrews
Mad Flunky ? ?
Mad Miner 1988 Softice / R. Brostedt
Mad Mix 1 / Mad Mix Game 1988 Topo Soft
Mad Mix 2 : El Castillo De Los Fantasmas 1989 Topo Soft
Madballs 1988 Ocean
Maddog 1987 Titus
Maden / Ne T'En Fais Pas ? ?
Maffia 1990 Cosmic Software
Mafia 1990 Esat Software
Mag Max 1986 Imagine
Magazin (Das) 1988 Ariolasoft / Money Design
Mage 1989 Black System
Maggot Splat ? J. Charlesworth
Magic 1986 Macmillan
Magic Cottage ? S. Lockley
Magic Johnson's Basketball 1990 Melbourne House / Dro Soft
Magic Lamps ? ?
Magic Sword (The) ? Database Publications / K & M Hollis
Magicians Apprentice ? S. Avery
Magicians Ball 1986 Global Software
Magnetic 1987 P. Schaaf
Magnetic Moon ? L. Horsfield
Magnetron ? Hewson ?
Magnificent Seven ? ?
Magnum 4 ? ?
Magnum Light Phaser 1990 Virgin
Magus ? Dnd Software
Mah Jong 1986 Liffsoft
Main Pleine (La) ? ?
Maison Du Fou (La) ? ?
Maitre Absolu (Le) 1989 Ubi Soft
Maitre Des Ames (Le) 1987 Ubi Soft
Maitres Du Temps (Les) 1988 ?
Maitres Ninja (Les) 1990 Ocean
Make Or Break ? ?
Malady ? T. Flynn
Malediction (La) 1991 Lankhor
Malediction De Thaar 1985 Coktel Vision
Malefice Des Atlantes (Le) 1987 Chip
Malefices 1992 Cocaign & Ages
Malevolence ? The Page Family
Mambo 1989 Positive
Mammoth Geno (The) ? ?
Manager 1985 Ere Informatique
Manager (The) 1990 Gti Software
Manchester United Football Club 1990 Krisalis
Manchester United In Europe 1991 Krisalis
Mandragore 1986 Infogrames
Mange Cailloux (Le) 1987 Ubi Soft
Mangeur D'Oeufs ? ?
Manhattan 95 1986 Ubi Soft
Manhattan Dealers 1988 ?
Manhattan Light 1987 Ubi Soft
Manic Miner & Jet Set Willy 3 1986 O. Rongier
Manic Miner 1 1984 Software Projects / Amsoft
Manic Miner 2 1984 Software Projects
Mano Negra 1990 Lmc Software
Manoir Abandonne 1999 A Belgium Guy ?
Manoir De L'Enfer (Le) 1987 Gallimard / Willy Soft
Manoir De Mortvielle / Mortville Manor 1988 Lankhor
Manoir De Rochebrune (Le) 1985 P&L. Kerloch
Manoir De Rochebrune 2 (Le) 1988 P&L. Kerloch
Manoir Du Comte Frozarda 1988 Mbc Informatique
Manoir Du Dr Genius (Le) ? ?
Manoir Maudit (Le) 1987 P. Dobigeon
Mansion (La) / Knight Ghosts 1988 Juliet Software
Mansion (The) 1986 Central Solutions / Simon Netherwood
Mantis ? ?
Mantis 2 1989 Raven
Manzanas Y Gusanos / Logicolor 2 1986 Alea
Maouss ? ?
Map Rally 1984 Amsoft / B.E.S.
Mapgame 1986 Action / Erbe Software
Maquina Del Tiempo 1989 N. Llopis Artime
Maracaibo 1986 Loriciels
Marauder 1988 Hewson
Maraudeur (Le) 1989 Ubi Soft
Marble Madness 1987 Electronic Arts
Marble Madness Construction Set 1986 Melbourne House
Marble Madness Deluxe Edition 1986 Melbourne House
Marche Commun 1986 Loriciels
Marco Polo 1 1985 Data Media Gmbh
Marco Polo 2 1985 Data Media Gmbh
Mariage 1986 C. Baussaron
Mario Bros 1987 Ocean
Marmelade 1987 Mbc Informatique
Marque Jaune (La) 1988 Cobra Soft
Marsport 1985 Gargoyle Games
Martianoids 1987 Ultimate
Mascotte (La) 1988 Coktel Vision
Mask 1 1987 Gremlin Graphics
Mask 2 1988 Gremlin Graphics
Mask 3 / Venom Strikes Back 1988 Gremlin Graphics
Masque 1986 Ubi Soft
Masque Plus 1987 Ubi Soft
Master Chess 1984 Amsoft / Mikro-Gen
Master Chess (2) 1987 Mastertronic
Master Cube 1985 Micro Bureautique
Master Mix ? ?
Master Of The Lamps 1985 Activision
Master Rubik's Cube 1985 P. Bernard
Mastermind 1990 G. Ho-Yow
Masters Of Mid-World 1986 S. Anderson
Masters Of Space 1994 Radical Software
Masters Of Universe (He Man And The) 1987 Gremlin Graphics
Mata Hari 1988 Loriciels
Match 1989 W. Pieck
Match (The) 1991 Cult Games
Match Fishing ? Alligata
Match Point / Balle De Match 1986 Psion
Matchday 1 1985 Ocean
Matchday 2 1988 Ocean
Matchu Picchu ? ?
Mathasard 1985 Cobra Soft
Maths Quiz 1991 S. Ramsay
Matrix 1985 M. Chanaud
Matthews Country Club ? ?
Max Desktop ? ?
Max Headroom 1986 Quicksilva
Max Pack 1992 Us Gold
Maxi Bourse - International ? Cobra Soft
Maxi Master Mind ? ?
Maximind / Combinaisons 1989 P. Plasson
Mayday ! ? J. Glover
Maze 1985 G. Mankowski
Maze 1990 P. Waterman
Maze Chase ? ?
Maze Eater 1986 Cascade Games
Maze Mania 1989 Hewson
Maze Maniac ? ?
Mazie 1988 Zeppelin Games
Mc Centi ? ?
Mean Streets ? Titus
Mega Apocalypse 1988 Martech
Mega Bombers 1994 Odiesoft
Mega Bucks 1987 Paragon / Firebird
Mega Games Vol 1 ? ?
Mega Master ? ?
Mega Mix ? ?
Mega Pack 1992 Codemasters
Mega Phoenix 1991 Dinamic
Mega Show ? ?
Mega Sports 1992 Kixx
Mega Sprint Construction Set 1988 Logipresse / Jera
Mega Twins 1991 Us Gold
Mega Worm ? P. Manville / Scull Pd
Megablasters 1994 Radical Software / Odiesoft
Megachess 1988 Genesis Soft / Iber Soft
Megacorp 1987 Dinamic
Megamix 1991 Ocean
Megamix 1992 Cyril Le Chat
Meganova 1988 Dinamic
Megaplay Volume 1 1989 Mastertronic
Megawar 1990 Genesis Software
Mejor De Dinamic (Lo) 1988 Dinamic
Mell ? E. Spicer
Meltdown : Control Reactor 1986 Rakoko
Meltdown / Le Syndrome 1986 Alligata
Meme Se Noie ? ?
Memochiffre ? ?
Memoire 1986 ?
Memoire & 4 En Ligne 1987 D. Audiffren
Memorie 1985 Logipresse
Memory 1989 A. Irion
Memotron 1987 ?
Memotron ? ?
Menace Sur L'Artique 1987 Chip
Mensh Aergere Dich Nicht ? ?
Mercator ? ?
Mercenaire 1986 Rainbow Productions
Mercenary 1987 Novagen Software
Merci ? ?
Mercs 1991 Us Gold
Merlin 1988 Bep / F. Berlemont
Merlin 1990 D. Hall
Mermaid Madness 1986 Electric Dreams
Message From Andromeda 1985 Interceptor Software / David Banner
Mestirmand ? ?
Metal Army 1988 Players
Metal Masters 1990 ?
Metalyx ? Alternative Software
Metaplex 1988 Addictive Games / Prism Leisure
Meteor ? ?
Meteor Dodger 1994 N. Campbell
Meteor Shower 1992 R. Gilbert
Meteorites ? ?
Metra ? ?
Metra Xl ? ?
Metro 2018 1985 Initiel
Metro Cross 1987 Us Gold
Metropol 1988 Zafiro Software
Metropolis 1988 Power House
Metropolis 1989 Topo Soft
Meurtre A Grande Vitesse 1985 Cobra Soft
Meurtre En Eaux Troubles ? ?
Meurtres A Venise / Murders In Venice 1988 Cobra Soft
Meurtres En Serie 1987 Cobra Soft
Meurtres Sur L'Atlantique 1985 Cobra Soft
Mewilo 1987 Coktel Vision
Mexican Bubbles 1985 B. Polleri
Mexico 86 / World Cup Carnival 1986 Ocean / Us Gold
Meynaupede 1985 Fred & Ted
Mgt / Magnetik Tank 1986 Loriciels
Miami Cobra Gt 1991 Players
Miami Dice 1986 Bug Byte
Miami Mice ? T. Collins
Miami Vice 1986 Ocean
Michel Futbol Master Super Skills 1989 Dinamic
Mickey Et La Machine A Mots Croises ? Disney Software / Legacy Soft
Mickey Mouse 1988 Gremlin Graphics
Micro Club / Duo Us Gold 01 1990 Us Gold
Micro Club / Duo Us Gold 02 1990 Us Gold
Micro Club / Duo Us Gold 03 1990 Us Gold
Micro Club / Duo Us Gold 04 1990 Us Gold
Micro Club / Duo Us Gold 05 1990 Us Gold
Micro Club / Duo Us Gold 06 1990 Us Gold
Micro Club / Duo Us Gold 07 1990 Us Gold
Micro Club / Duo Us Gold 08 1990 Us Gold
Micro Club / Duo Us Gold 09 1990 Us Gold
Micro Club / Duo Us Gold 10 1990 Us Gold
Micro Club / Duo Us Gold 11 1990 Us Gold
Micro Club / Duo Us Gold 12 1990 Us Gold
Micro Club / Duo Us Gold 13 1990 Us Gold
Micro Club / Duo Us Gold 14 1990 Us Gold
Micro Mouse Goes De-Bugging 1990 Mastertronic
Micro Pinball ? ?
Micro Sapiens 1985 Ere Informatique
Micro Scrabble / Computer Scrabble 1985 Leisure Genius
Micro Whist 1988 R.A. Waddilove
Micro-Jarnac ? ?
Microball ? S. Evans
Microfair Madness ? G. Pitchford
Microprose Soccer / Soccer Game 1989 Microprose
Midget Monster Tramp ? P. Manville
Midnight Express 1987 Lmc Software
Midnight Express's Melody ? Baroin Editions
Midnight Resistance 1990 Ocean
Mig 29 Soviet Fighter 1989 Codemasters
Mig Busters / F16 Fighting Falcon 2 1990 Players
Mike Et Moko 1988 Mbc Informatique
Mike Gunner 1988 Dinamic
Mike Read's Computer Pop Quiz 1990 Encore
Mikie 1986 Konami
Milenio 1986 Alea
Military School 1989 Black System
Milk Race 87 1987 Mastertronic
Mille Bornes 1985 Free Game Blot / Dujardin
Mille Bornes 1987 L. Gardeur
Mille Et Un Voyages (Les) 1989 Carraz Editions
Millionaire 1985 Incentive
Millionnaire (Le) 1985 Ere Informatique
Mimic ? ?
Mind Blower ? ?
Mind Games ? ?
Mindbender 1992 Cef / M. Hall
Minder 1985 Dk' Tronics
Mindfighter 1988 Abstract Concepts / Fergus Mcneill
Mindshadow 1985 Activision / Interplay Ltd
Mindstone 1987 The Edge
Mindstretchers ? ?
Mindtrap 1989 Mastertronic
Mine Hantee (La) ? ?
Minelay ? D. Andrews
Mines Of The Lost ? P. Knowles
Minesweeper 1992 Dream Soft / R. Brostedt
Minette ? E. Spicer
Mineur / Mine Aux Diamants 1988 ?
Mings (Les) ? Lmc Software
Mini Car Racer ? ?
Mini Mancala ? ?
Mini Mars-Wars 1991 A. O'Neill
Mini Putt 1989 Electronic Arts
Mini Senso 1992 Fraggle & Duck
Mini War 1 1989 C. Marlow
Miniature Flipper 1991 Asc / A. Scherp
Miniball ? ?
Miracle 1987 ?
Mirage 4 1986 B. Cocchi
Miroir Astral 1987 B. Villemin
Miser (The) ? River Software / J. Lockerby
Miss X ? ?
Missile Attack ? C. Andrews
Missile Ground Zero 1990 ?
Mission 1: Project Volcano 1985 R & B Soft / Djl Software
Mission 2 1987 Ere Informatique
Mission Apocalypse ? Jm. Laidin
Mission Delta 1985 Ere Informatique
Mission Detector 1985 Cobra Soft
Mission Diva ? ?
Mission Elevator 1986 Rushwere / Micropool
Mission En Rafale 1987 Fil
Mission Fortress ? ?
Mission Genocide 1987 Firebird
Mission Jupiter 1987 Codemasters
Mission Loriciels 1987 Loriciels
Mission Omega 1986 Mindgames
Mission Pachebran ? ?
Mission Secrete A Colditz 1985 S. Cloirec
Mission Spaciale ? ?
Mission Timestalker 1990 Braintease / J. Foster
Mission Wega ? ?
Missionnaires Et Cannibales ? ?
Mlm 3D / Evasion De La Lune 1986 Chip
Mobile Man 1990 Loriciels
Model Universe ? ?
Mokowe 1991 Lankhor
Molecularr 1 1990 F. Poesy
Molecularr 2 1991 F. Poesy
Molecule (La) 1990 Lmc Software
Molecule Man 1986 Mastertronic
Momie Blues 1986 Coktel Vision
Momie Invisible (La) 1986 Lmc Software
Momy / Myster Dans Momy 1987 Softhawk
Monde De L'Arcade (Le) 1989 Us Gold
Mondes Paralleles (Les) 1993 Mchtml
Mondrian ? ?
Money Manager ? Advance
Money Mate 1988 K. Stokes
Money Molch ? Rainbow Arts
Monkey King 1985 P. Guedon
Monopolic 1985 Free Game Blot
Monopoly 1986 Leisure Genius
Monster Maze 1984 Amsoft / Romik
Monster Museum 1989 Palace Software
Monster Trivia 1985 ?
Monster's Castle (The) 1990 Flying Monkeys
Monster's Final Hour (The) ? S. Lucas
Monsters Of Murdac 1986 Global Software
Monstre Du Lochness ? ?
Monstres ? ?
Monte Carlo Casino 1989 Codemasters
Montsegur 1985 Norsoft
Monty On The Run 1986 Gremlin Graphics
Monty Python's Flying Circus 1990 Virgin Games
Monument 1991 Zeppelin Games
Moon Alpha Base ? ?
Moon Blaster 1990 Loriciels
Moon Buggy 1985 Anirog Software
Moon Cresta 1986 Incentive / Alternative
Moon Patrol ? ?
Moonbase 3 ? B.M. Eaton
Moonmist 1986 Infocom / S. Galley
Moontorc 1991 Atlantis
Moonwalker 1989 Us Gold
Moors Challenge (The) 1984 Timeslip Software
Mordon's Quest 1985 Melbourne House / Jones-Steel
Moretti 1985 Brendjes & Kaufmann
Morgan's Quest ? F. Grimshaw
Morgan's Seal ? J. Betteridge
Morpheus ? Firebird / Martech ?
Morpions 1985 D. Depinoy
Morris Meets The Biker 1984 Automata
Morse ? ?
Morts Celebres 1985 O. Fausse
Mot 1989 Opera Soft
Mot 2 ? ?
Moto Cross Simulator 1989 Codemasters
Moto Driver 1986 C. Le Bouil
Moto Road 1989 Lmc Software
Motocross ? D. Andrews
Motor Massacre 1988 Gremlin Graphics
Motor Mower ? ?
Motorbike Madness 1988 Mastertronic
Motorcycle 500 1990 Cult Games
Motorway 1986 Cascade Games
Motorway 1990 Asc / A. Scherp
Motos 1987 Mastertronic
Mots A Placer ? P. Serpette
Mots Codes 1987 Jf. Di Stefano
Mots Codes ? P. Serpette
Mots Croises 1987 P. Perrottey
Mots Croises Magiques 1985 Cedic / Nathan
Mots En Desordre ? ?
Mots Meles / Mots Caches 1985 ?
Motus ? ?
Mouche ? P. Van Hoof
Mouche V2 1987 ?
Moulimot 1985 M. Archambault
Moulinsart 1987 Bep
Mountain Bike Racer 1989 Zeppelin Games / Positive
Mountain Bike Simulator / Mountain Bike 500 1991 Codemasters
Mountain Palace Adventure ? Level 9 / Old Piano Factory
Mountains Of Ket 1987 Incentive / S. Lipscombe & T. Walsha
Mountie Mick's Death Ride 1987 Ariolasoft
Movie 1986 Imagine
Movie Master ? Ariolasoft
Movie Premiere 1992 Elite
Moving Target 1989 Players
Mr Bloggy 1988 Micro Map Software / F. Salmas
Mr Dig 1984 Microdeal ?
Mr Freeze 1984 Firebird
Mr Gas 1990 Xortrapa Soft
Mr Heli 1988 Firebird / Irem Corp
Mr Pingo 1986 Rainbow Arts
Mr Silly ? ?
Mr Weems & The She-Vampires 1987 Piranha / Macmillan
Mr Wino 1988 Firebird / Silverbird
Mr Wong's Loopy Laundry 1984 Amsoft / Artic
Mud 1986 British Telecom
Muggins The Spaceman 1987 Firebird
Mugsy's Revenge 1985 Melbourne House
Multi Player Soccer Manager 1990 D & H Games
Multicorp ? ?
Multimixx 1 1991 Kixx
Multimixx 2 1991 Kixx
Multimixx 3 1991 Kixx
Multimixx 4 1992 Kixx
Multimixx 5 1992 Kixx
Multisports 1991 ?
Munch-It 1985 Tynesoft
Muncher ? Gremlin Graphics
Mundial 86 1986 Tea Ying
Mundial De Futbol 1990 Opera Soft
Munsters (The) 1989 Alternative Software
Mur ? ?
Mural (The) 1986 Global Software / N. Ford
Murder At Midnight ? ?
Murder Off Miami 1986 Crl / J. Somerville & F. Mcneill
Murder On The Atlantic 1987 Infogrames
Murder On The Chiottes ? Arenas & Bonnet
Mureief ? ?
Murene 1989 ?
Muri ? M. Wey & M. Wildi
Music Biz ? J. Moulding / Sleepwalker Pd
Music Playboy ? ?
Mutan Zone 1988 Opera Soft
Mutant Fortress 1989 Players
Mutant Monty 1984 Amsoft / Artic
Mutants 1987 Ocean
Mutation ? J. Davidson
Mutinerie / Mutin ? L. Benezech
Myga 1988 Acocsoft
Mykin's Birthday 1992 Lefranc
Myrddin Flight Simulation 1985 Myrddin Software
Mystere Du Kikekankoi (Le) 1985 Loriciels
Mystery Mansion ? J. Davidson
Mystery Of Arkham Manor (The) ? Melbourne House
Mystery Of The Indus Valleys 1987 Alternative Software / L.A. Developments
Mystery Of The Java Star (The) ? Shards Software
Mystery Of The Nile (The) / Misterio Del Nilo 1987 Made In Spain / Firebird / Zigurat
Mystical 1990 Infogrames
Mystical 1990 Infogrames
Mystique 1988 Excalibur
Myth: History In The Making 1989 System 3
Mythos 1990 Overal / Opera Soft
N-Sub ? ?
Nachtflug ? ?
Nakamoto ? Power House ?
Narc 1990 Ocean
Narco Police 1990 Dinamic
National (The) 1989 New Projex
Natit 2 1991 Mebc
Naufrage 1988 F. Gaudin
Naufragio 1987 Rymsoft
Navette ? ?
Navidad 1986 ?
Navy Moves 1988 Dinamic
Navy Seals 1990 Ocean
Nazi ? ?
Nebulus 1988 Hewson
Necris Dome (The) 1986 Codemasters / C.A. Sharp
Necromancien (Le) 1987 Ubi Soft
Negocios ? ?
Neil Android ? Alternative Software
Nemesis 1987 Imagine / Konami
Nemesis Iv 1986 Cascade Games
Nemesis The Warlock 1987 Martech
Neptune 1989 ?
Neptuno (Submarino Experimental) ? Ediciones Manali S.A.
Nervous Breakdown 1985 Bidouille Soft
Nether Earth 1987 Argus Press / Icon Design
Nether World 1988 Hewson
Neutron ? ?
Never Ending Story (The) 1985 Ocean / I. Weatherburn
Never Ending Story 2 1991 ?
Never Mind The Nasties 1986 Romantic Robot
New Adventure ? M. Goetz
New Market ? D. Andrews
New Market: The Card Game 1988 S. Bissel
New York Warriors 1990 Virgin Games
New Zealand Story (The) 1989 Ocean / Taito
Nexor 1986 Design Design
Nexus 1986 Nexus
Nibbler 1984 Mosaik Software
Nibbler 1985 B. Bosso
Nibbler 1985 M. Winklbauer
Nick Faldo Plays The Open 1986 Mindgames / Argus
Nick Robot ? ?
Nigel Mansell's Grand Prix 1988 Martech
Nigel Mansell's World Championship 1992 Gremlin Graphics
Night Booster 1985 Cobra Soft
Night Breed 1990 Ocean
Night Gunner 1986 Digital Integration
Night Hunter 1989 Ubi Soft
Night Raider 1988 Gremlin Graphics
Night Rider 1986 ?
Night Shade 1985 Agc / Ultimate
Night Shift 1990 Lucas Art / Us Gold
Nightmare Maze 1986 Blue Ribbon
Nimitz 1988 ?
Ninja 1990 Black System
Ninja (From Entertainment Usa) 1987 Mastertronic
Ninja Collection 1992 Ocean
Ninja Commando 1988 Zeppelin Games
Ninja Hamster 1987 Crl
Ninja Massacre ? Codemasters
Ninja Master (The) 1986 Firebird
Ninja Scooter Simulator 1988 Firebird
Ninja Spirit 1990 Activision / Irem Corp
Ninja Warriors (The) 1989 Virgin Games
Nite Time ? A. Scully
No Exit 1990 Tomahawk
No Exit 1990 Tomahawk / Coktel Vision
Nobody Is Watching You ? ?
Nocturne 1986 Alpha Omega Software / Crl / Charles Sharp
Nodes Of Yesod 1986 Firebird / Odin
Nomad 1986 Ocean
Nomade ? ?
Nonamed 1986 Dinamic
Nonterraqueous 1985 Mastertronic
Noom ? ?
Normal Kombat 1994 Tom Dean
North And South / Les Tuniques Bleues 1988 Infogrames
North Sea Bullion Adventure 1985 Kuma / M. Shaw
North Star 1988 Gremlin Graphics
Nosferatu The Vampyre 1986 Crl / Pyranha
Nosod 1987 Jb. Emond
Not A Penny More, Not A Penny Less 1987 Domark
Noughts & Crosses ? M. Bews
Noughts & Crosses Game 1989 M. Rison
Noughts And Crosses 1992 ?
Noughts And Crosses / O's & X's 1986 Cascade Games
Nova 1987 Incentive
Novhateur ? ?
Nuclear Alert 1987 L. Paquin
Nuclear Bowls 1988 Zigurat / Diabolic Software
Nuclear Defense 1986 Amsoft
Nuclear Heist 1986 Players
Number Circle 1990 R. Swaine
Number One 1986 Bug Byte / Duke & Jona
Number Painter 1984 Ask
Number Scoffer ? ?
Numerik ? ?
Nythyhel / Files Of The Occult 1986 T. Collins
O Tac-Tic ? ?
Oasis (El) / Lexa 4 1986 Alea
Oberon 69 1990 G.Ll.
Objectif 10000 ? Credit Agricole / L. Larbalette
Obliterator 1989 Melbourne House / Psygnosis
Obsidian 1985 Artic Computing
Ocean Conqueror 1988 Hewson / Rack It
Ocean Top 10 ? Ocean
Ocean Top 20 - Dixons 1988 Ocean
Octan ? Firebird
Octoplex 1989 Mastertronic
Odd One Out 1990 M. Pinder
Odin ? ?
Oeil De Set (L') 1987 Ubi Soft
Oeufs De Paques ? ?
Off Shore Warrior 1989 Titus
Official Father Christmas Game 1989 Alternative Software
Offiziersskat ? ?
Oh Mummy! 1984 Amsoft / Gem Soft
Oil 1986 P. Soupault
Oil Dallas ? ?
Oil Panic 1986 X. D'Abrigeon
Oil Panic 1988 F. Romand
Oilmania 1990 Assembly Line / Dreamsoft
Oilmania 1995 Ablaze
Oink 1987 Crl
Olaf ? ?
Old Sam's Saloon Gamble Machine 1989 E.J. Klasarek
Old Scores 1986 Global Software
Ole / Raging Beast 1985 Firebird / Vifi / Jawx
Ole Toro 1985 Dinamic
Olli And Lissa 1: Ghost Of Shilmoore 1988 Codemasters
Olli And Lissa 3: Candlelight Adventure 1989 Codemasters
Ollis Crown Risiko ? ?
Olympe 1985 Free Game Blot
Olympiad 1986 Atlantis Software
Olympic Souris ? ?
Omega Dimension 1989 Positive
Omega Planete Invisible 1987 Infogrames
Omelette Infernale (L') 1990 Lmc Software
Omeyad 1989 Ubi Soft
Oms ? ?
On Court Tennis 1986 Activision
On Cue 1987 Mastertronic
On The Bench ? ?
On The Oche 1984 Artic Computing / Paxman
On The Run 1985 Design Design / Firebird
Once A Knight Is Enough ? The Phantom
Ondes ? ?
One 1986 Epyx / D3M / Infogrames
One Man And His Droid 1986 Mastertronic
One On One 1985 Ariolasoft
One Two 1990 Titus
Operation Gunship 1989 Codemasters
Operation Hanoi 1990 Players
Operation Hormuz 1988 Again Again
Operation Nemo 1987 Coktel Vision
Operation Omega 1986 Jm. Bieber
Operation Thunderbolt 1989 Ocean / Taito
Operation Thunderbolt 1990 Ocean / Taito
Operation Wolf 1988 Ocean
Opetrous / Operations A Trous 1987 J. Reingot
Opium ? ?
Optix ? ?
Or Des Azteques (L') 1994 Kukulcan Software
Orb Quest 1991 Wow Software / P&T. Stitt
Orbit-Chicane ? ?
Ordi Puz 1987 G. Lavergne
Ordi-Magic ? ?
Oriental Games 1990 Microstyle / Firebird
Oriental Hero 1990 ?
Orifice From Outer Space (The) ? Plasma Touch / R. Robinson
Original Adventure (The) ? ?
Orion ? Jasap Software / Load 'N' Run
Orkon Mission (The) 1987 Gac User
Ormuz 1988 Iber Soft
Orphee 1985 Loriciels
Ortwin's Run 1986 Northern Soft / J.J. Schwarze
Oshidi 1991 Lmc Software
Oshidi ? ?
Osprey! 1984 Amsoft / B.E.S.
Othello 1986 P. Hardy
Othello / Challenger Reversi 1985 Cobra Soft
Othello 3D 1985 D. Drugmanne
Othello Master 1985 Power Soft
Othellus 1987 H. Hubert
Out Of This World 1987 Better Tech / Ariolasoft
Out Run 1986 Us Gold / Probe
Out Run Europa 1991 Us Gold / Probe
Outboard 1990 Loriciels
Outlaw 1990 Players
Ouvertures (Les) 1988 ?
Overlander 1988 Elite
Overlord 1984 Lothlorien ?
Overlord 2 1984 Amsoft
Ovoides ? ?
Owl-Phabet ? ?
Oxo 1990 Dino / Scull Pd
Oxphar 1988 Ere Informatique
Oxyda 1987 S. Vallois
Oxygene ? ?
Oxysudis 1991 Dds
P-47 Freedom Fighter 1989 Firebird
P.Z.P. ? Pd
Pac Girl 1 1992 Cyril Le Chat
Pac Girl 2 1992 Cyril Le Chat
Pac Man 1986 O. Roussel
Pac Punk 1987 Bep
Pac-Ball 2 1991 Gerbier
Pac-Boy 1989 Ros Soft
Pac-Ed In Ten 1989 A. G. Hall
Pac-Land 1989 Grandslam / Namco
Pac-Man 1985 J. Martin
Pac-Man (2) 1986 T And T
Pac-Man & Pac-Dog 1993 Dms / M. Darakdjian
Pac-Mania 1988 Grandslam / Namco
Pac-Timer ? ?
Pachotes ? ?
Pacific 1986 Ere Informatique
Pacifist ? ?
Pack Of Aces 1987 Paxman Promotions
Pack-Man 1993 P. Gargan
Pack: A Toda Maquina 1991 Ocean
Packy 1987 ?
Paclone 1992 S. Mcmanus
Pacman 1988 F. Carbonero
Pacman 1997 N. Campbell
Pacplant ? ?
Pacte (Le) 1986 Loriciels
Pagode / Pagoden Von Peking (Die) 1985 W. Pieck
Pajaros De Bangkog (Los) / Pepe Carvalho 1988 Dinamic
Pak Caverns 1985 C. Mitchell
Paladin 1987 Bubble Bus
Palitron 1986 The Edge
Pandora ? Swift Software
Pang 1990 Ocean
Pang ? R. Moeller
Panic ! ? R.A. Waddilove
Panic Beneath The Sea 1989 J. Packham
Panic Dizzy 1991 Codemasters
Panic Station 1989 ?
Panik In Muenchen ? ?
Panique A L'Hotel 1985 Anglada
Panza Kick Boxing 1990 Loriciels / Futura
Panzadrome 1985 Ramjam / Ariolasoft
Panzerschlacht ? ?
Paperboy 1 1986 Elite
Paperboy 2 1991 Mindscape / Tengen
Paperboy Spanish ? Lambo & Thingy
Papin Goal Busters 1992 ?
Par 5 Golf 1987 Waldeck Software
Para Academy 1990 Zeppelin Games
Para Assault Course 1988 Zeppelin Games
Parabola 1986 Firebird
Paragliding Simulation / Paraplane 1992 Loriciels
Paranoia 1994 Power System
Paranoia Complex (The) 1989 Magic Bytes
Paranoic ? ?
Paratrooper 1984 D. Emmett
Parchis ? ?
Paris Dakar 1988 Zigurat / Made In Spain
Park Patrol 1986 Firebird
Particim Operam Sysmet ? ?
Party Game ? ?
Pasillo Mortal ? ?
Passager Du Temps (Le) 1987 Ere Informatique
Passagers Du Vent 1 / Reisende Im Wind 1986 Infogrames
Passagers Du Vent 2 / Reisende Im Wind 2 1987 Infogrames
Passe Muraille (Le) ? ?
Passe-Temps ? ?
Passedix ? ?
Passing Shot 1988 Image Works
Pasteman Pat / Billboard 1989 Firebird / Silverbird
Patate ? ?
Patience ? ?
Paw / Professional Adventure Writing System 1988 Gilsoft International Ltd
Pawn (The) 1988 Rainbird / Magnetic Scrolls
Paws 1985 Artic Computing
Pazazz Circus ? ?
Pearl Harbour 1985 Sprites
Peasants Tale (A) 1988 Crysys / Victory Soft
Peche Clandestine ? ?
Pecheur ? ?
Pechmemo ? ?
Pecunia ? ?
Peep Show 1987 Crusader
Pegasus Bridge 1987 Pss
Pekin ? ?
Penalty Soccer 1990 Artronic / Clockwize
Pendu (2) ? ?
Pendu (Le) 1985 G. Casanova
Penesoft ? ?
Penetror 1987 D. Julienne
Penggy 1987 Chip
Pengo ? S. Uyttendaele
Penguin 1992 Surawy
Pensador ? ?
Pente 1987 N. Silvestre
Pentomania ? ?
Pentominoes ? Rac
Pentominos 1988 F. Morisson
Pentris ? ?
People Circus 1992 Jlm & Mld
Pepe Bequilles 1987 Softhawk
Pepito Au Mexique 1991 Microids / Belin
Pepsi Challenge 1989 Us Gold
Perestroika 1988 Lmc Software
Perestroika 2 1991 Lmc Software
Perfume Hunter (The) 1986 Fernleaf Education
Perico Delgado Maillot Amarillo 1989 Topo Soft
Periscope Up 1989 Atlantis Software
Perros Y El Gato (Los) ? ?
Persephone ? ?
Peter Beardsley's International Football 1988 Grandslam / Tdh
Peter Pack Rat 1988 Firebird
Peter Pan 1988 Coktel Vision
Peter Shilton's Handball Maradona 1987 Grandslam
Peter's Family ? ?
Petit Apprenti ? ?
Petit Cheval ? ?
Petit Chevalier / Dossier Arkanoid 1992 Phoenix / S. Guehl
Petit Prince ? ?
Petits Chevaux ? D. Robert
Petrol John 1987 Bep / D.P.
Petrole 1985 ?
Peur Sur Amityville 1987 Ubi Soft
Peur Sur La Ville ? ?
Phalsberg 1988 Ere Informatique
Phantom Club 1988 Ocean
Phantomas 1 1986 Dinamic
Pharaohs Tomb 1984 Strategy Soft
Pharaon 1987 Loriciels
Phazer Games 1993 ?
Phenix Noir 1987 Chip
Pheonix Mission (The) 1987 Ecp
Phileas Fogg's Ballon Battles 1991 Zeppelin Games
Philosopher's Quest 1987 Topologicka / P. Killworth
Phm Pegasus 1987 Electronic Arts
Pick'N'Pile 1990 Ubi Soft
Piclos 1989 Ros Soft / S. Royer
Pictionary 1989 Domark
Picture Pairs ? ?
Pieces 1987 M. Delanoue
Pieges 1986 G. Quetar
Pignools (Les) 1992 Phoenix / S. Guehl
Pillow Fighting ? ?
Pilltris 1993 J. Bland
Pilots 1990 Bollaware
Pinaut ? ?
Pinball 1991 L. Rapaccioli
Pinball ? D. Cromwell
Pinball Magic 1989 Loriciels
Pinball Magic 1992 Loriciels
Pinball Power 1987 Mastertronic
Pinball Simulator 1990 ?
Pinball Wizard 1985 Sagittarian Soft
Ping & Pong Construction Kit 1989 Lmc Software
Ping Pong 1985 Imagine / Konami
Ping Pong ? Manuel Amstrad
Pingo 1985 W. Slabon
Pingoo 1985 Kid Kit
Pink Panther 1988 Magic Bytes / Infogrames
Pinkfoil ? ?
Pion Rouge 1991 A. Lecenne
Pipe Blaster 1984 Amsoft
Pipe Mania 1990 Assembly Line / Lucasfilm
Pipeline 1990 Softice / R. Brostedt
Pipeline 2 1986 Mastertronic
Pipeline Plumber ? ?
Piramide (La) ? A.P.
Piranhas 1985 ?
Pirate 1990 Black System
Pirate's Adventure ? ?
Pirates 1987 Microprose
Piso Zero 1991 Zigurat
Pit Chercheur De Tresors 1986 B. Cocchi
Pit Fighter 1991 Tengen / Domark
Pit L'Allumeur ? ?
Pitfall ? Hochmuth & Flurl
Pixelnegger : Last Action Point 1996 Virtual Net / Wizcat
Planet Defender 1985 M. Guwang
Planet Fall 1984 Infocom / S. Meretsky
Planet Of Death (Adventure A) 1985 Artic Computing
Planet Rescue ? ?
Planete Base 1985 Loriciels
Planets 1986 Cascade Games
Plasmatron 1988 Crl
Plate-Forme 1988 Mbc Informatique
Platinum 1990 Us Gold
Plato ? ?
Platoon 1988 Imagine / Ocean
Play Bac 1987 Microids
Play Box 1985 Norsoft
Play High/Low 1986 Cascade Games
Play It Again 1988 Us Gold
Play Your Cards Right 1986 Britania Software
Playdays 1993 Alternative Software
Player Manager 1990 ?
Playshapes 1994 N. Campbell
Plot (The) 1987 Firebird
Plotting 1990 Ocean
Pluies Acides 1987 D. Audiffren
Plumberoid ? ?
Plumpy 1990 ?
Plundered Hearts 1987 Infocom / A. Briggs
Plus Beau Puzzle ? ?
Pneumatic Hammers 1987 Firebird
Poder Oscuro (El) 1988 Arcadia / Zigurat
Pogo 1984 Ocean ?
Pogostick Olympics 1987 Probe / Firebird
Poker 1985 S. Meunier
Poker 1987 D. Scherer
Poker 1987 Logipresse
Poker + 21 ? Data Media / Mablesoft
Poker 2 ? ?
Poker Dams ? ?
Poker Patience 1986 D. Depinoy
Poker Squares ? ?
Pokern 1990 Asc / A. Scherp
Polar ? B. Round
Polar Plane 1991 P. Wilkins
Pole Climbing ? ?
Pole Position 1985 Us Gold
Poli Diaz Boxeo 1991 Opera Soft
Polichinelle 1985 ?
Poliphon ? ?
Pomm's 1987 Lmc Software
Pongo ? ?
Pontoon / Costa Del Pontoon 1986 Wacci / J. Walker
Pontoon Bet 1986 Cascade Games
Poogaboo / Pulga 2 1991 Opera Soft
Pool 1989 Ros Soft / S. Royer
Pool Of Radiance 1988 Ssi
Pop-Up 1990 Infogrames
Popeye 1 1986 Piranha / Macmillan
Popeye 2 1990 Alternative Software
Popeye 3 : Wrestle Crazy 1992 Alternative Software
Popeye Collection (The) 1993 Alternative Software
Porky 1987 D. Baumert
Portraits Robots 1985 David
Poseidon 1985 Coktel Vision
Post Mortem 1987 Iber Soft
Poster Paster 1984 Amsoft / Taskset
Postman Pat 1988 Alternative Software
Postman Pat 2 1989 Alternative Software
Postman Pat 3 1992 Alternative Software
Postman Pat Hit Collection 1993 Alternative Software
Postman's Destiny ? ?
Potplant Concept Disc ? ?
Potsworth & Co 1992 Hi-Tec Software
Pouic ? ?
Poulette ? ?
Pourriez-Vous Tuer ? ?
Pousnik 1991 Lmc Software
Pousnik 2 ? ?
Pousnik 3 ? ?
Pousse-Pousse 1986 D. Paven
Poussy / Push Poussy ? Stick Software
Pouvoir 1986 Loriciels
Power And Magic 1990 Zigurat
Power Boat Simulator 1989 Codemasters
Power Curse ? Ab Conn
Power Drift 1989 Activision / Sega
Power Flash ? ?
Power Tetris 1990 Face Hugger
Power Up 1991 Ocean
Powerplay / Game Of The Gods 1986 Arcana Software
Prasident Von Scandalia ? ?
Predator 1 1988 Activision / Image Works
Predator 2 1991 Image Works
Prehistorik 1 1991 Titus
Prehistorik 2 1993 Titus
Premier Ii 1989 E & J
President 1987 Addictive Games
Presidentielles 88 1988 O. Tailleux
Preuve Par 5 1990 Lmc Software
Prevision ? ?
Price Of Magik 1986 Level 9 / Austin
Pride Of Tewksbury ? Tj. Gilberts
Priest & Vampire ? N. Clarke ?
Prince ? F. Grimshaw
Prince Of Persia 1990 Broderbund / Microids
Prison Blues ? S. Avery
Prison Riot 1990 Players
Prisoner ? ?
Prisonnier (Le) 1987 Lmc Software
Priz 1990 P. Tate
Prize (The) 1985 Amsoft
Pro Bmx Simulator 1988 Codemasters
Pro Boxing Simulator 1990 Codemasters
Pro Golf Simulator 1990 Codemasters
Pro Mountain Bike Simulator 1989 Alternative Software
Pro Skateboard Simulator 1989 Codemasters
Pro Ski Simulator 1987 Codemasters
Pro Snooker Simulator 1985 Codemasters / Hard Soft
Pro Soccer Simulator 1990 Codemasters ?
Pro Tennis 2 1993 Ubi Soft
Pro Tennis Simulator 1989 Codemasters
Pro Tennis Tour 1990 Ubi Soft / Blue Byte
Pro Tennis Tour / Great Courts 1990 Ubi Soft / Blue Byte
Prodigy 1986 Electric Dreams
Profanation 1987 Chip
Profession Detective 1987 Ubi Soft
Professional Footballer 1991 Cult Games
Professional Touch (The) ? ?
Proff ? ?
Progolf 1987 Atlantis Software
Prohibition 1987 Infogrames
Project Annihilation ? J. Packham
Project Future 1985 Gremlin Graphics
Project Genesis 1985 Mastertronic
Project Stealth Fight 1989 Microprose
Project-X Microman 1986 Global Software / T. Kemp & J. Lemmon
Prokyon 1986 Pride-Soft
Prometeus ? ?
Pronofoot 1985 D. Bouquet
Prophecy (The) ? Alex Gough
Prophetie 1988 Hexameron
Prospell Checker ? Arnor
Protection ? ?
Protector 1988 Virgin / Mastertronic
Protector (2) ? Cunning Soft
Proteus ? ?
Psi Chess 1987 The Edge
Psi-5 Trading Company 1986 Us Gold / Accolade
Psyborg 1992 Loriciels
Psychedelia 1985 Llamasoft
Psycho City 1989 Players
Psycho Hopper 1989 Mastertronic
Psycho Pigs Uxb 1988 Us Gold
Psycho Soldier 1988 Imagine
Psycho Test 1986 Esat Software
Psykiat 1986 Etl Soft
Pub Games 1987 Alligata
Pub Trivia 1989 Codemasters
Puffy's Saga 1989 Ubi Soft
Puissance 4 1985 W. Walschaerts
Puissance 4 1986 L.G.
Puissance 4 1988 Stef & Remy
Puissance Quatre 1985 Arg Informatique
Pulsator 1987 Martech
Pulse Warrior 1984 Cable Software
Pulsoid 1988 Mastertronic
Punch And Judy 1989 Alternative Software
Punchy 1985 Amsoft / Mr Micro
Punisher (The) 1990 The Edge
Punk Star 1988 Genesis Soft / Iber Soft
Punto De Mira ? ?
Purple Saturn Day 1989 Ere / Exxos
Push 1995 Eliot
Pushwrap-Plane ? ?
Puzzle 1985 T. Meier
Puzzle 1987 Cibernesis
Puzzle 1989 Bjornar Grandalen
Puzzle 1990 C. Dunn
Puzzle ? ?
Puzzle Chiffre 1986 K. Goument
Puzzle Por Cibernesis ? ?
Puzzle Programm ? C. Schillo
Puzznic 1989 Ocean / Taito
Puzznix ? Fraggle
Pyjamarama 1985 Amsoft / Mikro-Gen
Pyramide ? ?
Pyramides D'Atlantis (Les) 1988 E. Cubizolle
Pyramides D'Atlantys (Les) 1986 Microids
Pyramydya 1985 Pjm
Python 1986 Chip
Python Pete ? ?
Q-Bert ? ?
Q-Bert 2 ? ?
Q10 Tank Buster 1991 Zeppelin Games
Q8 1990 Thalamus
Qabbalah 1986 Amsoft / Gem Soft
Qasimodo ? ?
Qin 1987 Ere Informatique
Qor 1986 Maltdale Ltd. / S. Baker
Quack A Jack 1984 Amsoft
Quad 1987 Microids
Quad-X 1991 E. Spicer / Data Pd
Quad-X 2 / Crash ! 1991 E. Spicer
Quadrant ? ?
Quadrel 1991 Loriciels
Quadrillette ? ?
Quadron ? ?
Quandam 1990 ?
Quann Tulla 1984 8Th Day Software / M. White
Quarterback (John Elway's) 1990 Mastertronic
Quarters ? K. Goodman
Quartet 1987 Activision
Quartet ? ?
Quaterne 1985 Sprites
Quatre Saisons 1986 Ere Informatique
Quatris 2.0 1989 S.B. Perkins
Quattro 1993 O & T Soft / Ablaze
Quattro Adventure ? Codemasters
Quattro Arcade ? Codemasters
Quattro Cartoon 1991 Codemasters
Quattro Coin-Ops ? Codemasters
Quattro Combat 1991 Codemasters
Quattro Fantastic 1992 Codemasters
Quattro Fighters 1992 Codemasters
Quattro Firepower 1991 Codemasters
Quattro Power 1991 Codemasters
Quattro Racers 1991 Codemasters
Quattro Shoot'Em Ups 1991 Codemasters
Quattro Skills 1991 Codemasters
Quattro Sports 1992 Codemasters
Quattro Super Hits 1991 Codemasters
Quatuor ? ?
Quest ? J. Foster
Quest ? Paolo Cuomo
Quest Adventure 1986 R. Chaffee
Quest For The Golden Eggcup 1988 Mastertronic / N. Brooks
Quest Trivial Brainstorm ? ?
Question Of Sport (A) 1988 Elite
Questor 1986 Cascade Games
Questprobe 1 1986 ?
Questprobe 3: Fantastic Four / Human Torch 1985 Adventure International / Scott Adams
Qui Etes-Vous Au Volant ? ?
Qui Vive ? ?
Quick Draw Mc Graw 1990 Hi-Tec Software
Quick Quiz 1985 C. Allen
Quill Adventure System (The) 1985 Gilsoft International Ltd
Quiz Quest 1986 Alligata
Quodits 1992 B. Fretwell
Quoite ? ?
R-Type 1987 Electric Dreams
R.D.I. 1990 Black System
R.E.M. / Remote Excavation Module 1986 Blaby Computer Games
R.T.Smith Compendium (The) ? Ccs
Race (The) 1990 E. Spicer
Race (The) 1990 Players
Race Against Time / Sport Aid '88 1988 Codemasters
Race Driving 1991 Domark
Racer ? ?
Racer Conduite 1987 C. Metz
Rad Leak ? ?
Rad Ramp Racer 1989 Mastertronic
Radius 1987 Players
Radius Caver ? ?
Radzone 1986 Mastertronic
Raid !!! / Raid Over Moscow 1985 Us Gold / Access
Raid On Saturnville ? Lmc Software
Raid Scorpion 1987 ?
Raid Souterrain 1986 ?
Raid Sur Bagdad ? ?
Raid Sur Tenere 1985 Coktel Vision
Raider ? ?
Rainbow Collection ? ?
Rainbow Islands 1989 Taito / Ocean
Ralf ? ?
Ralf 2 ? ?
Rally 1989 R. Fifield
Rally 2 1985 Amsoft / Loriciels
Rally 22 1988 Lmc Software
Rally 3000 1986 Cascade Games
Rally Cpc 1984 Cpc Megasoft
Rally Cross 1989 Anco Software
Rally Driver 1986 Anco / H. Macgibbon
Rally Simulator 1988 Zeppelin Games
Rallye 66 1985 P. Pedard
Ram 1990 Topo Soft
Ramasse Miettes ? ?
Ramblas: El Caso Vega 1986 ?
Rambo - First Blood Part 2 1986 Ocean
Rambo 3 1988 Ocean
Rami V2 1991 Virtech / Asc
Ramon Rodriguez 1986 Erbe
Rampage 1988 Electric Dreams
Ramparts 1987 Go / Probe
Rana ? ?
Ranarama 1988 Hewson
Ransom / King's Ransom / Kiran 1987 S. Ellis
Ransom's Quest ? ?
Rapido ? ?
Rasputin 1986 Firebird
Rastan / Rastan Saga 1988 Ocean / Imagine
Raster Runner 1990 Mastertronic
Rasterscan 1987 Mastertronic
Rat Connection 1987 Softhawk ?
Rat Star ? ?
Rath-Tha 1989 Positive
Ratis ? ?
Rats 1986 Cascade Games
Ravager 1994 B. Williams
Ravening 1992 Phoenix / S. Guehl
Ray ? ?
Rbi 2 Baseball 1991 Domark / Tengen
Rc Quest 1993 Jaysoft
Rdi ? ?
Reactions En Chaine 1986 C&T Mangion
Reactivator 1986 ?
Real Ghostbusters (The) 1988 Activision
Real Stunt Experts (The) 1989 Alternative Software / Enigma Variations
Real You (The) 1986 Collins
Realm ? Firebird
Realm Of Impossibility ? Ariolasoft
Realm Of The Trolls 1990 ?
Rebel Planet 1985 Adventure International Uk / Robin Waterfiel
Rebelstar 1986 Firebird
Rebotes 1984 Amsoft / A. Martin
Rebound Ball ? ?
Recherche Du Nautilus (A La) 1992 Megafree
Recherche Du Roi Richard (A La) ? ?
Recherche Miss X Desesperement 1989 L. Franz
Reckless Rufus 1992 Alternative Software
Red Alert 1985 Mastertronic
Red Alert ? ?
Red Arrows (The) 1985 Database Software
Red Coats 1984 Lothlorien
Red Hawk 1986 Melbourne House
Red Heat / Double Detente 1989 Ocean
Red Led 1987 Ariolasoft / Starlight
Red Moon 1985 Level 9 / Austin
Red Scorpion 1987 Quicksilva
Red Stone 1987 E. Montanari
Reflectoplane ? ?
Reflector 1988 Lmc Software
Reflector ? Dino / Scull Pd
Reflex 1987 Players
Reich (Das) 1988 New's Software
Relief Action 1987 Loriciels
Remake & Pymbu 1992 R. Boncourre
Remake 2 & Pymbu ? ?
Remake 3 & Pymbu ? ?
Remember 1990 D. Kierman
Renaud / Marche A L'Ombre 1987 Infogrames
Rendez-Vous Avec La Mort 1991 Futurs / P. Rimauro
Renegade (Kuma) 1985 Kuma
Renegade 1 1987 Imagine
Renegade 3 : The Final Chapter 1989 Imagine
Repere (Le) 1992 P. Ducrocq
Replace ? ?
Rescate ? J. Pons
Rescate Atlantida / Rescue From Atlantis 1988 Dinamic / Alternative Software
Rescate En El Golfo 1990 Opera Soft
Rescue (The) ? E. Spicer
Rescue Mission 1986 Lmc Software
Rescue On Fractalus 1986 Activision / Lucasfilm
Resistor ? ?
Resquilleur (Le) 1986 ?
Retour D'Ali Gator (Le) 1989 Lmc Software
Retour Des Tenebres 1997 Futurs
Return Of The Jedi 1987 Domark / Tengen
Return To Doom 1988 Topologicka / P. Killworth
Return To Eden 1984 Level 9 / Austin
Return To Oz 1986 Us Gold / Kaos / Walt Disney
Reveal 1988 Mastertronic
Revenge (The) ? E. Spicer
Revenge Of Chaos ? T. Kingsmill
Revenge Of The C5 1986 Atlantis Software
Reversi 1985 ?
Reversi ? ?
Reversi Champion 1986 Loriciels
Revolution 1986 Vortex
Revolver 1990 Alternative Software
Reward 1991 Jlm & Mld
Rex 1989 The Light / Martech
Rex Hard 1986 Mister Chip
Rick Dangerous 1 1989 Microstyle / Firebird
Rick Dangerous 2 1990 Microstyle / Firebird
Rick Hanson, Special Agent 1987 Robico Software / R&M. O'Leary
Ricochet 1986 Blaby Computer Games
Ricochet (2) 1987 Firebird
Rid Of Enemy ? Magic Star Soft
Riding The Rapids 1987 Players
Rig Attack 1985 Tynesoft
Rigel's Revenge 1987 Mastertronic / N. Brooks
Rik The Roadie 1988 Alternative Software
Ring (The) 1990 E. Spicer
Ring Des Lichts (Der) 1997 F. Senft
Ring Of Darkness (The) 1985 Global Soft / Winter Soft
Rings Of Artek ? B.M. Eaton
Rio-Stripped Poker ? ?
Ripoux (Les) 1987 Cobra Soft
Risiko 1985 M. Melchinger
Risk 1990 Virgin
Ritter Kunibert ? ?
River (The) ? E. Spicer
River Jumping ? ?
River Race 1987 Gabriel & Maczewski
Road Blasters 1988 Us Gold
Road Race ? Activision
Road Runner 1987 Us Gold
Road Runner & Wile E. Coyote 1991 Hi-Tec Software
Road Toad 1986 Tyson
Robbbot 1986 Ere Informatique
Robby ? ?
Robin Hood 1987 Logipresse
Robin Hood : Legend Quest 1993 Codemasters
Robin Hood / Super Robin Hood 1986 Codemasters
Robin Of Sherlock 1985 Crl / Silversoft / F. Mcneill
Robin Of Sherwood 1985 Adventure International Uk / M Woodroffe & B
Robinson Crusoe 1987 Coktel Vision
Robocide ? Asclepios Software / Lee Foard
Robocop 1 1987 Ocean
Robocop 1 1993 Ocean
Robocop 2 1990 Ocean
Roboflop 1991 D. Hall
Robot Attack 1990 Mastertronic
Robot Freddy 1987 Lmc Software
Robot Ron ? A Team
Robot Ron V Ice Monsters 1986 S. Martin
Robotic Man ? ?
Robozone 1991 Image Works
Rocco 1985 Gremlin Graphics
Rock ? ?
Rock 'N Bolt 1989 Ricochet
Rock 'N Roll 1989 Rainbow Arts
Rock And Roller 1988 Topo Soft
Rock And Wrestle 1985 Melbourne House
Rock Dangerous 1990 D. Hall
Rock Hopper 1985 Amsoft
Rock Raid 1985 Kuma
Rock West 1986 ?
Rocket 1992 ?
Rocket Ball 1986 Strobe
Rockford 1988 Mastertronic
Rockstar Ate My Hamster 1989 Codemasters
Rocky 1985 Dinamic
Rocky Horror Picture Show (The) 1985 Crl
Rod Land 1991 Jaleco / Storm
Rodeo 1986 Microids
Rody & Mastico 1988 Lankhor
Rody & Mastico 2 1990 Lankhor
Roessel 1989 W. Pieck
Rogue 1987 Mastertronic
Rogue Trooper 1986 Piranha
Roland Ahoy! 1984 Amsoft / Computer Smith
Roland Garros ? ?
Roland Goes Digging 1984 Amsoft / Gem Soft
Roland Goes Square Bashing 1985 Amsoft / Durell
Roland In Space 1984 Amsoft / Gem Soft
Roland In The Caves / La Pulga 1984 Amsoft / Indescomp
Roland In The Haunted House 1985 C. Wakelin
Roland In Time 1984 Amsoft / Gem Soft
Roland On The Ropes / Fred 1985 Amsoft / Indescomp
Roland On The Run 1984 Amsoft / Epic Soft
Roland Takes A Running Jump 1986 Wilson & Sharp
Roland's Revenge ? Amsoft / Gem Soft
Rollaball 1984 Timeslip Software
Rollaround 1988 Mastertronic
Roller Ball 1986 F. Maniveau
Roller Coaster 1986 Elite
Rolling Stones 1988 Lmc Software
Rolling Thunder 1988 Us Gold / Namco
Romba 1990 Lmc Software
Romeo Squirrel ? S. Avery
Romulus, Rome & Moi ? Free Game Blot
Roog 1990 S. Avery
Rookie 1988 Mastertronic
Room Ten 1986 Crl
Rooster Run ? ?
Roue De La Fortune (La) 1988 G. Marchiset
Roue De La Fortune (La) ? D. Tronczyk
Rouge Et Noir ? ?
Rouge Midget 1991 S. Avery
Roulette ? R. Pearce
Route De Samarcande (La) 1988 ?
Roy Of The Rovers 1988 Gremlin Graphics
Royal Flush ? ?
Royal Quest (The) 1984 Timeslip Software / B. Beukin & I. Martin
Royal Rescue 1986 Cascade Games
Royal Rose 1986 P. Robson
Royal Space Family ? ?
Rsa 1987 Piat Gift
Rubicubo ? ?
Rubik's Cube / The Cube 1986 Computer Challenges
Rubiks Clock On Cpc ? ?
Ruee Vers L'Or ? ?
Ruff And Reddy 1990 Hi-Tec Software
Rugby Boss 1989 Alternative Software ?
Rugby League Manager 1989 Virgin Mastertronic
Ruines Du Diable (Les) 1986 A. Caballo
Ruleta 1986 Mastersoft
Run For Gold 1986 Ocean / Five Ways Software
Run The Gauntlet 1988 Ocean
Runaway 1986 R. Le Pipec
Runes Of Zendos 1985 Dorcas
Runestone / Hot Runestone 1985 Firebird / A. Davies
Runner 1986 ?
Running Man (The) 1989 Grandslam
Russion Roulette ? A. Andrews
Rustbucket ? Teleportation
Rvf Honda 1990 ?
Rx 220 1987 Microids
Rygar 1987 Us Gold
Sabian Island 1988 Skyslip Software
Sabotage 1988 Zeppelin Games
Saboteur 1 1986 Durell
Saboteur 2 1987 Durell
Sabre Wulf 1985 Ultimate
Sabrina 1989 Iber Soft
Sac A Dos 1988 Carraz Editions
Saga 1990 Lankhor
Sai Combat 1986 Ere / Gasoline
Saigon Combat Unit 1990 Players
Sailing 1987 Activision
Saint And Greavsie 1989 Grandslam
Saint Dragon 1990 Jaleco / Sales Curve
Saint Valentin 1990 Leloutre / Demazure
Salamander / Nemesis 2 1988 Imagine / Konami
Sally Software ? ?
Salto De Dama ? ?
Sam 1985 M. Bauer
Samantha Fox Strip Poker 1986 Martech
Samson Und Die Kisten ? ?
Samurai 1990 Black System
Samurai Trilogy 1986 Gremlin Graphics
San Pablo 1985 Coktel Vision
Sandman: Love And Magic / Magie Und Liebe 1995 The Electric Monk
Sandra Strip Words ? ?
Sandseeker ? M. Oxlade
Sangre ? ?
Santa Claus Kidz 1989 Alastair Scott
Santa's Grotty 1985 A. Chapman
Santa's Xmas Capers 1991 Zeppelin Games
Saphir 1988 Infogrames
Sapiens 1986 Loriciels
Sarabande De Haendel ? ?
Saracen 1987 Datasoft
Sarawak ? ?
Sas Assault Course 1987 Atlantis Software
Sas Combat Simulator 1988 Codemasters
Sas Strike Force 1987 Mikro-Gen
Satan 1989 Dinamic
Satan Blinder (The) ? ?
Satania ? ?
Satelit 1988 N. Silvestre
Satellite Warrior 1985 Amsoft / Dm Lock
Saturne 3 ? ?
Saucer Attack 1985 J. Kennedy
Saute Mouton ? ?
Sauvez Yurk 1990 Ubi Soft
Savage 1988 Probe / Firebird
Save Your Sister ? P. Ramsey
Scalextric 1987 Leisure Genius
Scapeghost 1989 Level 9 / Austin
Scarabaeus 1985 Andromeda Software
Scarbury Castle 1987 J. Beckmann
Scary Tales 1985 R. Robinson
Sceptical 1986 Delta 4
Sceptical 2 1986 Delta 4
Sceptre D'Anubis (Le) 1985 Chip
Schiphol Air Traffic Control ? ?
Schlumpis Horror Trip ? ?
Schnellboot ? ?
Schuss ? ?
Schwarze Auge (Das) ? ?
Sci / Chase Hq 2 1990 Ocean
Science Quiz ? ?
Scientific 1987 Chip
Scoffer ? ?
Scooby And Scrappy Doo 1991 Hi-Tec Software
Scooby Doo 1986 Elite
Scoop 1990 Generation 5
Scoop Junior ? ?
Scoop Senior ? ?
Scooter Spacial ? ?
Score 3020 1988 Topo Soft
Scores ? ?
Scotland Yard 1986 T. Sommer
Scott Winder Reporter 1987 Ere Informatique
Scout Steps Out (The) 1985 Amsoft / Hr Software
Scrabble Basic ? ?
Scrabble De Luxe / Computer Scrabble Deluxe 1987 Leisure Genius
Scramble Spirits 1990 Grandslam / Sega
Scrasch ? ?
Screenplay 1985 Macmillan
Screwball 1986 Blue Ribbon
Scrounch 1985 Manusoft
Scruples 1987 Leisure Genius
Scuba Kidz 1988 Zeit Corporation
Sdaw 1990 Lankhor
Sdi / Strategic Defence Initiative 1988 Activision / Sega
Sea Battle ? ?
Sea Warrior 2 ? Nick The Greek
Seabase Delta 1985 Firebird / P. Torrence
Search For Largo Grann (The) 1987 K. Moss
Search For Mithrillium ? S. Ilsey
Search For Sharla (The) 1991 ?
Search For The Fifty Pence ? M. Oxlade
Seas Of Blood 1986 Adventure International Uk / M Woodroffe & B
Seastalker 1984 Infocom / S. Galley
Secret Cavern 1987 Haase & Stahn
Secret Defense 1988 Loriciels
Secret Diary Of Adrian Mole (The) 1985 Level 9
Secret Du Tombeau (Le) 1986 Loriciels
Secret Of Bastow Manor (The) ? Gameworx Soft
Secret Of St Brides (The) 1986 Crl / St Brides
Secret Of Wizard ? ?
Secrets Of Ur (The) ? B. Clews
Sectar 7 ? ?
Secte Noire (La) / Black Sect 1990 Lankhor
Seesaw 1985 Amsoft / Andromeda Software
Sega Master Mix ? ?
Selection (La) ? Ocean
Selena ? ?
Self Destruct ? ?
Senda Salvaje 1990 Zigurat
Sentinel (The) 1987 Firebird
September 1988 Activision / Paradigm
Septieme Continent (Le) ? L. Deplanque
Sepulchre ? R. Robinson
Sepulcri 1986 Reaktor / Ariolasoft
Sergeant Seymour Robotcop 1992 Codemasters
Serie Noire 1985 Micro Application
Serpent Affole ? ?
Serpent Madness 1985 S. Cloirec
Serpentino 1987 P. Erieau
Serpento ? ?
Sex Game ? Incognito V
Sex House ? ?
Sexopoly ? ?
Sexy Machine 1987 Logipresse
Sexy Words ? ?
Seymour At The Movies / Goes To Hollywood 1991 Codemasters
Seymour: Take One ? Codemasters
Sge ? ?
Sgrizam 1986 Dinamic
Shackled 1988 Us Gold / Data East
Shade Of Swords / Inquisitor 1988 Domark
Shades (Lookaround) ? P. Craven
Shadow 1986 Draysoft
Shadow Dancer 1991 Us Gold / Sega
Shadow Fire 1986 Beyond
Shadow Of The Bear (The) 1985 Kuma / D. Amies
Shadow Of The Beast 1990 Gremlin Graphics
Shadow Skimmer 1988 The Edge
Shadow Warriors 1990 Ocean
Shadows Of Mordor (The) 1987 Melbourne House / Tolkien
Shanghai 1988 Activision ?
Shanghai Karate 1988 Players
Shanghai Warriors 1989 Players Premier
Shao Lin's Road Kung Fu 1987 Konami / The Edge
Shard Of Inovar 1987 Mastertronic / C. Wilson
Shareplay 1988 Goldmarks Systems
Shark 1989 Players
Sharkey's Moll 1991 Zeppelin Games
Sharpe's Deeds 1987 Incentive / L. Wright
Sherlock Holmes 1985 Weeske Soft / P. Mengel
Sherman M4 1990 Loriciels
Shift ? ?
Shinobi 1989 Binary Design / Virgin
Ship Of Doom (Adventure C) 1985 Artic Computing
Ship Pilot 1988 Kabila
Shipwrecked 1984 S. Lucas
Shockway Rider 1986 Ftl / Hewson
Shoe People (The) 1992 Gremlin Graphics
Shogun 1986 Virgin Games
Shoot 1989 Black System
Shoot 1990 A. Davidson
Shoot 'Em 1991 S. Ramsay
Shoot 'Em-Up 1990 P. Faulkner
Shoot The Crows ? P. Gargan
Shoot-Out 1988 A. Zallmann
Shooter 1991 Micro Map Software / F. Salmas
Shooting ? ?
Shooting Galery ? ?
Short Circuit 1987 Ocean
Short's Fuse 1984 Dollarsoft / Firebird
Shoulder Dash 1996 Virtual Net / Wizcat
Shove A Sledge ? Gremlin Graphics
Shrewsbury Key ? M. Gipson
Shrink Man 1987 ?
Shuffle 1986 Alpha
Shufflepuck Cafe 1989 Broderbund
Shut Down ? ?
Shymer 1988 S. Sharkey
Side Arms 1987 Us Gold / Capcom
Sideral War 1989 Delta Software
Sidewalk / Renaud 1987 Infogrames
Siege ? ?
Sigma 7 1987 Durell
Silent Service 1986 Microprose / Us Gold
Silent Shadow 1988 Topo Soft
Silicon Dreams 1986 Level 9
Silkworm 1988 Tecmo / Virgin
Silva 1992 Lankhor
Sim City 1989 Maxis / Infogrames
Simon 1985 ?
Simon 1988 ?
Simon Softwaren ? Gac User
Simple Case Of Espionage ? P. Adams
Simplex 3D 1990 Lmc Software
Simply Magic 1991 Wow Software / M&J. Trewhella
Simpsons: Bart Vs The Space Mutants 1991 Ocean
Simulador Profesional De Tenis 1990 Dinamic
Simulation Hits 1989 Loriciels
Sir Fred 1986 Made In Spain
Sir Lancelot 1985 Melbourne House
Sir Wood 1989 Opera Soft
Sito Pons 500 Cc Grand Prix 1990 Zigurat
Sitting Target 1986 Cascade Games
Six Appeal ? ?
Skaal 1987 Softhawk
Skate Ball / Skate Wars 1988 Ubi Soft
Skate Crazy 1988 Gremlin Graphics
Skate Or Die 1989 Electronic Arts
Skate Rock Simulator 1987 Bubble Bus / Ricochet
Skate Warriors ? Ubi Soft
Skateboard Joust 1988 Telecom Soft
Skateboard Kidz 1988 Firebird / Silverbird
Skateboarding ? ?
Skatin' Usa 1990 Atlantis Software
Skeet Shoot 1993 Trojan
Ski 1992 1989 ?
Ski 1992 ? ?
Sking ? Scull Pd
Skittles 1994 N. Campbell
Skoda Simulator 1992 M. Beckett
Skool Times ? J. Felton
Skull 1992 R. Gilbert
Skull & Crossbones 1991 Domark / Tengen
Skweek 1989 Loriciels
Sky Capers ? ?
Sky Hunter 1988 Ere Informatique
Sky War 1992 Tropic Soft
Sky War ? Ackerlight
Skyfox 1985 Ariolasoft
Skyhawk ? ?
Skylab ? ?
Skyx 1988 Legend Software
Slaine 1988 Creative Realms
Slalom 1985 ?
Slap Fight 1987 Imagine
Slapshot / Hockey 1985 Anirog Software / Indescomp
Sleaze ? ?
Sliders 1991 Microids
Slightly Magic 1992 Codemasters
Sloopi 1988 M. Kong-A-Siou
Slot Machine 1986 Logipresse
Slug 1988 Alternative Software
Sly Spy / Secret Agent 1990 Ocean / Data East
Smaily 1990 Zigurat
Smaley ? ?
Smart Line Blade ? Cyril Le Chat
Smart Plus ? Radical Software
Smash ? ?
Smash 16 ? ?
Smash Tv 1991 Ocean
Smashed 1987 C.A. Sharp
Smashout 1984 D. Holmes
Smiley Affair (The) 1993 M. Dowse
Smiley V The Grumpies 1986 R.A. Waddilove
Smirking Horror (The) 1991 Wow Software / J. Davis
Smugglers Cove 1985 Crl / J. Keneally
Snack Snack ? ?
Snake 1990 P. Simon
Snake ? Mossoft
Snake And Hazards ? Gremlin Graphics
Snakx 1989 R. Murphy
Snaky 1987 Logistrad ?
Snoball In Hell 1989 Atlantis / Mind's Eye
Snodgits 1985 Sparklers / Thorn Emi Soft
Snooker 1984 Amsoft / Gem Soft
Snooker 1987 Mastertronic
Snoopy And Peanuts 1989 The Edge
Snow Brother 1991 ?
Snow Queen (The) 1986 Mosaic / St Brides
Snow Strike 1990 Us Gold / Epyx
Snowball 1983 Level 9 / Austin
Soccer 6 ? ?
Soccer 6128 1988 G. Mcquoid
Soccer 86 1986 Loriciels / Activision
Soccer Boss 1992 Alternative Software
Soccer Challenge 1990 Alternative Software ?
Soccer Director 1990 Gti Software
Soccer Mania ? ?
Soccer Pinball 1991 Codemasters
Soccer Skills (4 Soccer Sims) 1989 Codemasters
Soccer Spectacular ? ?
Soccer Squad ? ?
Soccer Star 1989 Cult Games
Soccer Stars 1992 Empire
Soccer Super Foot 1990 ?
Soccer Supremo 1988 ?
Soft-Ball 1986 E. Klasarek
Software House 1988 Cult Games
Software Star 1985 Addictive Games
Soko Bam 1992 T. Lebec
Soko-Ban ? Ritter & Schick
Sol Negro / Soleil Noir 1988 Opera Soft
Solar Coaster 1987 Optyx
Solar Invasion 1990 ?
Soldier Of Light 1989 Ace Software / Animagic
Solidam ? ?
Solit 1986 Cascade Games
Solitaire 1987 G. Goument
Solitaire 1988 P. Tate
Solitaire 1989 M. Clarke
Solitaire 1989 V. D'Haeyere
Solitaire Tournament Challenge ? ?
Solitude 1990 D. Hall
Solo 1989 Opera Soft
Solo Flight 1988 Microprose
Solocard ? ?
Solomon's Key 1987 Us Gold
Solomon's Key 3 1994 Power System
Something Good ? ?
Sonar ? ?
Sondage Paris-Match ? ?
Sonic Boom 1990 Activision / Sega
Sootland 1989 Zafiro Software
Sooty And Sweep 1989 Alternative Software
Sorcerer 1985 Infocom / S. Meretsky
Sorcerer Lord 1987 Pss
Sorceror's Castle 1990 J. Pugh
Sorcery 1985 Virgin Games
Sorcery Plus 1985 Amsoft / Virgin
Sortilege 3D 1989 Lmc Software
Sortileges 1986 Dap / Jp. Galloy
Sortileges 1986 Infogrames
Sos 100 % 1988 Poum
Sos Music ? ?
Sos Ovoides 1986 Andromeda Soft / Excellence
Sos Space 1986 Minipuce
Sos Torpilles ? ?
Soucoupe ? E. B.
Soul Of A Robot / Nonterraqueous 2 1986 Mastertronic
Souls Of Darkon 1985 Mastertronic / Taskset
Souriciere ? ?
Souris ? ?
Sous-Marin ? ?
South Of Heaven 1989 D. Hall
Southern Belle 1985 Hewson
Soviet 1991 Opera Soft
Space 1991 S. Demazure
Space Ace 1987 Players
Space Aces 1989 Gremlin Graphics
Space Attack / Rush Hour Attack 1986 Cascade Games
Space Auths 1990 A. Scully
Space Base 1986 Cascade Games
Space Base ? J. Oldenburg
Space Crusade 1992 Gremlin Graphics
Space Dodger Xl ? ?
Space Duel (The) 1990 Face Hugger
Space Eggs ? C.J. Leigh
Space Froggy 1990 Mastertronic / Glenco
Space Game 1987 Free Game Blot
Space Glider 1987 Andromeda Software
Space Gun 1992 Ocean
Space Harrier 1 1986 Elite
Space Harrier 2 1990 Grandslam / Sega
Space Hawks 1984 Amsoft / Durell
Space Hockey ? ?
Space Hunter ? Mastertronic
Space Invaders 1986 P. Pedard
Space Invaders ? J. Charlesworth
Space Invaders / Jl Space ? J.L.
Space Mania ? ?
Space Mazes 1991 D. Lefranc
Space Mission 1986 Cascade Games
Space Mission Cleanup 1991 L. Rapaccioli
Space Moving 3D 1986 Micro Application
Space Pod Rescue 1986 Cascade Games
Space Race 1990 D. Macfarlane
Space Racer 1988 Loriciels
Space Rider Jet Pack Co. 1990 Hi-Tec Software
Space Ship 1985 Cascade Games
Space Ship Spy / Break Brick ? ?
Space Shuttle Simulateur 1985 Loriciels
Space Shuttle: A Journey Into Space 1986 Activision
Space Smugglers 1989 Mht Ingenieros
Space Station ? Amsoft / P. Knowles
Space Storm 1989 D. Hall
Space Storm 2 1990 D. Hall
Space Taxi 1987 Elmsoft
Space Thief ? Micro Mag / Ros Soft
Space Trucker ? ?
Space Walk 1985 Mastertronic
Space War 1991 F&L. Caillaud
Space Wolf 1985 Norsoft
Spaced Out 1987 Firebird
Spaced Out / Spacy 1990 S. Avery
Spacelab ? ?
Spaghetti Western Simulator 1990 Zeppelin Games
Spaghetti Worm ? ?
Spannerman 1984 Amsoft / Gem Soft
Sparse Invaders 1986 Fuk
Spations ? ?
Special Action ? ?
Special Operations 1985 Lothlorien
Spectranaut ? ?
Spectre 1987 Lmc Software
Speculator 1986 Collins / Brainstorm
Speed King 1986 Mastertronic
Speed-Way ? ?
Speedbrain 495 ? ?
Speedzone 1988 Mastertronic / Clockwize
Spellbound 1985 Mastertronic
Spellbreaker 1985 Infocom / D. Lebling
Spelling Quiz ? S. Lucas
Sphaira 1989 Ubi Soft
Sphere Of Q'Li ? P. Ramsey
Spheric 1986 O. Riche
Spheric 1989 Bui Huu Nhan
Spherical 1989 Rainbow Arts / Usgold
Sphinx ? ?
Spiderman 1990 Adventure International
Spiderman 2 1985 ?
Spiders Web (The) ? ?
Spike In Transylvania 1992 Codemasters
Spiky Harold 1986 Firebird
Spindizzy 1986 Electric Dreams
Spindrome 1988 R. Lever
Spirits 1987 Topo Soft
Spiro Legacy (The) 1991 K. Bond
Spitfire 1989 Durell
Spitfire 40 1985 Mirrorsoft
Spitting Image 1988 Domark
Splash 1997 Leonet
Splat! 1985 Amsoft / Incentive
Splatch / Play Splatch ? Robosoft
Split Personalities 1986 Domark
Spook Loot 1985 Andtronic
Spooked 1989 Players
Spooky Castle 1990 Atlantis Software
Sport ? ?
Sport Of Kings 1986 Mastertronic
Sporting Gold 1990 Epyx
Sporting Triangles ? ?
Sports And Skills 5 / Sports Pack 5 ? ?
Sports Collection (The) 1992 Ocean
Sports Pack (The) ? Gamestar
Spot 1986 P&L. Lucat
Spots 1993 Jaysoft
Spots 94 1994 Jaysoft / Mops
Spring On A Thing ? F. Nordbakke
Sprit Fabrikanten 1991 A. Schubert
Sprites Alive 1990 Glenco Software
Spy 1988 T. Collard
Spy From The North (The) 1985 G. Mottabhoy
Spy Hunter 1986 Amsoft / Choice
Spy Trek 1986 P. Torrence / Americana
Spy Vs Spy 1 1985 First Star
Spy Vs Spy 2: Island Caper 1987 First Star
Spy Vs Spy 3: Arctic Antics 1987 First Star
Spy Vs Spy Trilogy 1988 First Star / Databyte
Spy Who Loved Me (The) 1990 Domark
Squadron Leader ? ?
Square-Run 1986 Ps Soft / P. Sorensen
Squares ? Fred & Bob
Squash 1986 T. Riegel
Squashball 1991 Francois
Squeaker 1990 J. Wilson
Sram 1 1986 Ere Informatique
Sram 2 1987 Ere Informatique
Stainless Steel 1986 Mikro-Gen
Stairway To Hell 1986 Software Invasion
Stand De Tir ? ?
Star Avenger 1984 Kuma
Star Bowls 1991 Diabolic Software / Zigurat
Star Byte 1987 Mr Chip / Action Soft
Star Commando 1984 Amsoft / Docimodus
Star Control 1990 Accolade
Star Driver 1994 Radical Software
Star Fight 1986 H. Couppe
Star Fire 1984 Virgin Games
Star Firebirds 1986 Insight
Star Glider 1987 Rainbird
Star Raiders 2 1987 Electric Dreams / Activision
Star Ranger 1986 Tynesoft
Star Trader 1984 Emm Soft ?
Star Trap 1989 Loriciels
Star Trek 1986 Cascade Games
Star Trek 1988 S & S Software
Star Trooper 1988 Players
Star Wars 1988 Domark
Star Wars Droids 1988 Mastertronic
Star Watcher 1984 Amsoft / Triptych Pub
Star-Bores 1988 Neutrino Software
Star-Pac 1988 O. Giraud
Star-Wreck 1987 C.A. Sharp
Starboy 1988 Ere / Gasoline
Starcross 1983 Infocom / D. Lebling
Stardodger ? ?
Stardust 1987 Topo Soft
Starfleet ? ?
Starfox 1987 Ariolasoft
Starion 1985 Melbourne House
Starlord 1990 ?
Starmonopoly ? ?
Starquake 1986 Bubble Bus
Starstrike 2 1986 Realtime Games / Firebird
Starting Blocks 1988 Coktel Vision
Starwar 1987 F. Ciesielski
Starway ? ?
Station Fall 1987 Infocom / S. Meretsky
Statue Maudite ? ?
Steel Eagle 1990 Players
Steigar 1990 ?
Steinberg Files (The) ? ?
Steinschlage ? ?
Stellar Outpost 1993 Crystal X Software
Steve Davis Pool 1986 Blue Ribbon
Steve Davis Snooker 1985 Blue Ribbon / Cds
Steve Mc Queen Westphaser 1992 Loriciels
Stifflip & Co 1987 Palace Software
Stir Crazy ? Infogrames
Stock Exchange ? ?
Stock Market 1990 M. Pinder
Stockcar Racer ? ?
Stockmarket 1985 Amsoft / Argus Press
Stomp / Footloose 1985 Footloose
Stompers ? ?
Stone Zone ? ?
Stop Ball 1988 Juliet Software / Dro Soft
Storm 1986 Mastertronic
Storm Mountain ? T. Kingsmill
Storm Warrior 1988 Elite
Stormbringer 1987 Mastertronic
Stormlord 1989 Hewson
Stormlord + 1997 Futurs
Stormwrath Castle 1985 Home Computing
Story So Far 1 (The) 1989 Elite
Story So Far 2 (The) 1989 Elite
Story So Far 3 (The) 1990 Elite
Story So Far 4 (The) 1990 Elite
Strad 100 ? ?
Straight Six 1988 Loriciels
Stranded ? ?
Strangeloop 1985 Virgin Games
Strangeloop Plus 1986 Amsoft / Virgin
Strat-Ball 1986 L. Roux
Stratege 3 ? ?
Stratego 1991 Accolade
Strategy 1986 Norsoft
Streaker 1987 Mastertronic
Streap Poker (Lydie) 1987 Mezenge & Co
Street Cred' Boxing 1989 Players
Street Cred' Football 1989 Players
Street Fighter 1988 Us Gold / Capcom
Street Fighter 2 1992 Capcom
Street Gang 1988 Time Warp
Street Gang Football 1989 Codemasters
Street Hawk 1986 Ocean / Choice
Street Machine 1987 Codemasters
Street Rally 1994 ?
Street Soccer (4 Soccer Sims) 1989 Codemasters
Street Sports Basketball 1988 Us Gold / Epyx
Street Warriors 1995 M. Kasumba
Strego ? ?
Stress 1985 Cobra Soft
Stretcher 1992 R. Gilbert / Pipeline Software
Strider 1989 Capcom / Us Gold
Strider 2 1990 Capcom / Us Gold
Strike 1987 Mastertronic
Strike Commander ? ?
Strike Force Cobra 1986 Piranha / Macmillan
Strike Force Harrier 1986 Mirrorsoft
Striker 1990 Cult Games
Striker In The Crypts Of Trogan 1992 Codemasters
Strip 21 ? ?
Strip Ball 1995 Rom
Strip Jak 1986 R.B Software
Strip Poker 1985 Core
Strip Poker (Animated / Animado / Anime) 1985 Knightsoft / Avila Soft
Strip Poker (Marylyn) ? ?
Strip Poker 2 1988 Anco Software
Strip Poker 2+ 1988 Anco Software
Strip Takin ? E. Hiller
Strip Tease ? ?
Strippoker Pictures Peep Show 1986 Jabba
Stripy ? E. Spicer
Strolch 1989 W. Pieck
Strongman (Geoff Capes) 1985 Martech
Stryfe 1986 Ere Informatique
Stryfe 2 1988 Ere Informatique
Stryptiche ? R. Robinson
Stun Runner 1991 Tengen / Domark
Stunt Bike 1990 T. Kingsmill
Stunt Bike Simulator 1988 Firebird
Stunt Car Racer 1990 Microstyle
Stunt Car Racer (Extended Version) 1990 Microstyle
Stuntman ? ?
Stuntman Seymour 1992 Codemasters
Styx ? ?
Sub Sunk 1985 Firebird / P. Torrence
Subbattle 1988 ?
Subbuteo 1990 Electronic Zoo / Goliath
Submarine ? ?
Submarine Hunt 1985 C.R. Wijnen
Subterranean Stryker 1986 Amsoft / Insight
Subway Vigilante 1989 Players
Suicida Con Auto 1992 Julio
Suicidal Tendencies 1993 Betkovic
Suicide Squad ? ?
Suite Logique ? ?
Sultan's Maze 1984 Amsoft / Gem Soft
Summer Games 1 1988 Us Gold / Epyx
Summer Games 2 1989 Us Gold / Epyx
Summer Gold 1987 Us Gold
Summer Olympiad 1988 Tynesoft
Summer Specials 1988 Us Gold
Sun Computer Crosswords (The) 1988 News International Plc
Sun Star 1987 Crl
Supastore ? Meri & Lancelot
Super 3D ? ?
Super Ali 1990 Lmc Software
Super All-Stars ? ?
Super Arco 1986 ?
Super Barbarian 1991 Palace Software
Super Bomber Man ? ?
Super Cars 1990 Gremlin Graphics
Super Cars 2 1991 Gremlin Graphics
Super Cauldron / Cauldron 3 1993 Titus
Super Chess 1984 Deep Thought
Super Copter ? ?
Super Cycle 1986 Epyx
Super Falcon ? ?
Super Fighter 1993 Ocean
Super Flippard 1987 Free Game Blot
Super Geodyssee ? Coktel Vision
Super Glazz 1992 Red Dragon
Super Glups 3D 1988 Lmc Software
Super Gran 1985 Tynesoft
Super Hang On 1986 Sega / Electric Dreams
Super Hero 1988 Codemasters
Super Hero 1995 Savage Pumpkin
Super Heroes 1992 Domark
Super League 1989 Players Premier
Super League Manager 1992 Players
Super League V2 1989 Players Premier
Super Lover ? Lmc Software
Super Monaco Gp 1991 Us Gold / Sega
Super Nombre Secret ? ?
Super Pac / Super Pacman 1985 Pjl
Super Pipeline 1985 Amsoft / Taskset
Super Pipeline 2 1985 Amsoft / Taskset
Super Psycho ? ?
Super Puffy 1990 ?
Super Puzzle 1987 Logipresse
Super Sam 1985 Alligata
Super Sapiens 1988 Proein Soft Line
Super Scramble Simulator 1989 Gremlin Graphics
Super Sega 1991 Us Gold
Super Seymour Saves The Planet! 1992 Codemasters
Super Sim Pack 1991 Us Gold
Super Simon ? ?
Super Ski 1988 Microids
Super Ski 2 1992 Microids
Super Ski Challenge ? ?
Super Skweek 1991 Loriciels
Super Sleuth / Grumpy Gumphrey 1986 Gremlin Graphics
Super Snake ? ?
Super Soccer 1987 Imagine
Super Space Invaders 1991 Domark / Taito
Super Sports / Olympic Challenge 1988 Gremlin Graphics
Super Sprint 1987 Electric Dreams / Activision
Super Sprites 1986 Pride Utilities
Super Star Trek 1985 K. Windolf
Super Stock Car 1989 Mastertronic / Syrox
Super Story ? ?
Super Stunt Man 1987 Codemasters
Super Tank Simulator 1989 Codemasters
Super Ted 1990 Alternative Software
Super Test 1985 Jf. Gartman
Super Tetris 1997 Frequency
Super Tripper 1985 Indescomp
Super Trolley 1988 Mastertronic
Super Trux 1988 Elite
Super Wonderboy In Monster Land 1989 Activision / Ocean
Super-Story 1985 A. Zallmann
Superbis 1986 ?
Superbowl 1986 Ocean
Superkid In Space 1990 Atlantis Software
Superman : Man Of Steel 1988 Tynesoft / First Star
Superman : The Game 1985 First Star Software
Supersonic 1985 Logistick
Superstar Seymour 1992 Codemasters
Superstar Soccer 1987 Mindscape
Superstripper ? ?
Supervivor ? ?
Suprax 1987 L. Olkusz
Supreme Challenge ? ?
Surprise Surprise 1986 Central Solutions
Surround ? Sjb & Hcw
Surrounded 1986 K. Parker
Survivor 1987 Topo Soft / Us Gold
Survivor (The) 1984 Anirog Software
Survivors (The) 1988 Atlantis Software
Survivre 1992 Lankhor
Suspect 1984 Infocom / D. Lebling
Suspended 1983 Infocom / M. Berlyn
Swamp Thing ? R. Robinson
Swap 1990 Microids
Swap 1992 Fraggle & Jm
Swaplax ? ?
Swat ? Power House
Sweek End 3D 1989 Lmc Software
Sweevo's World 1986 Ftl / Gargoyle Games
Swetlana ? ?
Switch / Awm 1993 C. Mesplede
Switch Blade 1990 Gremlin Graphics
Switch Blade 1990 Gremlin Graphics
Swiv 1991 The Sales Curve
Swivel ? Rebus Software
Swop 1992 Hiller / Delphin
Sword Of The Samurai 1992 Zeppelin Games
Sword Of Truth (The) 1986 Mordorsoft
Sword Slayer 1988 Players
Swords And Sorcery 1985 Pss
Symbiotic ? ?
Synchronous 1987 Bep / S. Vallois
Synergy : Solar Empire 1990 Players
Syntax 1988 Blue Ribbon
Sypiskope ? ?
System 3 Compilation ? System 3
T-Bird 1989 Mastertronic
T-Rex 1988 ?
T-Wrecks 1988 Beam Software ?
Table Football / Baby Foot 1986 Alligata
Tac Tic ? ?
Tacker ? ?
Tai-Pan 1986 Ocean
Taito Coin-Op Hits 1988 Imagine
Talisman ? S. Langan
Talisman D'Osiris (Le) 1987 Chip
Talisman De La Mort (Le) ? B. Perel
Talisman Of Lost Souls 1991 T. Kingsmill
Talisman Of Power (The) 1991 Wow Software / C. Bury
Tammy Buys ? E. Spicer
Tanium 1988 Players
Tank 1987 Ocean
Tank Attack 1989 Cds Software
Tank Command / Tank Commander 1986 Amsoft / Magic Logic
Tank Invader 1987 Logipresse
Tank Of Tron 2 ? ?
Tankatak 1985 A. Memin
Tapis Vert ? ?
Tapper 1986 Amsoft / Choice
Taquin 1985 ?
Taquin 1985 Mg-Logiciel
Taquin Alphabetique 1987 A. Guilluy
Target Ball ? ?
Target Plus 1988 Dinamic
Target Renegade 1988 Ocean / Imagine
Targhan 1990 Silmarils
Taromancien (Le) 1990 Uranie Software
Tarots ? G&P. Bouveron
Tarzan 1986 Martech
Task Force 1989 Players
Tau Ceti : Special Edition 1986 Crl
Tau Ceti 1 1986 Crl
Taxman Cometh (The) ? S. Clay
Tchernmisland 1987 R & O. Gutierrez
Teacher Trouble ? T. Collins & P. Reynolds
Tealand ? D. Lewis
Team Suzuki 1992 ?
Tearaway 1991 ?
Technician Ted / Chip Factory 1984 Micro User
Techno Cop 1988 Gremlin Graphics
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles 1 1990 Konami / Image Works
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles 2: Coin Up 1991 Konami / Image Works
Teenage Queen 1989 Ere Informatique
Tele Tenis 1985 Amsoft / D. Radisic
Telefomania ? ?
Tempest 1986 Electric Dreams
Temple ? ?
Temple De Quauhili 1986 Loriciels
Temple Dor (Le) ? ?
Temple Du Soleil (Le) 1986 L&S. Kerloch
Temple Maudit / Labyrinthe Maudit 1985 L. Tafna
Temple Of Terror 1986 Us Gold
Templiers D'Orven (Les) 1986 Loriciels
Templos Sagrados (Los) 1988 Dinamic / Aventuras Ad
Temps (Le) 1991 Francois
Ten Pin Challenge 1987 Atlantis Software
Tenebrae 1987 Logistrad ?
Tenebres 1987 Rainbow Productions
Tengen Trilogy ? Tengen
Tennis 3D / Pro Tennis 1986 Loriciels
Tennis 3D / Roland Garros 1985 S. Passeron
Tennis Cup 1989 Loriciels
Tennis Cup 2 1991 Loriciels
Tennis Manager ? Huemmerich
Tensions 1986 Ere Informatique
Tentris 1991 G. Fagg
Terminator 2 1991 Ocean
Terminus 1986 Mastertronic
Terra Cognita 1987 Codemasters
Terra Cresta 1986 Imagine
Terramex 1988 Grandslam / Argus Press
Terrator (Le) 1987 Lmc Software
Terre A La Lune (De La) 1985 Micro Bureautique
Terre Et Conquerants 1989 Ubi Soft
Terreur Sur Le Nid / Bird Mother 1986 Andromeda Software
Terrific Land 1988 ?
Terror En La Facultad 1987 Edisoft
Terror Of Innsmouth ? S. Netherwood
Terror Of The Deep 1987 Mirrorsoft
Terror Pods 1988 Melbourne House / Icon Design
Terrorist Attack ? ?
Terrormolinos 1985 Melbourne House / Jones
Tesoro (El) / Lexa 2 1986 Alea
Tesoro Azteca ? ?
Test (The) 1990 K. Bond
Test Drive ? Accolade
Test Match Cricket 1985 Crl
Testarossa Rally (The) 1989 Ab Software Project
Tetric Von Basis 1991 Lmc Software
Tetris 1987 Mirrorsoft
Tetris 1990 F. Poesy
Tetris 1 1991 A. Hyland
Tetris 2 1991 Abacus / A. Hyland
Tetris 95 1995 Power System
Tetrix 1989 Playfields
Tetron 1989 C.V. Perello
Thai Boxing 1986 Anco Software
Thanatos 1986 Durell
Theatre Europe 1985 Pss / Ere
Their Finest Hours ? Century Com.
Therapy 1986 D. Rich
Thesaurus 1986 Minipuce
Theseus And The Minotaur 1986 T. Collins
They Sold A Million 1986 Hit Squad
They Sold A Million 2 1986 Hit Squad
They Sold A Million 3 1986 Hit Squad
They Stole A Million / Le Casse Du Siecle 1986 Ariolasoft
Thie 1994 Wizcat
Thieves Tale ? S. Avery
Thing (A Week In The Life Of The...) 1988 Players
Thing Bounces Back 1987 Gremlin Graphics
Thing On A Spring 1986 Gremlin Graphics
Thingy And The Doodahs 1987 Firebird
Think ! 1985 Ariolasoft / Tigress
Think ( Demineur ) ? ?
Think Ahaid ? ?
Thomas The Tank Engine 1990 Alternative Software
Thor 1988 Proein Soft Line
Thorn Sea 1987 Fernleaf Education
Thorr ? Burg Ghorrodt ?
Three Bears (The) 1987 School Software
Three Weeks In Paradise 1986 Mikro-Gen
Thrill Time 1990 Elite
Thrill Time Gold 2 ? ?
Throne Of Fire 1987 Ccs / Melbourne House
Through The Trapdoor 1986 Macmillan / Piranha
Thrust 1986 Firebird
Thrust 2 1986 Firebird
Thunder Birds 1988 Grandslam
Thunder Blade 1988 Us Gold / Sega
Thunder Burner 1991 Loriciels
Thunder Cats 1987 Elite
Thunder Fighter 1988 B. Varasse
Thunder Jaws 1991 Domark
Thunder Zone 1987 Firebird
Tiburon ? ?
Tic Tac ? ?
Tic Tac Toe 3D 1986 T. Audin
Ticket Choc 1986 ?
Tiddly Drinks 1986 Gremlin Graphics
Tie Break 1985 Sprites
Tierce ? ?
Tiger Mountain 1986 ?
Tiger Road 1987 Us Gold / Capcom
Tiger-Tiger 1989 Firebird
Tigres Et Chevres / Le Bagh Chal 1985 Free Game Blot
Tiles ! 1990 Dino / Scull Pd
Tim Love's Cricket 1986 Peaksoft
Time 1985 Rainbow Arts
Time ? M. & J. Trewhella
Time And Magik 1988 Level 9 / Mandarin
Time Bomb 1984 Cds Software
Time Fighter 1988 Crl
Time Machine 1990 Vivid Image / Activision
Time Out 1987 Zafiro / New Frontier
Time Scanner 1988 Activision
Time Search ? Level 9 / Old Piano Factory / J. Ryan
Time Spion 2 1986 ?
Time Traveller ? B.M. Eaton
Time-Bomb 1986 Cascade Games
Timelord 1985 Alpha Omega Software
Timeman 2 1984 Amsoft / B.E.S.
Timeman One 1984 Amsoft
Times Of Lore 1988 Microprose / Origin
Timetrax 1986 Mindgames
Tintin On The Moon 1989 Infogrames
Tintin On The Moon 1991 Infogrames
Tiny Skweeks (The) 1991 Loriciels
Tipsi ? ?
Tir A L'Arc ? ?
Tir Na Nog 1986 Gargoyle Games
Tireur ? ?
Titan 1988 Titus
Titanic 1988 Topo Soft
Titanic Blinky 1992 Zeppelin Games
Titus The Fox 1992 Titus
Tizpan Lord Of The Jungle 1990 S. Avery
Tnt 1990 Domark
Tnt 2 1992 Domark
Toad Runner 1986 Ariolasoft
Tobby ? ?
Tobrouk 1942 / Tobruk 1942 1986 Pss / Ere
Toi Acid Game 1990 Iber Soft
Toile D'Araignee 1987 ?
Tokyo Gang 1990 G.Ll. Soft / Mar Entertainments
Tolki ? D. Gaillard
Tolkien Trilogy (The) 1990 Melbourne House
Tom And Jerry 1 1989 Magic Bytes
Tom And Jerry 2 1989 Micropartner
Tomahawk 1986 Digital Integration
Tomb Of Kuslak (The) 1985 Intrigue Software
Tombeau Perdu 1985 Power Soft
Tombstowne 1985 Amsoft Premier
Tomcat 1989 Players
Tommy 1986 F. Pesin
Tony Truand 1986 Loriciels
Toobin' 1989 Tengen / Domark
Top 10 (The) ? ?
Top 17 1990 Ubi Soft
Top By Topo 1988 Topo Soft
Top Cat In Beverly Hills 1990 Hi-Tec Software
Top D'Or: Vol 1 (Les) 1989 Ubi Soft
Top D'Or: Vol 2 (Les) 1989 Ubi Soft
Top Fuel 1990 ?
Top Gun 1986 Ocean
Top Gun Le Retour ? ?
Top Level 1988 Mbc Informatique
Top Of The League 1989 T. Kingsmill / Data Pd
Top Secret 1986 Loriciels
Top Secret 1987 Incentive / I. Ahumada
Top Worm Racer ? ?
Toram 1985 ?
Torann / Mission Blue 5 1985 Loriciels / Novasoft
Tornado Low Level 1985 Vortex
Torreon (El) / Lexa 3 1986 Alea
Tortue ? ?
Total Eclipse 1 1988 Incentive
Total Eclipse 2: Sphinx Jinx 1989 Incentive
Total Reality Delusion ? S. Avery
Total Recall 1991 Ocean
Touch And Go ? ?
Touch Down Usa ? Wrm / Ka. Goodyer
Touch'N'Go 1984 Caxton / Microsoft
Touchdown ! 1992 Strike Force Design
Touchdown / Superbowl 91 1991 D. Evans
Tour 91 1991 Topo Soft
Tour De Force 1988 Gremlin Graphics
Tour Du Monde En 80 Jours 1984 No Man's Land
Tour Fantastique (La) 1985 No Man's Land
Tournament Snooker 1986 Magnificent 7
Tourninet ? ?
Tournoi De Flechettes 1987 F. Romand
Tournoi De Golf ? ?
Tournoi Du Siecle 1985 Power Soft
Tout Lunivers ? ?
Tower Of Brahma 1990 C. Wootton
Tower Of Fear (The) 1985 Alf
Town In Fear And Panic 1985 ?
Toyota Celica Gt Rally 1991 Gremlin Graphics
Trace Race 1984 Cable Software
Tracer 1988 T. Brungs
Track 2 ? ?
Track And Field 1988 Ocean / Konami
Tracker 2 1989 R. Fairhurst / Scull Pd
Tracksuit Manager 1 1990 Hi-Tec Software
Tracksuit Manager 2 1991 Hi-Tec Software
Tracnard ? ?
Trader 2 1989 Cs-Software
Trader Joe / Hello Sailor ? Ozzard
Traeek ? E. Spicer
Trafalgar 1985 L. Piasentin
Trafalgar 1985 R. Fraval
Traffic / Trafic Panique 1985 Amsoft / Andromeda Soft
Tragabolas ? ?
Tragaper ? ?
Trailblazer 1986 Gremlin Graphics
Trailblazer Plus 1986 Gremlin Graphics
Train (The) 1988 Accolade / Electronic Arts
Train Fou (Le) ? ?
Train Jumpin' 1992 B. Fretwell
Traitement Bzzz 1987 Chip
Trakers 1991 Cybervision
Trampoline ? ?
Trance 1989 M. Remon
Trans Muter 1987 Codemasters
Trans-Atlantic Balloon Challenge 1987 Virgin Games
Transat One 1985 No Man's Land
Trantor 1987 Us Gold
Trap 1987 Alligata
Trap 1989 Rakesh Borhara
Trap' Em ? ?
Trapdoor (The) 1986 Macmillan / Piranha
Trapper 1988 J. Fox-Geen
Trappeur ? ?
Trashman 1986 Virgin / New Generation
Travel ? D. Lewis
Traveller (The) ? M. Stanworth
Traxxion 1988 ?
Traz 1989 Mastertronic
Treasure 1986 Fernleaf Education
Treasure Hunt 1988 B. Garrett
Treasure Island ? River Software / J. Lockerby
Treasure Tunnels 1986 Plasma Touch / R. Robinson
Treble Champions 1989 Challenge / E&J
Trembloteur 1988 D. Audiffren
Trempoline 1985 ?
Trench ? S. Billingham
Tresor D'Ali Gator (Le) 1988 Lmc Software
Tresor D'Ali Gator (Le) 1991 Lankhor / Lmc
Tresor De L'Amazone 1985 Power Soft
Tresor Du Comte Dracula ? ?
Tresor Du Louvre ? ?
Trevor Brooking's World Cup Glory 1991 Challenge
Trial Of Arnold Blackwood 1984 Nemesis / C. Harris
Triaxos 1987 Ariolasoft
Triba ? ?
Tribble Trouble 1985 Amsoft / Mr Micro
Trica ? ?
Trigger 1989 Opera Soft
Triktrak ? ?
Trilogie Du Temple D'Asphai (La) 1986 Epyx
Trio 1987 Hit Pak
Trio Loriciels 1990 Loriciels
Triple Comando 1990 Xortrapa Soft / Dro Soft
Triple Decker 1 ? ?
Triple Decker 2 ? ?
Triple Pack ? ?
Tripods (The) 1984 Red Shift
Triton ? ?
Trivia Uk 1985 Anirog Software
Trivial Pursuit Baby Boomer 1988 Domark
Trivial Pursuit Edition Revolution 1989 Domark
Trivial Pursuit Genus 1986 Domark
Trivial Pursuit Genus 2: A New Beginning 1988 Domark
Trivial Pursuit Genus Plus 1988 Domark
Trivial Pursuit Junior 1988 Domark
Troglo 1986 Ace Software
Trois Des 1987 Lmc Software
Trois Oeufs 1987 Lmc Software
Troll 1988 Rainbow Arts / Usgold
Troll ? N. Berthereau
Trollie Wallie 1986 Players
Tron 1988 R. Carlier
Tron 1989 V. Barat
Tron 1990 D. Hall
Tron 1996 N. Campbell
Tron / Motos Lumineuses 1991 Phoenix / S. Guehl
Tron 4 ? Bollaware
Tron 90 1990 D. Liard
Tron Fire 1987 ?
Tron's Laser-Bykes 1985 S. Cloirec
Tronn Cycles 1986 A. Chapman
Tronny 1985 X. Bonnaud
Trons 1989 Bollaware / Silly Soft
Trooper ? ?
Troubadours 1988 Lankhor
Trouble In Space 1988 M. Arens
Trouver L'Animal ? ?
Truck 1988 ?
Trucking / Truckers 1985 Cascade Games
Tt-Racer 1986 Digital Integration
Tuareg 1988 Topo Soft
Tubaruba 1986 Firebird / Asp
Tug Of War ? A. Andrews
Tujad 1986 Ariolasoft
Tulgey Woods / Superstition 1 1989 L. Townsend
Tuma 7 1990 Delta Software
Tunnel Adventure ? ?
Turbo Ball 1996 Bollaware
Turbo Bike ? Alternative Software
Turbo Boat Simulator 1988 Mind's Eye
Turbo Chopper Simulator 1989 Codemasters
Turbo Cup (944) 1988 Loriciels
Turbo Esprit 1986 Durell
Turbo Girl 1988 Dinamic
Turbo Kart Racer 1990 Players / Codemasters
Turbo Out Run 1989 Us Gold / Sega
Turbo The Tortoise 1992 Codemasters / Hi-Tec
Turbo-Pacman ? ?
Turf Form ? ?
Turlogh Le Rodeur 1988 Cobra Soft
Turrican 1 1990 Rainbow Arts
Turrican 2 1991 Rainbow Arts
Turris 1988 J. Koeplinger
Tusker 1989 System 3
Tuss ? Sts Software
Tut's Pyramid 1986 Artic Computing
Tute Game (The) ? Gargandose Soft ?
Twice ? ?
Twice Shy 1986 Mosaic / Ramjam
Twin Turbo V8 1988 Codemasters
Twin World 1990 Ubi Soft / Blue Byte
Twins 1991 Black System
Two Cherry Chaps 1985 S. Zlatinstis
Typhoon 1988 Ocean / Imagine
Tyrann 1985 Norsoft
U-29 Submarine / Mision Imposible 1986 Genesis Soft
U*Berk 1986 L. Halgatte
Uchi-Mata Judo 1987 Martech
Ufo ? Scull Pd
Uk Fishing Contest ? ?
Ulcinor ? ?
Ulises 1989 Opera Soft
Ultima Ratio 1987 Firebird
Ultimate Collection ? ?
Ultimate Fight (The) 1987 Y. Baudoin
Ultimate Golf / Shark Attack 1990 Gremlin Graphics
Ultimate Tetris (The) 1994 Dreadnought
Ultime ? ?
Ultron 1 1987 Chip
Un Squadron 1990 Us Gold / Capcom
Underground Adventure ? P. Gerrard
Underwater Search 1985 P. Witsen
Underwurlde ? Ultimate
Union Jack 1 1986 Core
Unitrax 1987 Domark
Unknown (7 Disc Pack) ? ?
Unknown Planet 1990 Bm Eaton
Unknown Treasure ? D.Gibbon
Unlocked ? ?
Untouchables (The) 1989 Ocean
Up For Grabs 1988 Alternative Software
Up Periscope 1984 Argus Press
Up The Ladder 1990 R. Gilbert
Uranium 1986 ?
Urge 1992 D. Kennedy
Uridium / Uridium + 1987 Hewson
Usagi Yo Jimbo / Samurai Warrior 1988 Firebird
Use It 1985 ?
Use Your Eyes 1986 P. Sorensen
Use Your Loaf ? R. Slater / The Guild
Usine De Ciment De Mario (L') ? ?
V... The Visitors 1986 Ocean
V2 1988 Ubi Soft
Vagan Attack 1985 Atlantis Software
Vainqueurs (Les) 1990 Us Gold
Valentin A La Poursuite Des Coeurs 1988 R. Carlier
Value Pack 1985 Tynesoft
Vampire ? Logi Stef
Vampire / Phantomas 2 1986 Codemasters / Dinamic
Vampire Killer 1984 Scorpio Gamesworld
Vampire's Empire 1988 Magic Bytes
Vampyr 1985 J. Gayrard
Vector Ball 1988 Mastertronic
Vectoria 3D ? ?
Vectron 1986 Firebird
Vegas Poker 1988 Mastertronic
Vendetta 1990 Activision / System 3
Venganza 1986 Juliet Software
Vengeance De Zorglub ? ?
Vengeur 1990 E. Cubizolle
Venom 1988 Mastertronic / C. Wilson
Venusis 1989 Black System
Vermeer 1988 Softysoft ?
Versura ? ?
Very Big Cave Adventure (The) 1986 Crl / St Brides
Viaje Al Centro De La Tierra 1989 Topo Soft
Viaje Alucinante ? ?
Viaje Fin De Curso 1986 Juliet Software
Victory Road 1987 Elite
Video Card Arcade 1988 M. Williams
Video Classics ? ?
Video Poker 1986 F. Serrano
Video Poker 1986 Mastertronic
Video World 1990 Graham Perry
Vie Et Mort Des Dinosaures 1988 Fd / J. Gelin
Vietnam '65 1986 Us Gold
View To A Kill (A) / Dangereusement Votre 1985 Domark
Vigilante 1989 Us Gold
Vikings (The) 1986 Kele Line
Village Of The Lost Souls (The) 1987 Robico Software / G. Mcauley & M. Moore
Ville Infernale (La) 1985 Cobra Soft
Vindicator (The) 1988 Ocean / Imagine
Vindicator War 1 2000 P. Furlong / Zeropolis
Vindicators 1988 Domark
Virgin Atlantic Challenge 1986 Virgin Games
Virtual Worlds 1991 Domark / Incentive
Virus 1991 Lmc Software
Visa Pour Hyde Park 1988 Coktel Vision
Visiteur ? ?
Visiteurs (Les) 1986 A. Le Guirec
Visitor From Space (A) 1984 Sw. Lucas
Vixen 1988 Martech
Viz The Computer Game 1991 Virgin Games
Vocabuscore 1987 ?
Vol De Nuit ? ?
Voleur ? Regis
Volfied 1992 ?
Volley Ball 1987 Chip
Volleyball Simulator (The) 1987 Rainbow Arts / Time Warp
Voodoo Rage 1986 Remote Software / Artic
Vortex Pack 1985 Vortex
Votez Pour Moi 1985 Coktel Vision
Voute Celeste ? ?
Voyage Au Centre De La Terre 1988 Chip
Voyager 3 ? ?
Vs 4 1987 Bep
Vulcan 1987 Ccs
Wabbit On The Wampage 1986 St. Brides
Wacky Orchard 1985 Philsoft
Wacky Races 1992 Hi-Tec Software
Wagglomania ? ?
Waking Steps ? A. Lockhart
Walker ? A. Young
Walkyrie ? ?
Wall ? ?
Wall 2 (The) / Le Mur 2 1987 Scooto / Little Blue Flame
Wall Street 1987 Lmc Software
Wallbuster 1991 S. Mcmanus
Wanderer 3D 1988 Elite
Wapton Village Race ? Dt Software
War 1986 Martech
War Block 2 1985 M. Boisbrun
War Cars Construction Set 1987 Firebird
War Europa (The) ? ?
War Game (The) 1985 Reelax Games
War Hawk 1988 Firebird
War In The Middle Earth 1989 Melbourne House
War Machine 1989 Players
War Of Worms 1985 Mossoft
War Space 1988 Poum
Wargame Construction Set 1988 ?
Wargames 1987 Logistrad
Warlock 1987 The Edge
Warlord 1985 Interceptor Software / David Banner
Warrior 1985 Rainbow Productions ?
Warrior Plus 1986 Rainbow Productions
Warx ? ?
Warzone 1984 Ccs
Water Games ? ?
Water In Glass ? ?
Way Of The Exploding Fist (The) 1985 Melbourne House
Way Of The Exploding Fist Plus / Return Of The Exploding Fist 1986 Melbourne House
Way Of The Success (The) ? ?
Way Of The Tiger (The) 1986 Gremlin Graphics
We Are The Champions ? ?
Wec Le Mans 1988 Imagine / Konami
Weetabix Vs The Titchies 1984 Romik
Weird Dreams 1989 ?
Welcome To Amsoft 1984 Amsoft
Well (The) 1991 E. Spicer
Welladay 1990 S. Avery / Scull Pd
Wells & Fargo 1988 Topo Soft
Welltris 1990 Infogrames
Werewolf Simulator ? C.A. Sharp
Werewolves & Wanderer ? ?
Werewolves Of London 1987 Viz Design / Ariolasoft
Werner 1987 Micropartner / Ariolasoft
West Bank 1986 Dinamic / Gremlin
West Point 3 ? ?
Western Games 1988 Magic Bytes / Micropartner
Westphaser 1989 Loriciels
Wezrner So Isses ? ?
Whack Attack 1990 D. Hall
What Am I? 1989 M. Clarke
Wheel Of Fortune ? N. Campbell
Wheel Spin ? ?
Wheels ? ?
Wheels Of Fire 1990 Domark
Where Evil Dwells ? J. Davidson
Where Time Stoods Still 1988 Ocean
Whirligig 1988 ?
Whirly Bird 1986 Cascade Games
Who Dares Win 1 1985 Alligata
Who Dares Win 2 1986 Alligata
Who Said That ? 1994 Radical Software
Whopper Chase 1987 Topo Soft / Burger King
Wibstars 1987 A'N'F Software
Wierdstone (The) ? P. Ramsey
Wild Bunch (The) 1985 Firebird
Wild Horse 2 ? ?
Wild Streets 1989 Titus
Wild Streets 1990 Titus
Wild West Seymour 1992 Codemasters
Willow Pattern (The) 1985 Firebird / Mr Micro
Willy 1 Et 2 ? ?
Willy Wino's Stag Night 1988 Probe Software
Winchester 1988 Chip
Windsurf Willy 1989 Silmarils
Wings Of Fury 1989 Broderbund
Winners 1990 Us Gold
Winning Team (The) 1991 Domark
Winter Games 1986 Us Gold / Epyx
Winter Olympics 1986 Tynesoft
Winter Sports 1985 Electric Dreams
Winter Wonderland 1987 Incentive / Medallion
Wintersthorpe Park Race ? Mosaic Pub Ltd
Wipeout 1990 Mastertronic / Glenco
Wise And Fool Of Arnold Blackwood 1984 Nemesis / C. Harris
Wishbringer: The Magick Stone Of Dreams 1985 Infocom / B. Moriarty
Witch Hunt 1986 Supersoft / B. Cotton
Witch Hunter ? L. Davis
Witchcraft 1984 Free Game Blot
Witchcraft 1986 S. Vallois
Witness (The) 1983 Infocom / S. Galley
Wiz-Biz 1987 C.A. Sharp
Wizard Warz 1987 Us Gold / Go
Wizard Willy 1989 Codemasters
Wizard's Castle (The) 1980 Jr Power
Wizard's Lair (Ye) 1985 Bubble Bus
Wizards Orb ? Gordon Yaccomine
Wizball 1987 Ocean
Wolfman 1987 Crl / R. Pike
Wombles ? Alternative Software
Wonderboy 1987 Activision
Wooky And Moty 1987 Crl
Word Finder ? J. Birkett
Word Puzzle 1984 D.A.
Word Splash ? ?
Word-Man 1990 C. Wootton
Wordhang 1984 Amsoft / B.E.S.
Words 1988 P. Amstrong
Wordsmith 1991 G. Short
Working Backwards 1986 Design Design
World Champions 1989 Challenge / E&J
World Championship Boxing Manager 1990 Goliath Games / Krisalis
World Championship Soccer 1990 Elite / Sega
World Class Cricket 1992 ?
World Class Leaderboard 1987 Us Gold / Access
World Class Rugby 1991 Audiogenic
World Cup 1985 Artic Computing / Videoplay
World Cup Challenge 1990 Players
World Cup Compilation 1990 Empire
World Cup Manager 1985 Macmillan
World Cup Soccer 90 / Italia' 90 1988 Virgin / Mastertronic
World Games 1989 Epyx / Us Gold
World Of Barbarian (The) 1988 Melbourne House / Psygnosis
World Series Baseball 1985 Imagine
World Soccer 1990 Zeppelin Games
World Soccer League 1990 Challenge
World War 3 1985 Free Game Blot
World Wise Uk 1984 Amsoft / B.E.S.
Worm ? ?
Worm In Paradise (The) 1985 Level 9 / Austin
Worm Slickers ? Face Hugger
Wrath Of Olympus 1986 Alpha Omega Software / Crl / Charles Sharp
Wrath Of The Demon 1991 ?
Wreckless Roger 1986 Blaby Computer Games
Wriggler 1985 Romantic Robot
Wriggler 1986 Blaby Computer Games
Write It Right 1984 S.H. Brown
Wulf Pack 1988 Blue Ribbon
Wwf Wrestlemania 1991 Ocean
Wyzaxx ? Nwc
X-Contra 1994 Face Hugger
X-Men 1985 B. Cocchi
X-Out 1989 Rainbow Arts
X-Rays ? ?
Xalk 1990 Antony
Xanadu 1986 ?
Xanagrams 1984 Amsoft / Dean Software
Xarax ? Firebird
Xarq 1986 Electric Dreams / Activision
Xcel 1987 Mastertronic
Xeno 1986 Bdl / A'N'F
Xenon 1988 Melbourne House / Animagic
Xenon ? Greg & Mika
Xenophobe 1989 Microstyle
Xevax 1993 Wizcat
Xevious 1986 Us Gold / Probe
Xmagiex ? ?
Xmas Ludo 1987 Gremlin Graphics
Xmen ? ?
Xor 1987 Logotron
Xtron ? ?
Xybots 1989 Tengen / Domark
Xyphoes Fantasy 1991 Silmarils
Yahtzee 1989 J. Packham
Yam 5 Colonnes (Jeu De) 1985 J. Vernet
Yams ? Brunelot & Gueniot
Yamsrad 1987 Lmc Software
Yamszee 1986 Cascade Games
Yarkon 2 ? J. Davis
Yarkon Blues 1988 Red Five Software / J. Davis
Yathzee ? ?
Yawn ? A. Scully
Yes Chancellor 1987 Topologicka
Yes Prime Minister 1991 Mastertronic
Yetcha 1990 P. Wilson
Yi-King (Le) 1985 Innelec / No Man's Land
Yie Ar Kung Fu 1 1985 Imagine / Konami
Yie Ar Kung Fu 2 1986 Imagine / Konami
Yogi Bear 1987 Piranha / Macmillan
Yogi Bear And Friends In The Greed Monster 1990 Hi-Tec Software
Yogi's Great Escape 1990 Hi-Tec Software
Young Ones (The) / Tyo 1986 Orpheus
Yrox ? ?
Ysel 1991 J. Girvin
Z-Out 1991 Rainbow Arts
Z... Comme Zark Davor 1986 Cobra Soft / Rino Soft
Zahl ? ?
Zampabolas 1988 System 4 / Bit Amina
Zania 1985 Myrddin Software
Zap' Em 1986 ?
Zap'T'Balls 1992 Elmsoft / Sentinel
Zap'T'Balls: The Advanced Edition 1992 Elmsoft
Zarbi Golf ? ?
Zareba 1987 R.A. Waddilove
Zarkon 1987 Budgie
Zartan ? ?
Zarxas 1987 Chip
Zauber Kugel (Die) / Magic Ball ? Golden Games
Zaxon 1994 Hydris
Zaxon Puzzle / Zaxon For Reine ? L. Vittecoq
Zaxx 1986 Chip
Zaxxon ? Sega
Zaxxon 2 ? ?
Zed 1990 P. Robson
Zeichner (Der) 1991 Bollaware
Zelda 1991 Cyril Le Chat
Zentus ? ?
Ziggurat 1988 Ariolasoft
Ziggy 1986 Rainbow Productions
Zigomar 1988 J.Y. Guiblet
Zipi Y Zape 1989 Dro Soft / Magic Hand
Zodera / Castle Of Death ? M. Schuehlmann
Zodiac 1984 Anirog Software
Zoids 1986 Martech
Zolyx 1987 Firebird
Zombi 1986 Ubi Soft
Zombie 1986 D. Metz / Newsoft
Zona 0 1991 Topo Soft
Zone 1 1989 Black System
Zone 2 1989 Black System
Zone Trooper 1988 Cascade Games
Zoodom ? ?
Zool 1988 Logipresse
Zorakk The Conqueror 1985 Icon Software
Zorglub: Ca Va Peter / Johnny Proot 1 ? ?
Zorgos 1987 Deltacom
Zork 1: The Great Underground Empire 1983 Infocom / M. Blank & D. Lebling
Zork 2: The Wizard Of Frobozz 1983 Infocom / M. Blank & D. Lebling
Zork 3: The Dungeon Master 1983 Infocom / M. Blank & D. Lebling
Zorro 1985 Us Gold
Zox 2099 1987 Loriciels
Zoxan 1988 ?
Zub 1987 Mastertronic
Zupple 1992 Tradinformatique
Zyclons 1992 Wizcat / W. Stengel
Zygy 1985 Kid Kit
Zynaps 1987 Hewson
Alle Amstrad-Schneider CPC Games
Bezeichung • Amstrad CPC464
• Schneider CPC464
Jahr 1984
Prozessor • Zilog Z80
• 4 MHz
Speicher • 64 KiB RAM (~42 KiB frei)
• 32 KiB ROM
Anzeige • Motorola 6845 CRTC - Cathode Ray Tube Controller
• Text-Darstellung
   • 20 Zeichen × 25 Zeilen, 16 Farben darstellbar
   • 40 Zeichen × 25 Zeilen, 4 Farben darstellbar
   • 80 Zeichen × 25 Zeilen, monochrom
• Grafik-Darstellung
   • 160 × 200 Punkte, 16 Farben darstellbar
   • 320 × 200 Punkte, 4 Farben darstellbar
   • 640 × 200 Punkte, monochrom
• 27 Farben
Klang • General Instruments AY-3-8912 PSG - Programmable
   Sound Generator
   • 3 Tonkanäle mit 8 Oktaven
   • 1 Rauschkanal
   • Stereo
Stromversorgung Stromversorgung über Monitor
Betriebssystem • modellspezifische Sonderentwicklung
• CP/M 2.2 im Diskettenbetrieb
Integrierte Programmiersprache Locomotive BASIC 1.0
Anschlüsse /
1x Monitor-Anschluß - herstellerspezifisch
1x Joystick
1x 3,5mm Lautsprecheranschluß - Stereo
1x Seriell
1x Parallel mit 7 Bit
1x Expansions-Schnittstelle - herstellerspezifisch
Besonderheiten • eingebauter Mono-Lautsprecher
eingebautes Kassettenlaufwerk
Anmerkungen Wurde zusammen mit Grün- oder Farbmonitor verkauft
1984 / Amstrad-Schneider CPC464 Homecomputer Museum